Monday 6 October 2014

Pink Tits Day

Here it fucking comes again. All teh wimminz getting in line to bill and coo about doing stuff for them:
Uh...duh...oh you orful men! How dast you not be interested in a woman's tits breast cancer! How dast you not emasculate yourselves wear pink to show solidarity!

Well actually, I am interested and do care, honey. So I've arranged something special, just for you women - it's vital to your breast health so don't pass it up.

Free mammograms are over here.

Take off all your clothing first though - I need to judge if you qualify properly for the mammogram first (fatties, warpigs, feminists, and known crazies need not apply).


  1. I don't really care about if someone wants to research and eliminate a disease, but what irks me about this is that the charities behind the pink ribbon cause take about 90% of the funds for themselves. You are essentially paying them for having a feel good campaign, not to cure the disease. Scientists won't even see that money.

    1. All charities are like this. Which is why I give nothing to charities. "Charity begins at home."

      What really irks me is the blatant hypocrisy: celebrate pink tits day, rally the troops around and attempt to shame the men into line, never mind movember.

      Perhaps we need a "bleeding gash day" for the poor dears as well. I'm sure that the cervical cancer girls would love that.

  2. Hey! There's no tit pics here. Foul!

    1. Careful, you're showing your Eeeeevil Patriarchy!
