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Friday, 30 December 2016

Darwin Award to California for Encouraging Child Prostitution

Time to rip the leftists and wimminz a new one. Sadly, they will not cry at this - instead they will simply cover their ears and chant "lalalala I can't hear you lalalala" at the top of their lungs. This is because they are utterly incapable of learning anything - due to their brains being a safe missing the key and welded up that has been set into a 100x100x100 meter block of concrete dropped into the remotest part of the Challenger Deep...
So on the Washington Examiner, I see that the state of California Californication has supposedly legalized child prostitution.

Wait, whut?

I read further into California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution, and realize that the bloody title is (surprise!) shit-awful clickbait material. Reading a bit more:
Beginning on Jan 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right.
Hmm. Sounds like fuckin' horseshit to me. Dig a bit further - it turns out that the end result might have similar effects to having made some things legal. In that, the police will no longer be able to arrest (or prosecute) the underage for selling their bodies:
SB1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.
Wait, whut? Fuck, there's an echo here...

So time to go check out Snopes commentary on Child Prostitution Legalized In California:
The Democratic governor announced he signed SB1322 to ban police from charging people under the age of 18 with prostitution. 
This does not, however, mean that child prostitution is legal. It is still illegal for Californians to hire prostitutes (child or otherwise), and sex traffickers will still face consequences if they are caught prostituting children. The new law means that children involved in sex trafficking and prostitution will be treated as victims instead of criminals.
Ah. A very fine line. And that actually means?

Going back to the first link:
Pimping and pandering will still be against the law whether it involves running adult women or young girls. But legalizing child prostitution will only incentivize the increased exploitation of underage girls. Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can't interfere with minors engaging in prostitution - which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.
A few notes:

1/ Note that only women and girls are mentioned, not young boys. Expected bias from a mainstream news source. They seem to think that nobody is going to be interested in sodomizing young boys - or perhaps boys getting fucked up the ass is of no concern whatsoever. /sarcasm

2/ It's not legalizing child prostitution in any form. It simply stops the police from easily getting them off the streets.

3/ Since the police can no longer get them off the streets quickly - then what? Straight back into it once the car is out of sight? "Hey mister, I'm eleven years old - want to fuck me?"

As the article states straight-up: "Minors involved in prostitution are clearly victims, and allowing our law enforcement officers to pick these minors up and get them away from their pimps and into custody is a dramatically better solution than making it legal for them to sell themselves for sex." Barring the bullshit about making it legal - the general idea for this situation seems sound, get them the hell out of the area/game asap.

No longer possible, the police just can't stop (or protect) them any more. Shades of the Rotheringham sex ring, only now it can be semi-open - not quietly ignored or swept under the carpet.

So, some simple-yet-complex questions:

a) If a pedophile gets picked up for paying an underage prostitute, can he plead guilty to paying for sex rather than having sex with a minor?

b) What about prior acts? Can they be re-pleaded as per the above, so long as the pedophile paid for it? (As being different from abduction/kidnapping/rape/whatever.)

c) What about pizzagate, with the above things in mind?

I'm rather stunned by the level of idiocy displayed by the morons who signed this into law (back in September). There's a reason that I'm going: "Wait, whut?"

'Cause while it is still not legal to pay for prostitutes of any age or sex - it looks like in the state of California it will be a helluva lot easier to find those underage prostitutes. Sure, you can probably get them off the streets, though it likely means that Social Workers Wankers rather than the police will have to become involved to do it.

Which makes me wonder at the real reasons behind this abomination of law. Every damn pedo in America looking at California and going "hmmmm" with anticipation. The Social Workers having even better job prospects, and (possibly) more powers handed to them. Perhaps even an increase in the number of police to deal specifically with the unintended fallout from this law.

Leftists and wimminz. I'd almost laugh, if it wasn't so fuckin' frightening. The feelz and intentions are more important than thinking things through thoroughly and looking at the worst of what might happen - never mind adjusting to what actually happens in reality.

For this, I have to hand it to California for the stupidity-uber-allez Darwin Award: likely turning your own leftist/SJW promised land into a smoking hellhole of sexual perversion. Way to go ya morons.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Dying or Growing

What many people still do not realize is what the entire BS about the Brexit and American Election is actually about.

Now, us out here in the desert of the real world know it in our guts. Even though we can't articulate it that well, we know. It was a choice between growing or dying.

Originally I was thinking it was a choice between stasis and growth. Something about that seemed wrong, though. A little bit off. After all:

* the telecom bust

* the dot-com bust

* the (massive) property (and banking) bust

These three things by themselves wiped out a good chunk of an entire generation's savings in the past 20 years. With those savings went a good chunk of that generation's hopes and dreams.

That situation wasn't even remotely stasis - it's things getting flushed down the crapper. Getting measurably worse.

So Hillary promises no changes "business as usual", while Trump promises changes. Hillary promises to continue the destruction that's happening, Trump promises to start things growing again.

No real surprises why Trump won. Despite the overwhelming BS from the media, despite the delusional conviction of the Leftists that everyone who disagrees with them is insane and A Bad Person™, the average person could see the writing on the wall.

This simply proves that Leftists are insane or mentally defective. To the point where they probably should be locked away for the good of society, like any other sick and deluded psychopath.

See, sensible people are all about reality. Try something, if it doesn't work, try to figure out why and/or don't do that any more. (Like jamming your fingers into a power-socket or leaning on a red-hot stovetop. Sensible people learn, generally quickly.)

Leftists are incapable of seeing reality - they can only see the warped and twisted map in their head. This makes them incapable of learning. When they try something and it doesn't work, they just do it again. Over and over and over. Doubling down on their delusions every time.

Pure definition of insanity right there, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

It's no wonder that they have the urge to wrap the world (and themselves) in cotton wool. It's a defense mechanism. That way they can continue to delude themselves that Rotheringham never happened, Cologne never happened, the gang-raping of a young boy in Norway never happened, the rape of a young girl in Idaho never happened, and pizzagate never happened...

I throw in pizzagate just to add another search-result to the pile out there. I don't seriously imagine that we'll ever learn the truth of all that. Far more likely that a few people will quietly disappear or the like. I do think that there's some serious shit going on with it, though.

Just like the whole Obama's birth-certificate fiasco. The issue isn't anything to do with if Obama was born in the USA or not - the issue is really why did those fuckers in Washington feel the need to lie about it?

Also, what else are they fucking lying about?

Because that bullshit - an officially-released document that is revealed to be a forgery, no less - completely, finally, and totally undermines all credibility of the American Government. When it comes to anything and everything, they will lie and cover it up. They cannot be trusted in any way.

Swallow that bitter black pill down, America. Keep a very close eye on Trump and co. I think that we will find out within 3-6 months what the next 4 or 8 years of Trump's term(s) will be like. Also, the remainder of our lives - and those of any children, grandchildren, et al that you may have.

Will America continue to die? Or will it start growing again? Will the West be dying or growing once more? Ditto for society? Will we be able to stand once more and stride confidently into the future? Or do we hunker down and passively resist an overwhelming tyranny?

Stasis as a civilization, as a society, is impossible. You can't balance on the edge of a fucking razor-blade, you will go one way or the other. Despite the mental delusions of Leftists and Feminazis, what is currently happening cannot stay as-is: it must change, for the better or worse.

No matter how much teh wimminz scream and howl and bitch about it, if it should go against their delusional desires - it will be done.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Social Disintegration: Deluded Male Validation

Well, fuck. This is about us men, our brainwashing, our recognizing our brainwashing, our trying to break free of our brainwashing -

- real painful and good shit like that.

I will start by putting this squarely at the feet of mommy dearest.

It especially affects those of us (myself included) who were bought up solely by mommy dearest, at least for a very large part of our formative years.

A little background: mommy dearest married a career criminal. Very good choice of marriage material that one - talk about stupidity uber allez. It is documented that said daddy the career criminal went into jail for various reasons, for a long time, so mommy dearest eventually got a divorce - sensibly.

In this she was a step above the modern brave, battling single mommy out there. She did have adequate reason (brought on by her own fuckin' stupidity, therefore lame). She did get her shit together (eventually, which isn't fucking saying much).

In the process of bringing up the young cobbers (me and my bro) one of the things that she taught us was that our worth was absolutely tied to female validation. Any female validation. It didn't matter the female involved, her worth, circumstances, or whatever. Could be a deformed retard, doesn't matter.

Think about this. Look around you. I'm pretty damn sure that you will see this dynamic in many, many men. It's the source of Golden Vagina Syndrome in women. Put that pussy on a "can do no wrong" pedestal. Yes, the sun shines outta that slot-C. Slap a big ole diamond ring on that ho. You know you wanna.

I'm honest enough to say that I can see it in myself. Even now, it sometimes rears its ugly head and slaps me around. Which makes me wanna choke myself whenever I do or think something based upon this kind of stupid shit.

Fuckin' hard to break.

See, there are no filters on that conditioning. They're unconditional. No filters that state: "What is the worth of this woman? Is she even worth enough for her validation, her opinion, to mean more than a fistful of shit?"

Let's be honest: most of the women out that that are available (and that the PUAs chase, especially in bars and the like) are utter shit.

Skanks. Ho's. Sluts. Flashy-looking trash.

Often mouthy and denigrating, too.

Yet, we crave women's attention and validation so much - we have been brainwashed, conditioned, to desire it above all else - that we will even take it from a stripper/whore spinning around on a fuckin' pole in front of us. Wishing that it was our fuckin' pole she was spinning on.

A piece of meat skank ho slut who probably sucks cock for $$$ in the back-room. Nice-looking face. Nice-looking slim body. We crave its validation. Crave it so fuckin' badly - that it can reject us and we are crushed inside.

Really fuckin' sad when you think about it.

This is the power that the pussy has over us.

Every time we right-swipe some ho on tinder, every time we talk with a slut on plenty of fatties, every time we dance like a fuckin' monkey for some bitchy cunts' entertainment.

We have been seriously fucked in the head all our lives, to get into such a stinking bad mental state of craving female validation. So long as it looks good, it could be rotten with every disease on the planet, we could even know that it's rotten with these diseases plus a few man-made ones - and we'd still crave validation from it.

One frown, one harsh word, and we're crushed. Scarred. Unworthy of existence.

Could be a goddamn rocket scientist, put a spacecraft on an asteroid, and when the harpy-brigade goes for the throat because of your hawai'ian shirt - the ultimate in irrelevance to the achievements that we've managed - we cave in and cry and abjectly apologize.

Like wet tissue-paper.

Put the bullshit-filters in place. "What is the worth of this woman?" In many cases, the worth boils down to: overly tattooed skank ho that's taken so many drugs and drunk so much alcohol and sucked so much dick that it's gotten the thousand-cock stare before age twenty. Plus she's lost half her teeth, probably because she mouthed off to the wrong man.

Our irrational brainwashing has no bounds, and can be bloody hard to wipe away.

God damn you, mommy dearest.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Not Hard To Understand

Over on /r/MGTOW is a fairly simple post about YAWALTsome girls never growing up, and avoiding temptation. One of the comments there, by good_man_gone, includes a gem:
Women are among the simplest creatures on planet earth yet society makes them out as "hard to understand".
This has sparked similar gems in the comments:
Women do not want to be known as "easy to understand" because that means they'd be a commodity, average, common, uninteresting. Each one thinks their Uggs and pumpkin spice lattes and Coach bags are distinct and unusual and valuable. They all say "I'm not like other women".
Which they are. Very, very easy to understand. Very, very much a commodity. Very, very average. Very, very common. Very, very uninteresting.

Ask yourself honestly: if you couldn't stick your dick in them, would you listen to their inane bullshit for one millisecond?
They aren't hard to understand. Rather, the truth is hard or impossible for most to accept.
The truth is hard to get past all the brainwashing that you've been subjected to. Every. Single. Moment. Of. Your. Life.
In fact, they are incredibly simple once you understand the primary contradiction of women: They simultaneously want to display independence and receive protection/security/free stuff. That's it.
Correct, though I think that's only the bare minimum way of wording it. It doesn't go far enough.

What men want is meaningless. It's all about her.

She wants it ALL. She wants it NOW. She wants it YESTERDAY. She wants fucking more TOMORROW. And the demands will all be changed then, SO FUCKING STAY AWAKE.

Note that there is nothing in there about her working for or earning it. She just wants it to be given to her. On a plate. Preferably silver. With a gold cover. Studded with rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. Wrapped in a tacky bow. ('Cause she has no taste what-so-ever.)

In other words: She wants to be a parasite. A leech or tick, growing fat on her host. (As Terrence Popp states: she wants to be a lazy bitch and will pull the pin on the fat-grenade.)

I forget which classical writer said something along the lines of "understanding women is bad morals". I have to disagree.

Understanding women brings clarity and eventual peace to your life.

The pain and difficulty that we men go through is the process of breaking through the lies and throwing off the shackles.