Do you get that? Completely irrelevant.
There is no rational why.
I remember back to the ending "conversation" with my last girl, must be close to three years ago now. ("Conversation" hah! She turned up at an awkward time of night, barged in, and was basically being a self-centered bitch on the whole instead of leaving me alone when I made it clear that I wasn't interested any more.)
I got her the hell out of my home in the guise of "dropping her off to her hotel". She asks if she'll be seeing me again.
Me: No.
Her: Why not?
Me: I don't want to.
Her: Finish that sentence! (A quite loud'n'clear self-centered "I am entitled to know why!")
Me: I don't want to see you again. (Yeah, it's a total lack of interest, now stay the fuck away.)
Her face scrunches up and she heads away to her room, probably because I shattered her heart'n'soul. I leave, not caring at all.
Yes, teh wimminz would call me a fuckin' psychopath. Given what she did to me, there was no interest left on my side. That is my "why" for treating her like that.
Yet still. There is no "why" in life.
There is only: I want to X/I don't want to X.
I want to see you again. I don't want to see you again.
I want to fuck you again. I don't want to fuck you again.
I want to read that book again. I don't want to read that book again.
I want to see that movie again. I don't want to see that movie again.
I want to continue hanging around those people. I don't want to continue hanging around those people.
Essentially it boils down to: I want to / I don't want to. The rest of the palaver is just social self-justification and face-saving.
In the guts of it, the want-to/don't-want-to is an emotional inner reaction, not something intellectually reasoned out. Not in the guts of it.
She wants to fuck you. She doesn't want to fuck you.
She wants to fuck you again. She doesn't want to fuck you again.
Why do you care why? Why do you want to know why?
Forget why. There is no why. There is only a gut-basic reaction, a feeling, of: "I want to / I don't want to".
She wants a boyfriend. She doesn't want a boyfriend.
She wants to be married. She doesn't want to be married.
She wants to be married to you. She doesn't want to be married to you.
She wants to part her legs for you. She doesn't want to part her legs for you.
Even when the basic "I don't want to" shatters her/your soul. And you, or her, start going down down down the rabbit-hole of emotional turmoil and horseshit.
>>>> Why?!?!?!!!! <<<< Add insistent whiny brat emotional crap as appropriate. You and/or her both.
There is no why. Down at the core, it just fucking is.
Make me want to, rather than not want to. Teh wimminz, leftists, femiwhores, the unwashed mass of generally shitty people on the whole, will never truly grasp that. Make me want to, rather than not want to.
Being a complete cunt is not making me want to X. It makes me not want to X. Fill in the X with whatever is appropriate.
Summertime in New Zealand. I'm starting to do more outdoor stuff.
Why? I want to. There may be many "reasons". They all boil down to: I want to.
Deep down in the guts of it. It's an emotional thing. There's no real reason as such for it. That's why.
There are more than plenty of "why" reasons out there. Most are not worth your sanity to explore. We have been conditioned to not ask why and it is a wonderful question that confounds the superior female as she has to explain her actions and why they run counter to the words that come from her mouth. Take it , use it and enjoy it.