Friday 12 February 2016

Screw Your Fucking Opinion

Her: You've got issues.

Newsflash, bitch: everyone in this world has issues.

It's because we're living in hell.

Eventually, in the end, no matter what you do, someone in the world is going to come along and snarkily say to you: "You've got issues." Or something similar.

As if they know in detail what's going on in your heart, life, mind, and soul. The arrogance of people who do that is breathtaking to an extreme.

So I have to ask myself about these types of people with their unasked-for opinions:

* Are they specially trained?
* Have they had the opportunity to quiz me intensely?
* Have they taken the time to tabulate the results?
* Have they cross-referenced and cross-checked for accuracy?
* Have they taken the time to reason through what is indicated?
* Have they asked for corroborative or denying data?

Once they've been trained and have done all that (assuming MY FUCKING PERMISSION to do all of those invasively personal things in the first place). Then they might be capable of making a reasonable inference and stating a case for X situation going on with me.

Generally though, it's just a kneejerk snarky reaction/sound-bite designed to put me into what they feel is my place. Effectively they are verbally pushing me down. Artificially pulling themselves above me.

With the arrogance to think that they have the full, 100%, all the rights in the mother-fucking world, pass to do this. To stomp on someone - anyone. To crush them under their feet. As if they were God. As if everyone else were simple plebian scum. As if their (often female, usually moronic/leftist/SJW) selves are the final arbiter of everyone else's life, regardless of reality.

Screw your fucking opinion.

1 comment:

  1. People resort to ad-hominems when they cannot address the content of what you are saying. Sometimes they know this, sometimes they don't.
