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Friday, 24 August 2018

Bleed in Private

No, the title of this post is not referencing me or my life - I have simply been very, very busy in my personal life for the last couple of months. It suddenly occurred to me tonight that I've been bloody remiss about saying hello to people and keeping in touch in general.

This post is about the "sensitive new age guy", aka doormat, aka soyboy, et-fucking-cetera. (™) Specifically, their bloody propensity to go and bleed emotionally in public for the delectation of all and sundry.

Of course, wimminz love it when a man goes and bleeds in public. He lets his hair down, snivels and cries, etc etc ad goddamn nauseum.

Wimminz love this behavior because she immediately knows: I can push this pussy around.

Wrap him around her finger, make him dance for her, a source of endless amusement and entertainment. Pointing him out to her friends: "Hey, lookit this pussy! Watch me push him around! Ain't that cuuuuute?!"

Enough to make your balls shrink with some fucked-up sense of sympathy.

Men, we need to harden up. There's no need to bleed in public for all and sundry.

Your brother or a buddy gets killed in a car crash, or dies from cancer, or something. A friend asks us out, we might say: "Nah, a brother/mate of mine died. Gonna have a drink in private to remember him by." (Or maybe: "Me and some of his mates are getting together to drink and remember him by." Or whatever you-all decide to do. He loves hunting? Go hunting to remember him by.)

To other Men, it's immediately understood.

Nothing more is needed.

In such situations, we just need a little time to deal with things.

To teh wimminz: "Oh! Oh! That's terrible! Do you need to talk about it?" Bleat, bleat, fuckin' bleat, in the most senseless and demeaning manner possible.

I sometimes wonder if they deliberately cheapen such situations (because y'know, men are insensitive brutes and akerchully have no feelings and the fuckin' like) or they're just completely clueless (same non-reasoning applies).

(Maybe a good one will understand like another Man does. I've not met this personally, though I will admit to the possibility of 1% actually being capable of some sensitivity and sense and decorum and the like. If you know of one like that, the chances are they're family or a friend of the buddy and going through all this also.)

This is why it's always good to do your bleeding in private. Other Men (especially the ones who matter) will respect you for it. The few Men who you might open up to about such things, will understand the deep gift that they have been given. (They may not have anything to actually say, 'cause it's an awkward thing, yet they will understand.)

Best of all, you don't get your deepest and most painful situations shat on thoughtlessly and meaninglessly by the attack-bunnies and retards which abound in this decaying excuse of a civilization.

My brothers, I raise to you all a glass of Grand Marnier. May your lives be blessed with strong Men who you are proud to walk alongside. Maybe, even occasionally, bleed beside.


  1. Animals in nature instinctively do the same when their wounds are severe enough. You would think most people would have enough sense to catch on, but apparently not.

    1. A lot of people seem to have lost what might be termed the "survival instinct". Perhaps they don't realize that there are others who will instinctively go for the throat of those who exhibit weakness? Something to think about.

  2. Christians like me understand this. IT's a good reminder.

    Christ told men to pray in private. When you pray, do not do as the heathens do, standing on street corners, beating your chests and wailing in the public square. Brothers, when you pray, go in your room and close the door, and pray in private, and what you do in private your Father will reward publicly.

    Men used to understand this as you said. With my college friends, when shit happened, we went out to get a drink, and we drank quietly. And then we went home. When one of us dies, we congregate and drink to his memory. And then we go home.

    1. Hmmm, yes. Public declarations and wailing and suchlike - attention-whore posturing for all and sundry. Very attention-grabbing. Very unappealing. At least, personally unappealing to me. My interactions and relationship with God do not require someone to act as a go-between, they are between Me and Him, and whether He approves or not, they are what they are as I am what I am. Or what I have become, shaped by this world and the experiences that I have had in it.

      Indeed, quiet and then go home. There's no need for some form of so-called deep public eulogy by all and sundry for people to "wallow" in. Quiet and personal. That is what I would like, upon my death and going to see my maker.

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