Tuesday 15 September 2015

Intrinsic Worth

It's an interesting situation, the differing intrinsic worth of men and women at different ages in life.

Women. Youth, looks, virginity, charmingly empty-headed and know the world revolves around them. Arrogant, flighty, the most responsible teenager in the house. This drops drastically after their first couple of sexual encounters and a couple years time. Eventually she's just a worn-out hole whith one last squeeze of juice in her. (Cue Terrence Popp: "Gonorrhoea! No.")

Men. Young men are generally stupid, arrogant, think they know everything. About the only thing that they actually have is their posing. Older men are a little wiser, know more about life, have vastly more experience, and have accumulated what I can only describe as dignity. Wealth too, if not stupid enough to let some predatory woman claw everything away from him.

One wastes what they have, on the whole. One adds to what they have, on the whole.

A pity that society is set up to favour the grasshopper over the ant. To the point that a prudent man hides what he is, wary of the predatory grasshopper's lullaby.


  1. OT:
    Why doesn't surprise me that it's a woman that protests these developments? Asking "Cui bono?" (loosely meaning "Who benefits?", usually applied when asking for motives in criminal cases) perfectly predicts the 'direction' of female opinions. It's funny to observe mental contortions necessary for defending their positions. Reminds me of Japanese moral guardians banning hand-drawn underage pornography. Silly both from the rational (two-dimensional fictional images have no rights) and practical standpoint (better to have pedophiles salivating over fictional representations than having them going after real kids). Still, it didn't matter one whit.

    I wonder if this time would be different. (Oppression of counterfeit people must stop! LOL)

    1. "Anything that lowers the price of pussy must be opposed" - a general rule in these matters.

    2. https://dalrock.wordpress.com/2015/09/09/moral-progress/#comment-188592 - mentioned here first.

    3. It also raises the question what is the intrinsic worth of a vagina, if there is at all. :)

    4. I don't think that they would openly admit to the 'neglect rape' angle. Yet.

    5. Neglect-rape is about all many of them are worth.

      Fairly typical "sexbots and creepy men" clickbait article. A "dildos and creepy women" clickbait article I might take a little more seriously.

    6. I, for one, expect an interesting future....


    7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=37&v=hlHrvQ7D5OU - from another 'clickbait article'. Still interesting to see how 'the sausage is made'.

    8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=44&v=HmSYnOvEueo - creepy as hell, LOL

  2. That study out about a woman absorbs and internalizes a man's DNA from every penis and vagina encounter totally floors me. What if the same applies to her giving blow jobs? Essentially that means any man who is with a woman of X number of partners is getting sloppy 1023'rds whether he goes down on her or even kisses her, much less stick his dick in her. If this is true, I can definitely see myself being celibate for the rest of my life. It is information like this that makes me just want to see the world burn.

    1. Yes indeed. A regular infusion from a single partner also supposedly helps keep her hormones on a regular keel - which goes a ways towards explaining the why of how crazy some of the more promiscuous women are.

      As Terrence Popp states in one of his videos (500 Miles of Mr Right?): "Once you've had 31 - what's one more?" By that time she's so screwed - in all meanings - that her value is approaching zero.

    2. I use 'sloppy two digits'. Less exaggerated numbers. I guess only fans of 'gang action' would cross into three digit range for 'N'.

    3. Or part/full time professionals.

    4. Or ONS addicts, for completeness' sake.

  3. I have front seats to watch a lovely young woman meet the first bricks of the Wall. A lovely dew dripping flower in her early twenties. Now in her late twenties an alpha widow with the first haggard looks and the SJW-ing of her personality. It is heartbreaking from the perspective of an older guy (late 50s). I'd love to sit her down and give her the straight story, but I doubt she'd believe me even if I did. In any case, I am not her father, nor any relation.

    1. I have seen it myself. Pointing it out to them only gathered hatred.

      "You're judging me!"



      Like an addictive drug - eg Crystal Meth - they will not drop it. Not until it serves them, and their feminist sisters have taught them that it serves them until late-late-late in life.

      Now I leave them to wither and die, destroyed by their own poison. Because you cannot cure an addict, a disease, where the sufferer doesn't believe that there's a problem.
