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Friday, 16 December 2016

Social Disintegration: Deluded Male Validation

Well, fuck. This is about us men, our brainwashing, our recognizing our brainwashing, our trying to break free of our brainwashing -

- real painful and good shit like that.

I will start by putting this squarely at the feet of mommy dearest.

It especially affects those of us (myself included) who were bought up solely by mommy dearest, at least for a very large part of our formative years.

A little background: mommy dearest married a career criminal. Very good choice of marriage material that one - talk about stupidity uber allez. It is documented that said daddy the career criminal went into jail for various reasons, for a long time, so mommy dearest eventually got a divorce - sensibly.

In this she was a step above the modern brave, battling single mommy out there. She did have adequate reason (brought on by her own fuckin' stupidity, therefore lame). She did get her shit together (eventually, which isn't fucking saying much).

In the process of bringing up the young cobbers (me and my bro) one of the things that she taught us was that our worth was absolutely tied to female validation. Any female validation. It didn't matter the female involved, her worth, circumstances, or whatever. Could be a deformed retard, doesn't matter.

Think about this. Look around you. I'm pretty damn sure that you will see this dynamic in many, many men. It's the source of Golden Vagina Syndrome in women. Put that pussy on a "can do no wrong" pedestal. Yes, the sun shines outta that slot-C. Slap a big ole diamond ring on that ho. You know you wanna.

I'm honest enough to say that I can see it in myself. Even now, it sometimes rears its ugly head and slaps me around. Which makes me wanna choke myself whenever I do or think something based upon this kind of stupid shit.

Fuckin' hard to break.

See, there are no filters on that conditioning. They're unconditional. No filters that state: "What is the worth of this woman? Is she even worth enough for her validation, her opinion, to mean more than a fistful of shit?"

Let's be honest: most of the women out that that are available (and that the PUAs chase, especially in bars and the like) are utter shit.

Skanks. Ho's. Sluts. Flashy-looking trash.

Often mouthy and denigrating, too.

Yet, we crave women's attention and validation so much - we have been brainwashed, conditioned, to desire it above all else - that we will even take it from a stripper/whore spinning around on a fuckin' pole in front of us. Wishing that it was our fuckin' pole she was spinning on.

A piece of meat skank ho slut who probably sucks cock for $$$ in the back-room. Nice-looking face. Nice-looking slim body. We crave its validation. Crave it so fuckin' badly - that it can reject us and we are crushed inside.

Really fuckin' sad when you think about it.

This is the power that the pussy has over us.

Every time we right-swipe some ho on tinder, every time we talk with a slut on plenty of fatties, every time we dance like a fuckin' monkey for some bitchy cunts' entertainment.

We have been seriously fucked in the head all our lives, to get into such a stinking bad mental state of craving female validation. So long as it looks good, it could be rotten with every disease on the planet, we could even know that it's rotten with these diseases plus a few man-made ones - and we'd still crave validation from it.

One frown, one harsh word, and we're crushed. Scarred. Unworthy of existence.

Could be a goddamn rocket scientist, put a spacecraft on an asteroid, and when the harpy-brigade goes for the throat because of your hawai'ian shirt - the ultimate in irrelevance to the achievements that we've managed - we cave in and cry and abjectly apologize.

Like wet tissue-paper.

Put the bullshit-filters in place. "What is the worth of this woman?" In many cases, the worth boils down to: overly tattooed skank ho that's taken so many drugs and drunk so much alcohol and sucked so much dick that it's gotten the thousand-cock stare before age twenty. Plus she's lost half her teeth, probably because she mouthed off to the wrong man.

Our irrational brainwashing has no bounds, and can be bloody hard to wipe away.

God damn you, mommy dearest.

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