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Wednesday, 31 October 2018

In Your Face

A few weeks ago I noticed some younger bloke driving a car with a number plate that essentially stated: No fucks given.

While I applaud the sentiment, something about it has nagged me. Quite a bit. My brain being slow at times, it has taken a while to figure out what was bugging me.

Actually, he does give a fuck. It's straight there in the "in your face" attitude that he's displaying to the world. Which is all cool and all, that's his thing. At least he's up front about it.

It occurs to me though: a true "no fucks given" attitude doesn't feel the need to slam it out in the world's face. A true no fucks given attitude just goes off and does what it wants. It doesn't require telling others about it (essentially, angrily giving the world the finger).

It just buggers off and does what it wants. If you don't like it, so what? You're not relevant. Certainly not to me. Stop poking your nose into my business, my life, my thoughts. Just leave me be and we'll get along swimmingly.

Which is I believe what the disappearing types of MGTOW do. They're doing their own thing. They don't have the urge to tell others what they're up to. They don't care about those others - the others are simply not relevant to them.

Which is an interesting thought when it comes to much of the Manosphere community and MGTOW. I've noticed it over the last three-four years. Some people become...

...less communicative...

...and eventually disappear.

They're slowly growing to the true point of no fucks given. While they might have philosophical thoughts about the subject, there is no urge to pass those thoughts on. It's just internalised and acted upon in the way they see fit.

I've noticed it with Hawaiian Libertarian. He's off doing his own thing, there's almost no interest in letting others know. (I applaud that by the by. I hope that he's doing well.)

I see Aaron Clary, Captain Capitalism, still putting up examples and the like of social stupidity. There is still much anger and frustration in him, in many of us. Somehow, I think that if he starts changing to a true viewpoint of no fucks given, he will slowly and quietly disappear from the scene. Good luck to you, Aaron.

I've noticed it a bit myself since my holiday in America. Something about the silence and being away by myself for a month has seeped into me. Maybe lodged itself into my soul, for want of a better metaphor.

A slow point of reassessment? I am unsure.

The stupidities of the world, society, and people are still there. I still look at them and marvel at times.

In the end though ... No real fucks are given. It's too big, it's too stupid, it's too sheeplike, it's too self-destructive. I refuse to stand in the front of the stampede, screaming warnings, only to be crushed into a bloody pulp.

Ghosting? No. I like many things about the world. There are many places to visit, many people who are actually worthwhile to meet (damn it, I missed out talking with Big Country in person - there is a Man with a fuck-ton of life and experiences!), many things that I find interesting.

Just not the damn social lemmings charging headlong over the cliff. Dull, uninteresting, bland. The sooner they are over that cliff and gone, the better.

I don't really have much of a point to this post. I suppose that it's a kind of explanation and apology of why I've not been around much.

I do strongly suggest, though: get yourself some camping gear and go bush for a while, even if it's just driving around the tourist traps and staying in hotels and camping grounds. Try to keep interacting with people to a minimum.

Talking and yap-yap with the useless types can be your enemy these days. Seek the more interesting people who have actually lived and have stories to tell. Especially the older people. Even if you have nothing to tell in exchange, they are giving you the gift of experience to listen and learn from.

Something about doing that changes your mindset. You start to realize what actually is relevant, what is needed, what is useful, and what is pure garbage.

Then you can work on purging the garbage.

I am still around and do check back fairly often. Just not huge on the talking at the moment. Maybe the urge will come back, not sure.

Be well, Brothers.


  1. When you can't join them, you can join them or ... not.
    To be insane or ... not.
    To be a slave or ... an hermit in the city: invisible, under the radar for the Beast and its legions of deshumanized minions.
    To be a beggar on my knees or ... quietly standing and dying on my feet.
    Easy choices.

  2. When you can't join them, you can join them or ... not.
    To be insane or ... not.
    To be a slave or ... an hermit in the city: invisible, under the radar for the Beast and its legions of deshumanized minions.
    To be a beggar on my knees or ... quietly standing and dying on my feet.
    Easy choices.

  3. If you truly dgaf then it's enough to proceed on that basis and otherwise shutup about it. When you make a production about not giving a fuck then you defeat the point of the exercise and lend weight to what is probably a lie.

    It's indifference which is terrifying to women and anyone else looking to manipulate or exploit you because it doesn't leave them anything to work with. At that point all that's left to them is naked force, and thats obvious at least.

    1. I seem to remember saying it long, long ago. Love and hate are not opposites. The opposite of love is indifference.

  4. "I've noticed it with Hawaiian Libertarian. He's off doing his own thing, there's almost no interest in letting others know. (I applaud that by the by. I hope that he's doing well.)"

    I'm doing well, thanks BPS. Still read my blogroll almost daily, but busier than ever with my pursuits off line.

    Anyhow, the less I write, the more I want to...but today, I saw something up in the sky that made me want to log on and get back to blogging again.

    THEY have begun to regularly spray trails above my island in the past month or so. People here are starting to notice...people who are otherwise "blue pill."

    People who have heard me talk about chemtrails in the past have been looking me up and asking me about them.

    I'm not too optimistic about where we are headed in the near future. Seems to me like things are escalating in a bad way in the world today.

    1. Nice to hear from you again, man. Be well, I will read in a bit - after I've completed my current post.

  5. No worries BPS... still kicking and FINALLY found another gig, (albeit I have more 'irons in the fire', one of which involve more weirdness from the edge... I'll email ya about it... needless to say its time to Expat again)

    Looking forward to the face to face eventually... It's just a grind these fucking days as you are SO well aware... tonight, its Iced Finlandia washed down with blue acai juice... a new chaser I've become partial to... Cheers mate!
