Important Pages
Friday, 18 November 2022
Some Things Are Bullshit
Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Fuck You're Cold
"But why? Would it really hurt to show some of your self?"
"You know, if you were more open, you might find a really great girl."
Like you?
So you're not really interested. You just want gossip and shit from someone reputed to be a cold-ass stone.
Let's see. Tats. Snot ring. Overweight. Lookin' fuckin' raddled too - too much booze, and probably a heavy smoker. Waaay too much makeup, which even my blind-ass eyes can see. You're ten years younger'n me too. Shit, I look better'n you do, even though the damn Covid fucked my gym over and closed it down.
"Why won't you talk about yourself?"
You ain't got anythin' I want, hoe. I'm'a go play a computer game, or watch the Alien movies, they're more interesting than your skank ass.
"Hey! Where're you going?!"
Make sure it's worth it, brothers - before you even think about bothering to open up anything to a camel that wants to get its head in the tent.
Remember: Women want fried ice.
And mansplaining is abusive.
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Never Fuck With Family
Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Leftism, Pissing It Away
The joys of leftist politics. I forget which comedian once said, something roughly on the lines of:
"Leftists. They will fix it all, if they have to spend all of your money to do it!"
So Das Guberment, lead by Das Fraulein Horseteeth, have in their infinite wizdumb decided that the poor people of NZ are in need of a "cost of living payment" aka vote-bribe to help them cope with the sudden rise in cost of food and stuff. To the tune of $350 total, split up over 3 months.
In other words: A whopping $116 a month for 3 months.
To get this, you need to be earning under $70k a year. Which shows just how fucking worthless the NZ peso is becoming, even inside New Shitland itself.
How many people qualify? About 2 million.
When you do the sums:
$350 * 2,000,000 = $700,000,000
Or getting up there towards a billion NZ peso's.
Now, if these fuckwits had spent that on something worthwhile - like decent roads in various places *coughcough* - I would consider it as 'okay, that works and is worthwhile'. (Hah, like the Labour Fuckwits are gonna do anything other than slurp from the trough.)
This is just pissing it away in an attempt to buy votes.
In my estimation: About the only possible slight, miniscule, hint of a hope that NZ has - is if Das Labour Gubermint gets their ass booted out and Das National Gubermint gets in and tries to fix things.
Assuming that it's not all too late already.
Also assuming that Das National Gubermint is any better than Das Labour Guberment. I more-than-sometimes wonder.
At the very least I'm expecting things to go shit-storm-south down here, socially. Only the very rich are gonna get any sort of protection from the police (which is something that Big Country has noted recently on his blog).
Hunker down and buckle in tight. It's getting really, really rough out there.
Thursday, 21 July 2022
You Will Move On
No, this is not a "BPS is moving on from the Manosphere" post.
It's an observation of over the last 4 years or so, plus spending a month or so reviewing the past 12-odd years of my life. Also a few observations from my formative years and all.
Surprisingly, it's also an observation about growth. I'm not sure if Captain Capitalism has put it into his Curse of the High IQ book - I will reread and see. It's easy to do when it's winter here in NZ, after 6pm everything is dark and the fire or heat pump is going.
(Yes, cold. Yes, wet. Thank you Tongan eruption. Weeks on end of rain. Good that I have both a fire and a heatpump, because I'll run out of seasoned wood soon. I need to stock up, double the amount that I had and let it season for a couple of years. Maybe I should triple the size of the firewood shed and triple the amount on hand, to be absolutely certain.)
At any rate, two observations. During your life:
1/ You will grow.
2/ Others will sit in one place.
This is not a condemnation of their choice - MGTOW, that's the path they've chosen. Go for it.
From the perspective of the Man who is growing, you will move on.
As you grow, you will move on to other and (in your personal opinion, per your personal path) more rewarding things in life.
Others will stay in their place.
They might be upset at you moving on. They might not care. From your perspective, it is not relevant.
You have moved on.
In the end you are only a tiny little ripple in the river of humanity. Your moving on will not make any big changes to others. They are where they are, they are doing what they are doing, because that is the path they've chosen.
You have moved on.
Over my life, I have moved on from many things:
* My home town.
* My friends.
* My new town.
* My new friends.
* My new-new town.
* My new-new friends.
* Several communities (some in the real world, some in the internet - 5 in the past 12 years, 3-4 that I can remember in the years prior to that).
Some things you will stay in distant contact with. Family members. I have several extended whanau who are still where they are. I have moved on - though I stay in contact with them. I'm basically forced to, even though we have nothing much in common. They are still in their place.
I do stay in contact with at least one person from one of the prior communities. He's a good bloke, much nicer than I am. We still have a TGIF on Fridays - at least, when we're not working from home or in Covid lockdown. There will be a few people like that. That's good.
Growth demands moving on. Otherwise you become stuck, to sit in one place all your life.
Having moved on from a community about a month ago, I've been reflecting back on things. Moving on seems (for myself) to be a part of growth.
Growing my life (in this case: income) by a substantial amount in the past year, it has been evident to me that it was time to move on. That community was taking a lot of my personal energy and time. Personal energy and time that would be better put somewhere else, for my personal benefit.
I've been asking myself questions: Should I seek another community to become a part of?
Answer: Why bother?
I will grow and move on from it in a few years.
Especially the communities which are rife with nasty people. They're like lice or maggots, they appear everywhere. Remember: You don't have time for that crap. Places, echo-chambers of toxic crap will drag you down and hold you back.
The only thing that you have time for is your personal path. Period. Remember: You Are MGTOW. You are following your path.
Some people are good to stay in contact with. The rest of them in said community though, sad sacks of shit who are in one place. No time for their constant femicunt-inspired drama and horseshit.
In the end, like many things in life, it was time to make the decision. I chose to pull the trigger...
...and Elvis (hah so conceited on my part) has left the building. Silently. No drama. Like a ghost that was never there.
After a month - not even a ripple to remember me by. Good. They are not relevant to me. I am not relevant to them. They will continue, the community and its members going on as always, in their path as mine diverges away.
I have moved on. As will you.
Friday, 8 April 2022
Hate Speech - Coming To A New Zealand Near You
This is old news - a year ago Adern and co of Das Guberment started making burbling sounds about introducing Hate Speech laws.
Hah. We know where that goes. For current background of NZ laws:
Is there freedom of speech in New Zealand?
In particular, freedom of expression is preserved in section 14 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (BORA) which states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the right to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form".
Which by flat-out definition means that those pricks in Google who decided that this channel was hate speech and thus devoiced it, and me, broke New Zealand laws. Of course, good luck - those leftist opinion-shapers are above the law, as well as being outside of NZ jurisdiction anyways.
Remember the Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the fucking rules.
Then very conveniently, the Delta - and Omicron - variations of Covid broke out here and all of that 'question' and 'debate' suddenly was swept under the carpet. Like many other "inconvenient truths" do, when a convenient excuse appears.
I can currently say "so and so's particular family of fucktards - who happen to be Maori - are known by the local police as being responsible for 90% of local breaking-and-entering crime, including doing such things on my property". The local police are helpless to do anything about it, beyond giving them "a visit and a good talking to". Which of course said family of fucktards just look all serious when the police show up, and laugh their asses off afterwards and continue on their merry robbing way. Getting them on camera means zip, zilch, nada, nothing.
Because it's "politically incorrect" to and "doesn't follow Das Guberment's approved narrative" to "discriminate" against said family. They're Maori! The fact that they're known criminal scumbags is conveniently swept under the table.
Remember. There's The Law. And there's the law of the jungle.
So it's quite easy to casually pile up some rotten timbers which just so happen to have rusty nails pointing accidentally upwards, right behind the fence. And some leftover wire as well to make things a bit harder for anyone who gets stuck in that mess.
"They came over the fence? What the fuck? I wasn't expecting that. See, that area behind the fence is a bit of a junk-heap Officer. Always has been, is why I threw that rotting junk there after tearing down the old fence and building that new fence. I wasn't expecting some idiot to climb the thing and go face-first into all that busted-up stuff and discarded wire."
Yeah, fucking right.
These pricks won't protect you? You have to accidental-like protect yourself. And your family. And your stuff. Even though your taxes are a bribe to keep these scum from getting really desperate, they still go their merry little way and GTFO you law-abiding citizens.
On a lighter note, last night's fire was very nice. The first one of Autumn here - I can feel the bite in the air. Given a certain volcanic bang over Tonga ways, I'm not surprised at that bite.
So the Northern Hemisphere won't be feeling the results of all the Sulphur Dioxide that came from that - most of it stays in the Southern Hemisphere (and the Tropics). That's the way these things go, Northern and Southern parts of the globe essentially have an insulating barrier between them. A good thing that it was underwater too.
Even so, a lot of that shit went into the atmosphere. The scientists reckon between 53-58 teragrams.
Being a nasty, suspicious, paranoid bastard - I ask why the scientists used the word "teragrams". Because it has the word "grams" in it, and therefore doesn't seem that big after all?
To translate:
* 1 teragram = 1 billion kilograms
* 1 billion kilograms = 1 million tons (should I say 1 megaton? hah)
Or at least 50 million tons of sulphur dioxide garbage which turns into atmospheric sulphuric acid droplets, which reflect sunlight away. Right up high in the stratosphere, where it doesn't get cleared away that easily. (There's another 0.4 teragrams aka 0.4 million tons of volcanic ash also, though nobody's really reporting on that.)
To give perspective, normally world sources (human and volcanic) threw about 40 million tons of sulphur dioxide crap into the atmosphere across the entire globe, in a year (as of 2019). About 2/3rds of that is human-made.
For more info, a big chunk of it was from the shipping industry. They've been using nasty high-sulphur fuels for decades, until back in 2020 they got told to cut back on that. Which means less cooling chemicals in the air - yay for global warming. (Oh wait. I mean "climate change". The term "global warming" is no longer politically correct.) At any rate it's probably a lot less than 40 million tons now, maybe as low as 30 million tons globally.
Except that "global warming" just got a massive kick in the nuts in the form of 50 megatons of crap shoved straight into the Southern Hemisphere. Which has essentially so little industrialized stuff down here in this hemisphere that we probably only account for 10 million tons of the worldwide crap, total.
We just got 5x as much dumped on us in one burst.
Yeah we're going to feel cold for a few years to come. You Northern Hemisphere types won't be feeling it so much. Due to weather patterns most of it will stay down here.
So yes - I'm glad of that fire. It's feeling cold, and it's going to get colder (and wetter) down here in NZ.
Man-made climate change, pfui. While big in aggregate, and while keeping a sober eye on what we do dump out, it's still nothing in comparison to what Nature can and will do in an eyeblink.
Stay warm, brothers.
Black Poison Soul
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Keep Your Head Down
A bit over a year since my last update, hahah.
Had the head down. There's reasons. Good ones.
Some of them involve family. Been a few deaths, more cancers, heart attacks, that sorta stuff. Amazingly I still seem to have my health. At my age too. Bit of a miracle.
Probably time for another check-up. Don't fucking tempt fate, eh?
More personally, old BPS has been head-down, arse-up, getting shit right'n'tight'n'untouchable as hell.
A chunk of good-sized land, some fruit trees on it, some wildlife, plenty of birds (including pheasants), plenty of places to fish. Still workin', of course. Enjoying life on my terms, at my pace. Not bothering much with chasing teh wimminz, they're full of greed'n'shit'n'drama.
Not bothering with most people actually. Most of the ones that you can meet are pretty-much useless, shit'n'drama types. The ones a bit like me, well, they tend to stay by themselves. You don't meet us much.
As to why to the getting it all done right - when you get to the point of being worth a couple million, a sensible person doesn't flash it around. 'Cause that attracts every money-hungry slag for a couple hundred kilometers. Claws crooked and grasping, the eternal whine of "pay attention to meeeee!".
Fuck that's shrill.
Since I don't like my ears raped with endless crying and whining and demands, and I especially don't want to be dealing with someone else's womb-turds - or getting trapped by someone who wants a womb-turd with me, so that they can control me (they think) - it's best to stay away from the non-professionals.
Like Steven Seagal said once: "You pay whores to go away." When you're done, of course.
Eventually the urges will all slow down. Hell, I'm pushing 56 - it's amazing that I don't need a bloody pill or something to perform. Of course, having them young'n'hot'n'different every time helps. They're new and you're not attached. Keep it thataways.
If you *must* do something long-term, make sure that she's:
1/ sane (hahahahah!)
2/ has something worthwhile besides tits'n'ass (aka money)
The very few times that I run into the inquisitive aka nosy bitches who want to evaluate if I'm worth being around I just laugh and shake my head at their questions.
For the guys, I just snort and say "I pay someone else's mortgage". Which is true enough, though the "someone else" is a Trust. I leave it at that. Not that I don't trust 'em, I simply know that teh wimminz will somehow worm the information outta the poor bastards. So if they don't know, they can't accidentally pass it on to some cunt on the prowl for her next victim.
I'm pretty-sure that a couple other guys get the idea. Preening your feathers for teh wimminz is a good way to end up as a plucked chicken. Which sure as fuck ain't enjoyable. Especially at my age.
Remember. Go and enjoy life, brothers. Don't be a plucked chicken.
For me, it's time to take a chainsaw and axe and chunk up a few deadfalls. Preparing for a nice fire on a winter evening and a good bottle of Grand Marnier - life doesn't get much better.
Black Poison Soul