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Sunday, 6 May 2018

Victory and Defeat

Damn. So here I am over in America - land in Los Angelos, intending to catch up with a man in Florida, and cousins up in Canada, and see as much as possible while I'm driving on the way and back. I'm driving an RV.

A week has gone past. I'm in Big Bend country, down Alpine Texas. Holy fuck, I thought that I'd be in Florida by now. I forgot how damn huge you guys are. Haven't been over here at least ten years, completely forgot. (Strong winds and routing around a fire here in Texas didn't help. Friday was ten hours driving, a few breaks. Sheeeiiit, I'm feeling like a dumbass. And exhausted.)

So I call the Florida man up, I can't just not show. Completely not fucking cool to do that to someone. "Hello, is that XXX?" "Who is this?" "It's Black Poison Soul."

We spent a few minutes jawing and I let him go back to his evening with family and all. Got to hear each other's voice, I made the effort. It's lame to say, really wanted to get there. I was just dumb. Will most probably yack with him again in the next two-three weeks.

Then called up my cousin in Canada - voicemail - damn, left a lame-ass message.

Feel like a fuckin dipshit.

Next time I'll just fly to where I wanna check out, hire a car, go see the local history and scenery and hike and stuff. You could probably spend a month in each state - I hope you Americans really take advantage of it. You have so much to go look at and do.

I'm gonna have to fly to Florida next year sometime. Do it the smart way. This time, defeated by reality.
So a quick check back with family in NZ, and friends on FaceCrap. My mate who married the hairdresser has changed all his man-shit profile stuff to wedding photos.

Sad. You once had large, plentiful balls, man. Now you've pussified yourself, and the look on her face - that you obviously can't see - is so fuckin smug with victory.

It's like my balls also winced in sympathy with him.

You know when you see another man kicked in the nuts? Your balls just clench in sympathy?

That feeling.

Stick a fork in him. He's done.

I would have a glass of Grand Marnier in, in remembrance for a dead mate...only that stuff is back in New Zealand. I'll have to do it when I get back.

Peace...driving. (Tomorrow.)


  1. I feel for ya, I drove with a van full of children 2,000 miles from west coast to Springfield Mo. That was tough.

    Enjoy your trip. Welcome Back.

    1. That'd be harsh. I've slowed down and will explore a couple of areas a bit more thoroughly - and museums as well as nature areas.

  2. In America, you can get a 50 ml bottle of Grand Marnier at any reasonably well-stocked liquor store ...

    But since you're in Texas and driving toward the Southeast, probably not on a Sunday.

    1. Especially this area.

      Got in contact with an old friend in Texas, will hoist a beer with him tomorrow evening.

  3. Hey mate. I'm here from Aaron Cleary's blog; didn't know you existed and didn't know there was another kiwi reading his stuff. I like your site; keep at it.

    1. Cheers and enjoy. There's another kiwi reading this too - think he's from the South Island.

    2. Kiwi here, living in fucking Auckland.

  4. Sorry to hear about your mate. But LA to Florida? That's like Sydney to Perth! A four to six day drive, doing 130k most of the way. Uninterrupted desert, where the USA has a wheatbelt full of towns to slow down in.

    1. Yup, I screwed up on that one. 4 days didn't even get me halfway, didn't damn think.

      Will instead do a few touristy things in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

  5. What end of Canada are you headed for BPS?

    1. I was headed up towards Toronto way. Not now though, will have to be another year.

    2. The drive from Florida to Toronto is "doable". It'll take you about three days (two and half days on the I-75 and then Hwy 401 once you get into Canada). It's only about four hours from the Can/US border (Windsor/Detroit)

    3. Yeah, too late now. Never mind, am enjoying the changed itinerary anyway - plus reconnecting with old friends.

  6. Ah ok, I'm out West. Would gladly have bought you a beverage!

    Happy Trails anyway
