The whole world seems to be going backwards, in the sense of breeding and genetics.
I have thought for a while that feminism was almost deliberately-aimed at destroying civilisation. Telling women that they don't need a man, that they deserve an education, that they are capable of having a career just like a man, that they can have a life that is fabulous and far better than any man can provide. Female Esau's, selling their birthright.
A perfect recipe for having no children at all, or defective children later in life.
So our better women go down the tubes reproductively, wasting their prime child-bearing years chasing ultimately-futile dreams. Leaving the impulsive garbage types to pump out five different children to five different men, while the putative mother has a fine time with sex, drugs and alcohol. The drugs and alcohol can have their effects on the children, shitty home lives with a mother in constant turmoil, worthless men for father-figures, perhaps even being born with STDs from the get-go.
On the dime of me and the stupid bright girls who don't want bright bastards like myself. At least, not until their ovaries are shrivelled up and they're reproductive toast at the age of 35.
Much too late chicky-babe.
Looking at the credentialism gone wild, where the universities push their agenda, brainwash the graduates into getting huge debts for fluff degrees. Women encouraged to find themselves rather than doing what they should be doing: birthing and bringing up the next generation of children.
No next generation of children, your civilisation goes down the hole, outbred by impulsive idiots who couldn't keep things going even if they wanted to. They'd much rather suck off the teat of the productive: useless people tend to be lazy bastards.
Socialism in a nutshell, then they wonder why the productive people look at the shitty deal and laugh and walk away.
Never mind. Stupidity (doesn't) breed it's own rewards.