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Thursday, 22 December 2016

Dying or Growing

What many people still do not realize is what the entire BS about the Brexit and American Election is actually about.

Now, us out here in the desert of the real world know it in our guts. Even though we can't articulate it that well, we know. It was a choice between growing or dying.

Originally I was thinking it was a choice between stasis and growth. Something about that seemed wrong, though. A little bit off. After all:

* the telecom bust

* the dot-com bust

* the (massive) property (and banking) bust

These three things by themselves wiped out a good chunk of an entire generation's savings in the past 20 years. With those savings went a good chunk of that generation's hopes and dreams.

That situation wasn't even remotely stasis - it's things getting flushed down the crapper. Getting measurably worse.

So Hillary promises no changes "business as usual", while Trump promises changes. Hillary promises to continue the destruction that's happening, Trump promises to start things growing again.

No real surprises why Trump won. Despite the overwhelming BS from the media, despite the delusional conviction of the Leftists that everyone who disagrees with them is insane and A Bad Person™, the average person could see the writing on the wall.

This simply proves that Leftists are insane or mentally defective. To the point where they probably should be locked away for the good of society, like any other sick and deluded psychopath.

See, sensible people are all about reality. Try something, if it doesn't work, try to figure out why and/or don't do that any more. (Like jamming your fingers into a power-socket or leaning on a red-hot stovetop. Sensible people learn, generally quickly.)

Leftists are incapable of seeing reality - they can only see the warped and twisted map in their head. This makes them incapable of learning. When they try something and it doesn't work, they just do it again. Over and over and over. Doubling down on their delusions every time.

Pure definition of insanity right there, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

It's no wonder that they have the urge to wrap the world (and themselves) in cotton wool. It's a defense mechanism. That way they can continue to delude themselves that Rotheringham never happened, Cologne never happened, the gang-raping of a young boy in Norway never happened, the rape of a young girl in Idaho never happened, and pizzagate never happened...

I throw in pizzagate just to add another search-result to the pile out there. I don't seriously imagine that we'll ever learn the truth of all that. Far more likely that a few people will quietly disappear or the like. I do think that there's some serious shit going on with it, though.

Just like the whole Obama's birth-certificate fiasco. The issue isn't anything to do with if Obama was born in the USA or not - the issue is really why did those fuckers in Washington feel the need to lie about it?

Also, what else are they fucking lying about?

Because that bullshit - an officially-released document that is revealed to be a forgery, no less - completely, finally, and totally undermines all credibility of the American Government. When it comes to anything and everything, they will lie and cover it up. They cannot be trusted in any way.

Swallow that bitter black pill down, America. Keep a very close eye on Trump and co. I think that we will find out within 3-6 months what the next 4 or 8 years of Trump's term(s) will be like. Also, the remainder of our lives - and those of any children, grandchildren, et al that you may have.

Will America continue to die? Or will it start growing again? Will the West be dying or growing once more? Ditto for society? Will we be able to stand once more and stride confidently into the future? Or do we hunker down and passively resist an overwhelming tyranny?

Stasis as a civilization, as a society, is impossible. You can't balance on the edge of a fucking razor-blade, you will go one way or the other. Despite the mental delusions of Leftists and Feminazis, what is currently happening cannot stay as-is: it must change, for the better or worse.

No matter how much teh wimminz scream and howl and bitch about it, if it should go against their delusional desires - it will be done.


  1. "What else are they fucking lying about?"

    See this website:

  2. Eduardo the Magnificent23 December 2016 at 15:37

    There's actually two questions. The first you got right: growth or death. The second, assuming you chose growth, is growth toward what end? Growing for the sake of growing is likewise a disaster. Exhibit A: cancer. Exhibit B: corporate America and their fanatical focus on This Quarter's Profits (TM). America finally realized globalism wasn't something they could grow toward. MAGA is.

    1. You are correct: growth towards a goal worth having. Thanks for that.
