I went over to Terrence Popp's YouTube and popped up an appropriate comment (to the video). After a couple days I went back to check any replies.
Hmmm. Top of the list when signed in as BPS...yet not visible at all when not signed in. No likes, dislikes, whatever.
Yep. Softbanned. The very definition.
Your silence is mandatory, unwilling, and enforced.
Those who do not exhibit the signs of perfect groupthink will be made invisible to all others. Even other misanthropes, misfits, and deplorables like themselves. After all, we must protect those
Reality be damned. Wrap them all in cotton wool, so that they will only think/feel/act in ways that we determine to be predictable and useful.
By the time the misery has finally sunk its teeth into them, we will have extracted every last drop of utility from them. Even the juice is now gone. They can go into the dumpster with the rest of the deplorable waste. Because we already got our pound of flesh, down to the last drops of blood possible.
That is why I believe that this blog will eventually disappear. Not overtly. They'll probably leave it in an empty echo-chamber, with no links from nor visibility to the rest of the net.
It's just the insane rantings of another deplorable lunatic. Best to hide them from the rest. We don't want to cause them pain by letting them view such disturbing things.
Let's just obscurify it. Drop it a touch, reduce it's ranking a hair...a hair more...a hair more still...okay, now we can throw it into the list of "never show this shit"...
...job done. On to the next one. There's this other fucking lunatic over here...the list of crazy off-script bastards never ends...
So, still, keep a copy of what you want to keep. Off-line. Preferably in some non-volatile storage. Hard copy, if you must. After all: lots of copies keep stuff safe.
You never know when things might become more zealous. The feminasties and leftidroids and assorted SJW/PC Police keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing. It would only take a few manufactured incidents, then suddenly "let's make things self-policing" becomes the mindset. At which point, a certain number of complaints about this person and his things will vaporize.
Because when you think about it, our modern computerized world has one massive disadvantage that the ancients never had. It's real easy to erase something permanently.
When it's chiseled in stone, it's pretty-much forever. Wish that I could laser-etch it into fused quartz in my basement, however that's a bit beyond the readily-available technology at the moment. I'm stuck with spinning rust and electron-charges in SSD's. So damn ephemeral.
This bleak look at reality brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.