Almost 5 years yakking on here.
Something like 6-7 since I got divorced.
My life has improved so much since then.
It is 2115 on New Years Eve, here in New Zealand.
I'm about to go sit on my deck with a glass of Grand Marnier and enjoy the silence.
So much better than someone with clue zero earbashing me to death.
Important Pages
Sunday, 31 December 2017
Saturday, 30 December 2017
One Choice
This one's for the ladies. Let us begin. (With inspirational acknowledgement to Popp and Blake of Redonkulas, heheh.)
A woman has one choice in life. (You could say one chance in life too.)
The choice: Does she want a man in her life?
Yes? Then she must choose her man carefully - and stick with him.
No? Yay feminism! Yay independence! Yay cock carousel! Yay to being the hub in the Richard Salad!
Yay to always - always! - embracing the immortal words: "Mooooorrreee cooooccckkk!"
Just remember, sistah's: A woman don't need no man! A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle!
Which is how she became the town bicycle and learned how to speak in gluggling vowels. The irony of this is overwhelming. (I choose cats!)
When she's done exploring her sexuality/discovering herself/whatever - aka crammed all her holes with as much cock as she possibly can - it's now time for her to settle down. At that point, after that 500 miles of cock being run through her, most nobody has any real interest in fucking her like in her youth. Even so, now she expects to go for full price.
Yeah nah.
After 31 cocks she's nowhere near a virgin. She's the chewing-gum that the weird kid sticks under the top of his desk, saving for later re-use.
So let's say that at the beginning she says: Yes.
Even so there's definitely a lot of teh wimminz fucking up this choice in life:
What is the most important decision that any woman can make in her entire life?
Who she has them with. When she has them. Where she has them. How she has them. Why she has them.
Yet a large % of women and her parents are fucking this up.Now if you're stupid, and your parents are stupid - and you generally have run-of-the-mill average luck in life - effectively your choice has just defaulted to: "No." 'Cause you are about to get 500 miles of cock run through you, 6-8" at a time.
That's what happens when you choose the wrong man right from the beginning. (Men might - might!- give you one, perhaps two, fuckup-passes with this. Not if you've got any kind of fornication trophy though.)
Now if you're careful enough - you (and your parents) choose wisely - that "Yes" choice might actually work out for you.
Remember though: It's a "Yes" choice that you ladies have to make every day. In our modern days, you are free to flip it from "Yes" to "No" at any time. Once it's been flipped to "No", it can never go back. That switch is one-way.
To illustrate, from an old post:
The current system of female to male interaction (marriage) has the following mentality: "You will obey or you will be forced to obey." Which is of course no choice at all for married men. End result: you will obey, either fuckin' way. Slavery.
MGTOW on the other hand reverse this system into a male to female interaction with the following mentality: "Obey or fuck off." Which is of course a real choice for any woman. They want to hang around a MGTOW, they can obey - or fuck off. End result: they actually have a choice, unlike the female to male interaction of marriage and no choice. Freedom.
(Note that any man who goes into marriage these days is instantly forced into the female to male interaction. A mans' only real choices these days are: bachelor or marriage, freedom or slavery.)A lotta women will pull the old bait'n'switch, flip the "Yes" to "No" when it's convenient for her or when pretty-much anything even slightly difficult comes down the pipeline of life. Frivorce! Cash and prizes! Yay - party-time!
Because they can. The current system enables it, encourages it, and lauds them for doing it.
"But BPS! What if he beats me/screws around with other women/whatever other lame exception or excuse I can come up with?"
You and your parents chose wrong. The switch is now locked permanently in the "No" position and you can part your legs, that 500 miles of cock is headed your way at 100 miles per gallon.
For every man out there, your mentality towards women MUST be: Obey or fuck off.
Test her. Constantly. Order her around.
If her choice is always "Yes" then she will obey.
If she does not obey, then her switch is in the "No" position. You are now free to cunt-punt that bitch to the kerb at your leisure. Tool her up a bit. Run it through all the gears, neutral slam it, and leave it where you found it, heading for section 8 housing.
She will obey. Or fuck off. Just don't give her any fornication trophies in the process - especially the ones that cost you $$$$.
Further inspiration for this post, from a skinny and slutty (full-sleeve tats are a giveaway) wimminz down at the park today. I was doing wind-sprints, she was very overtly pointing her tits at me with a big ole admiring look on her face - while her man was right beside her and looking fucking furious.
Heheh. Fuck no. You ain't monkey-branching to me you whore. Man, smack your bitch up.
Thursday, 28 December 2017
The Leech
Ah, the leech! Men get bitten by her every day - willingly!
"Can you help me with this...?"
"Would you do me a favor...?"
"I just wondered if you would...?"
And the general pussified man's reaction is:
"Sure! (Maybe I'll get laid!)"
Fuckin' laughable, these maggots.
You maggots wanna get laid? Two hundred bucks, I fucking guarantee that you'll get laid.
With a bit more skilled pussy than that cunt.
One that's almost certainly better-looking.
With less chance of STDs, too.
The worst part though, is when some self-entitled cunt pulls this at work.
Once? Yeah, okay. Just so that the business keeps going. Once.
Twice? Maaaaybe. If you're feeling in a really good mood. (No, you're not going to get to fuck her, you pathetic maggot you. Also remember: don't shit where you eat.)
Three-four-more times? Fuck no. Especially if it's every fucking day - FUCK NO!!!
This is where you should have been a little more proactive. By this point you should have been saying stuff like: "Sorry. Something really urgent has come up."
Cunt doesn't need to know that the something really urgent is actually: "I'm not doing your fucking shit job for you in addition to my own. Fuck off." Or that you'd prefer to pick your nose (getting the nasal cavities really clean is extremely fucking important). Or go have a dump (a massive bowel movement is of more importance and pleasure than her pathetic helplessness or whatever fucking excuse she's dreamed up this time).
Just about anything is better than doing her fucking job for her.
To really nip this shit in the bud though, you need to go to management and tell them what's happening. Then say: "Once? Oookay. Twice? Hmmmmm.... But three, four, five times? Something's wrong, you need to look into this."
'Cause if you don't nip that shit in the bud, what's going to happen is that you're going to be doing that cunts' work for her while she's: bitching to her co-workers/bitching about her co-workers/bitching about her frenemies/bitching about her boyfriend/making plans for tonight/making plans for her holidays/making plans for whatever. On top of that: painting her nails/messing with her hair/putting on makeup/sexting her latest Chad.
(What, you thought you were going to nail that pussy? Wake up you pathetic fucking maggot.)
A lot of pathetic maggots will let it get to this stage. Heh. They're fucked. They try to unfuck it, cue screaming shit-fits as that entitled cunt causes massive problems.
Because by now, it is very firmly entrenched in that entitled cunts' head that she can call *anyone* to give her a hand. Cue whining to HR that "this has become a hostile environment" and "I no longer feel safe with so-and-so" and "he's become toxic" and etc. Good luck with that sixteen tons of shit!
Or you can start right from the fucking beginning. Don't let the leech get her fucking teeth into you at all.
Brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™ and a talk with an idiot pussy acquaintance who let this happen to him recently. Fucktard. (Full of lame excuses too. Fuck I hate that! Why do these pathetic maggots have a million lame excuses for their maggotness?)
"Can you help me with this...?"
"Would you do me a favor...?"
"I just wondered if you would...?"
And the general pussified man's reaction is:
"Sure! (Maybe I'll get laid!)"
Fuckin' laughable, these maggots.
You maggots wanna get laid? Two hundred bucks, I fucking guarantee that you'll get laid.
With a bit more skilled pussy than that cunt.
One that's almost certainly better-looking.
With less chance of STDs, too.
The worst part though, is when some self-entitled cunt pulls this at work.
Once? Yeah, okay. Just so that the business keeps going. Once.
Twice? Maaaaybe. If you're feeling in a really good mood. (No, you're not going to get to fuck her, you pathetic maggot you. Also remember: don't shit where you eat.)
Three-four-more times? Fuck no. Especially if it's every fucking day - FUCK NO!!!
This is where you should have been a little more proactive. By this point you should have been saying stuff like: "Sorry. Something really urgent has come up."
Cunt doesn't need to know that the something really urgent is actually: "I'm not doing your fucking shit job for you in addition to my own. Fuck off." Or that you'd prefer to pick your nose (getting the nasal cavities really clean is extremely fucking important). Or go have a dump (a massive bowel movement is of more importance and pleasure than her pathetic helplessness or whatever fucking excuse she's dreamed up this time).
Just about anything is better than doing her fucking job for her.
To really nip this shit in the bud though, you need to go to management and tell them what's happening. Then say: "Once? Oookay. Twice? Hmmmmm.... But three, four, five times? Something's wrong, you need to look into this."
'Cause if you don't nip that shit in the bud, what's going to happen is that you're going to be doing that cunts' work for her while she's: bitching to her co-workers/bitching about her co-workers/bitching about her frenemies/bitching about her boyfriend/making plans for tonight/making plans for her holidays/making plans for whatever. On top of that: painting her nails/messing with her hair/putting on makeup/sexting her latest Chad.
(What, you thought you were going to nail that pussy? Wake up you pathetic fucking maggot.)
A lot of pathetic maggots will let it get to this stage. Heh. They're fucked. They try to unfuck it, cue screaming shit-fits as that entitled cunt causes massive problems.
Because by now, it is very firmly entrenched in that entitled cunts' head that she can call *anyone* to give her a hand. Cue whining to HR that "this has become a hostile environment" and "I no longer feel safe with so-and-so" and "he's become toxic" and etc. Good luck with that sixteen tons of shit!
Or you can start right from the fucking beginning. Don't let the leech get her fucking teeth into you at all.
Brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™ and a talk with an idiot pussy acquaintance who let this happen to him recently. Fucktard. (Full of lame excuses too. Fuck I hate that! Why do these pathetic maggots have a million lame excuses for their maggotness?)
Saturday, 23 December 2017
The Idiocracy Curve
Hold on tight, the grinch before Christmas has arrived...I'm gonna piss off a whole bunch of leftists, SJWs, wimminz, feminists, and assorted cunts (of both sexes) with this one! Let the pain begin.
Over the past couple months I've been slowly digesting Curse of the High IQ by Aaron Clarey. (The link is from Aaron's blog and is his affiliate link - I make no money from his books.) Get it. It's worth it. Especially from the "let me explain why your intelligent-ass-highly-successful-life and most of the people around you are both aggravating and frustrating" point of view, a real eye-opener there.
I very much enjoyed that part. In a way, it scratched an "itch" that I didn't know I had. "Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."
I particularly like that Aaron corrects a misapprehension that I had: that women are on the whole stupider than men and have a narrower IQ range. Not true, despite our prejudices in the manosphere. Women have exactly the same IQ range and distribution as men. (I went looking through some of the literature to double-check. Yep. Go looking for yourself, it'll be good mental exercise.)
What causes the noticeable difference at the high end of the scale is that men have a very slightly higher median IQ than women - about 1%, which is minuscule. That's a 100 vs 101 IQ. A drop of water in a tablespoon, kind of difference.
What makes it noticeable as a dearth of smart chicks (apart from those who are willfully fuckin' stupid and socially rewarded for being that way) is that once you get to that long tail out the right, there are noticeably fewer women in comparison. Like, twice as many men who are smart vs women who are smart. It's because the curve on the bell-chart flattens out real fast out at that point, so the difference really becomes noticeable.
Which in my opinion means that most smart women these days are going to be at least as much of an entitled cunt as the ordinary brain-dead twat in the bars, because she's "in demand" with the really smart guys. So she can just be a fuckin' cunt, who cares, all men are disposable.
We men just can't win.
(I have a friend in this situation. He's in IT, she's in IT. She divorced her first hubby, she has two children (one of whom is 16 and just popped out a baby, whooopsie! fuckin' dumbass). She pulled the pin on the fat-grenade a long time ago. She has multicolored purple hair. She has openly stated in front of him that she should divorce him and get half of everything.
Recently she's gotten her stomach stapled so thatshe can lose she's forced to lose weight. Dear me, danger sign, who's she looking to jump-ship to? (With cash and prizes.)
He tolerates this shit behavior because: 1/ he's clueless, 2/ she's intelligent. Or smarter'n him, at any rate.
It's gonna suck watching this go down. 'Cause I quite like the guy - he's very chilled and laid-back, just blind to the shit that women pull.)
Back to the subject, it struck me that the classic bell-curve indicates what might be called the "frustration factor" that the intelligent suffer from when it comes to civilization and society:
The 101 IQ green line is "normal" intelligence. The black dotted line at 115 IQ is the topside of "ordinary" people's thinking - about 84% of people are at this level or lower.
The orange line at 130 IQ is about where people start getting a real clue about society and what really makes things work and the like. The red line (redline, danger-zone!) at 145 IQ is where the definitely smarter groups of people hopefully get it together-enough to start reflecting on society, civilization, democrazy (that's deliberate spelling, for our crazy method of societal control), and all the other bullshit going on.
The frustration-factor is where the 130+ IQ (especially the 145+ IQ redline people) are looking back and thinking that everything which falls below the black dotted line is in control and making stupid decisions. Maybe that's about where we should start doin' the fuckin' culling...
Le sigh.
Then it really hit. The bell-curve is not actually what you would call "normal" in an idiocracy, because stupid people breed and the idiocracy encourages them to breed more. (Fuck, just look around at all the single mommies! In fact, any woman - a 161 IQ and she still has a whoopsie? "It just happened?" Bullshit!)
This causes one helluva bulge out the left-hand side of the curve.
With some thought (no chance of me getting real data and examining it - no skill for that either) I realized that "The Long Tail" was actually a good indicator of what the real IQ curve should look like, somewhat more like this:
This is probably a more accurate rendition of reality.
(Think about it, too. Isn't that graph just a wee bit un-PC and liable to cause screeching from the retarded, if you make it bulge off to the left from the "normal" point? I wouldn't be surprised if the researchers experienced some very deep soul-searching and then "normalized" it to go for the less-inflammatory and much nicer smooth curve. Can't really blame them - poor bastards need to eat and feed their families.)
Note that the 115 IQ dotted black line of "culling" is about in the middle of things, where what is formerly considered "normal" is off to the left. This is simply because stupid people breed, they breed faster than the smart people, they are supported in their breeding by forced theft from the smart people, and the smart people have had the nouse to look around them - see the bullshit going on - and decided to nope the fuck out of it.
For this reason, the 145 IQ area is a bit higher in this graph than in reality. The smart people have wised up to the bullshit and aren't breeding - cannot bring themselves to breed - that much. Because who wants to bring children into what is rapidly degenerating into a third-world shithole...
The snowball of stupidity accumulates on the left. When it accumulates enough of an overhang/bulge we have an avalanche of bullshit and insanity which destroys everything in the way. Just like the things going on right now.
This lot is of course hypothetical and theoretical. It's something to think about. For the statisticians who come across this, the function used to make this graph is based on a Chi-Square Distribution.
For teh wimminz, SJWs, leftists, cunts of both sexes, and general retards who come across this post and start screaming about misogyny, hatethought, crimethink, incitement to murder and genocide, et-fucking-cetera: FUCKING OATH! STARTING WITH YOU BRAINLESS CUNTS! Now go fuck yourselves, you clueless fucking retards.
Or more likely, go back to being the hub in the Richard Salad. Man, woman or whichever of the whacked-out 72 genders you identify as, it's all you're good for.
This bleakly semi-humorous look at "intelligence" in the process of becoming "idiocracy" and wrecking civilization in the process is brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.
But grab Aaron's book. It's a lot cheaper and very much worth it.
Over the past couple months I've been slowly digesting Curse of the High IQ by Aaron Clarey. (The link is from Aaron's blog and is his affiliate link - I make no money from his books.) Get it. It's worth it. Especially from the "let me explain why your intelligent-ass-highly-successful-life and most of the people around you are both aggravating and frustrating" point of view, a real eye-opener there.
I very much enjoyed that part. In a way, it scratched an "itch" that I didn't know I had. "Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."
What causes the noticeable difference at the high end of the scale is that men have a very slightly higher median IQ than women - about 1%, which is minuscule. That's a 100 vs 101 IQ. A drop of water in a tablespoon, kind of difference.
What makes it noticeable as a dearth of smart chicks (apart from those who are willfully fuckin' stupid and socially rewarded for being that way) is that once you get to that long tail out the right, there are noticeably fewer women in comparison. Like, twice as many men who are smart vs women who are smart. It's because the curve on the bell-chart flattens out real fast out at that point, so the difference really becomes noticeable.
Which in my opinion means that most smart women these days are going to be at least as much of an entitled cunt as the ordinary brain-dead twat in the bars, because she's "in demand" with the really smart guys. So she can just be a fuckin' cunt, who cares, all men are disposable.
We men just can't win.
(I have a friend in this situation. He's in IT, she's in IT. She divorced her first hubby, she has two children (one of whom is 16 and just popped out a baby, whooopsie! fuckin' dumbass). She pulled the pin on the fat-grenade a long time ago. She has multicolored purple hair. She has openly stated in front of him that she should divorce him and get half of everything.
Recently she's gotten her stomach stapled so that
He tolerates this shit behavior because: 1/ he's clueless, 2/ she's intelligent. Or smarter'n him, at any rate.
It's gonna suck watching this go down. 'Cause I quite like the guy - he's very chilled and laid-back, just blind to the shit that women pull.)
Back to the subject, it struck me that the classic bell-curve indicates what might be called the "frustration factor" that the intelligent suffer from when it comes to civilization and society:
The 101 IQ green line is "normal" intelligence. The black dotted line at 115 IQ is the topside of "ordinary" people's thinking - about 84% of people are at this level or lower.
The orange line at 130 IQ is about where people start getting a real clue about society and what really makes things work and the like. The red line (redline, danger-zone!) at 145 IQ is where the definitely smarter groups of people hopefully get it together-enough to start reflecting on society, civilization, democrazy (that's deliberate spelling, for our crazy method of societal control), and all the other bullshit going on.
The frustration-factor is where the 130+ IQ (especially the 145+ IQ redline people) are looking back and thinking that everything which falls below the black dotted line is in control and making stupid decisions. Maybe that's about where we should start doin' the fuckin' culling...
Le sigh.
Then it really hit. The bell-curve is not actually what you would call "normal" in an idiocracy, because stupid people breed and the idiocracy encourages them to breed more. (Fuck, just look around at all the single mommies! In fact, any woman - a 161 IQ and she still has a whoopsie? "It just happened?" Bullshit!)
This causes one helluva bulge out the left-hand side of the curve.
With some thought (no chance of me getting real data and examining it - no skill for that either) I realized that "The Long Tail" was actually a good indicator of what the real IQ curve should look like, somewhat more like this:
This is probably a more accurate rendition of reality.
(Think about it, too. Isn't that graph just a wee bit un-PC and liable to cause screeching from the retarded, if you make it bulge off to the left from the "normal" point? I wouldn't be surprised if the researchers experienced some very deep soul-searching and then "normalized" it to go for the less-inflammatory and much nicer smooth curve. Can't really blame them - poor bastards need to eat and feed their families.)
Note that the 115 IQ dotted black line of "culling" is about in the middle of things, where what is formerly considered "normal" is off to the left. This is simply because stupid people breed, they breed faster than the smart people, they are supported in their breeding by forced theft from the smart people, and the smart people have had the nouse to look around them - see the bullshit going on - and decided to nope the fuck out of it.
For this reason, the 145 IQ area is a bit higher in this graph than in reality. The smart people have wised up to the bullshit and aren't breeding - cannot bring themselves to breed - that much. Because who wants to bring children into what is rapidly degenerating into a third-world shithole...
The snowball of stupidity accumulates on the left. When it accumulates enough of an overhang/bulge we have an avalanche of bullshit and insanity which destroys everything in the way. Just like the things going on right now.
This lot is of course hypothetical and theoretical. It's something to think about. For the statisticians who come across this, the function used to make this graph is based on a Chi-Square Distribution.
For teh wimminz, SJWs, leftists, cunts of both sexes, and general retards who come across this post and start screaming about misogyny, hatethought, crimethink, incitement to murder and genocide, et-fucking-cetera: FUCKING OATH! STARTING WITH YOU BRAINLESS CUNTS! Now go fuck yourselves, you clueless fucking retards.
Or more likely, go back to being the hub in the Richard Salad. Man, woman or whichever of the whacked-out 72 genders you identify as, it's all you're good for.
This bleakly semi-humorous look at "intelligence" in the process of becoming "idiocracy" and wrecking civilization in the process is brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.
But grab Aaron's book. It's a lot cheaper and very much worth it.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
No Money, No Honey
The old saying: no money, no honey.
At least foreign (non-Western - especially Russian) women are honest about this. For those who've dealt with them, it must be quite the relief. (Personally I've always noted these women as being a pain in the ass anyway - YAWALT - so not really bothered with 'em.)
For the sort of thoughtful man who tends or intends to accumulate wealth, it's worth taking a closer look at this mentality. (Okay, women too - there are a few - good luck finding one of them who is available.)
In the modern society where living paycheck-to-paycheck and spending everything as soon as it comes in is the norm - plus spending more on credit and going into massive debt - a finer nuance of the above comes to mind.
"No money spent on me, no honey for you."
Effectively the oldest profession in bald words: whore.
These days a whore is actually cheaper than a girlfriend, in terms of time/money/sanity costs. Once done, you pay them to go away. Far cheaper than dating, dining, wooing, marrying, and keeping one of the modern whores known as women in your life. One who can spontaneously go whenever she wants, taking 50+% of everything you've ever built up in your life.
Yeah, there are a few women who have sensible mindsets. For them it is: accumulate more money, honey. They're already taken, don't bother looking for that NAWALT.
I found out recently how my Auckland businessman friend can get yet another Russian bride in his life: he doesn't own anything. If she fucks him over, it's all held in trusts, and apparently pretty good ones too (he hasn't been screwed over yet after three divorces).
I still think he's crackers. All that time and money lost, trying to crawl into a hole that he wants to "keep" around. Some people, status symbols, ah well. At least he's keeping something together to pass on to the next generation (his kids by the first whore, and nephews and nieces).
Here's to you buddy. Just don't goddamn slip up, alright? A few million dollars going bye-bye 'cause you screwed up will hurt pretty hard.
Amusing - as I'm about to publish this, there's a post up on Amerika regarding estate taxes and tax reform. In it, the old grasshopper vs ants analogy comes up again, as the masses of fucking worthless poor living hand-to-mouth chow down on the riches that the more thoughtful and prudent attempt to gather together.
Leftist leeches - like Nancy Peloski - need to be thrown into the street to starve. That's the fuckin' shitbag left for you though: they're happy to make it all work by spending every fuckin' cent of your money.
What's mine is mine, what's yours is everyone else's. You didn't make that. (And fuck you too, Obama.)
I especially love this bit:
At least foreign (non-Western - especially Russian) women are honest about this. For those who've dealt with them, it must be quite the relief. (Personally I've always noted these women as being a pain in the ass anyway - YAWALT - so not really bothered with 'em.)
For the sort of thoughtful man who tends or intends to accumulate wealth, it's worth taking a closer look at this mentality. (Okay, women too - there are a few - good luck finding one of them who is available.)
In the modern society where living paycheck-to-paycheck and spending everything as soon as it comes in is the norm - plus spending more on credit and going into massive debt - a finer nuance of the above comes to mind.
"No money spent on me, no honey for you."
Effectively the oldest profession in bald words: whore.
These days a whore is actually cheaper than a girlfriend, in terms of time/money/sanity costs. Once done, you pay them to go away. Far cheaper than dating, dining, wooing, marrying, and keeping one of the modern whores known as women in your life. One who can spontaneously go whenever she wants, taking 50+% of everything you've ever built up in your life.
Yeah, there are a few women who have sensible mindsets. For them it is: accumulate more money, honey. They're already taken, don't bother looking for that NAWALT.
I found out recently how my Auckland businessman friend can get yet another Russian bride in his life: he doesn't own anything. If she fucks him over, it's all held in trusts, and apparently pretty good ones too (he hasn't been screwed over yet after three divorces).
I still think he's crackers. All that time and money lost, trying to crawl into a hole that he wants to "keep" around. Some people, status symbols, ah well. At least he's keeping something together to pass on to the next generation (his kids by the first whore, and nephews and nieces).
Here's to you buddy. Just don't goddamn slip up, alright? A few million dollars going bye-bye 'cause you screwed up will hurt pretty hard.
Amusing - as I'm about to publish this, there's a post up on Amerika regarding estate taxes and tax reform. In it, the old grasshopper vs ants analogy comes up again, as the masses of fucking worthless poor living hand-to-mouth chow down on the riches that the more thoughtful and prudent attempt to gather together.
Leftist leeches - like Nancy Peloski - need to be thrown into the street to starve. That's the fuckin' shitbag left for you though: they're happy to make it all work by spending every fuckin' cent of your money.
What's mine is mine, what's yours is everyone else's. You didn't make that. (And fuck you too, Obama.)
I especially love this bit:
If you want people to genuinely care less about tomorrow or their children, then by all means take 50% of their net worth via inheritance taxes so they can’t pass it on.Fucking priceless because it's so obviously true. Fuck the whole load of mealy-mouthed bullshit about "it's for the childreeeeen". Instead: eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we'll steal more of your hard-earned sweat so that we can party like it's 1999, and in the process we'll take a piss on your front step and smear our shit all over everything in sight, before we all die.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
On Cooking
Reading through this festering nightmare of a blog you'd probably expect me to be complete piece of shit, fucking asshole, misogynistic pig, people-hating, ratbag, other-man's wife-fucking, etc etc etc whose blood boils over at the slightest provocation.
Fucking oath.
However (there's always a however) I do have a few soft spots. One of them is actually for children - even though you'd expect my attitude to be along the lines of "are they best baked, fried, or roasted?" I really don't like it when they get the shaft, which they do on a regular basis in our current society.
Another soft spot is cooking. I kinda enjoy that. Something almost peaceful and zen about it. Also healthier than many other habits out there.
Of course, most women can't cook for shit. (What? You expected me to keep teh wimminz out of it? Bah humbug!)
That said, this post was actually inspired by a woman having lunch at work a couple days ago. A few sprigs of limp-looking lettuce, some pathetic-looking crumbed fish. What really bought it to my attention was her grumbling aka semi-bitching about how bland it was.
Because I kinda have a soft spot with food (90kg weight-training fat bastard that I am) I actually talked with her about food. (The other reason is that I've known her for over 15 years, I know that she's not a complete cunt. Say what you like, there are a few. That doesn't make her a NAWALT of any stripe - just not a complete cunt.)
Gave her a few ideas, in the process it kinda struck me: younger single guys also sometimes have trouble cooking. Not because they're useless or anything, it's because they've not been told the basics behind it. (Plus many cooking sites are just recipes and cutesy shit for a group of 4, etc. Overkill for single men. You also don't learn squat about cooking from a bunch of random recipes.)
So here's your basic, reasonably minimalist kitchen guide to gear and cooking and the *why* behind some of it.
Gear - you need the following:
1 small teflon frying pan with lid (enough for 2 scrambled eggs or an omelet or the like)
1 small pot with lid (enough to boil an egg, a kumara/potato, a carrot, some peas and the like)
1 plastic spatula (don't bugger up the surface of your teflon frying pan with a metal one)
1 plastic slotted spoon (easy draining/serving from the pot)
1 large bamboo cutting-board (about 1 x 1.5 ft or 300 x 500 mm)
1 chef knife (Global brand - be warned, it's sharp enough to take a finger off)
2 paring knives (anything that isn't utter crap - you will get these as sharp as the chef knife)
1 water sharpener for the Global chef knife, use with all the knives (with extra ceramic rollers)
That's all the cooking gear you need. You're not baking a cake, you're not making cookies or biscuits or scones or the like. This is for basic day-to-day cooking. (Note: no ceramic knives in evidence. Anywhere. That shit is just too delicate for jobs that your chef knife will handle with ease.)
I'm gonna assume that you don't have a problem with how to make sandwiches, cereal (oats soaked in milk overnight in the fridge is good), scrambled eggs, various forms of salad, smoothies, etc. What people do seem to have a hassle with is the making of a proper end-of-day meal - what we call "dinner" in New Zealand. (I forget what it's called in America. Supper?)
Here is your real basic meal.
Mains: chicken breast or steak.
Boneless, skinless chicken breast costs about $2 per each in New Zealand (that's 250g or 1/2 pound of chicken - you can get 1kg or 2 pound for $8 here - yes, it's generally cage chickens, too bad).
Steak, a decent cut of 1 inch / 2.5 cm thick rump, I buy for about $22 a kilogram from a good butcher (*never* buy cheap cuts from a supermarket, it's generally mystery meat that's been glued together with meat glue - I'm lucky in that all meat in NZ is grass-fed beef).
Cooking meat in the frying pan: put in 1 tablespoon of butter (olive oil and coconut oil are not recommended - olive oil degrades with heat, coconut oil has a very high heating-point). Turn heat to medium. Note: your meat should *never* be frozen inside - if it is, leave it in the fridge for 24 hours to thaw (or on your bench for an hour or so - just make certain that the dog/cat/flies/whatever cannot get at it).
Chicken: put in the pan, swirl around quickly once, flip - that gets melted butter on the top. Grind over it some salt and pepper or whatever spices you prefer. Cook for 10 minutes. Turn heat to medium-low (1/4), flip, put the top on the pan. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove pan from heat, remove chicken from pan, leave on plate to relax for 5+ minutes. Makes perfect juicy chicken.
Beef: put in the pain, swirl around quickly once, flip. Again with the salt and pepper, or you can use some form of sauce if that's your preference. Cook for 6 minutes. Flip, cook for 6 more minutes. Remove pan from heat, remove beef from pan, leave on plate to relax for 5+ minutes. Makes medium-rare steak (might need a little longer, depending on the thickness of your steak).
Note: the concept of letting meat "relax". A lotta people don't know what this means. The thing is that with the above cooking, the inside of the meat isn't fully cooked yet, plus the juices around the outside are still very liquid. If you slice into the chicken/beef the moment it comes off the pan (or BBQ) the juice will come pouring out of it, leaving you with juice/blood everywhere on the plate and your chicken or beef rubbery and somewhat tasteless.
When you let it relax, the heat in the outside does a little bit more cooking inside plus the juices seal into the cells of the meat as things cool, plus you don't burn your damnfool mouth 'cause it's too damn hot to eat right away. Give it a minimum of 5 minutes, 10 is better.
Sides: steamed via the microwave. Use a large-ish bowl. Half-fill with broccoli, sliced carrot, defrosted peas, possibly even corn (not on the cob). Put in 1/4 to 1/3 cup of water. Cover with a plate. Nuke on high for 2.5 minutes. Be careful, it's hot! Remove cover, drain away the remaining water. Perfectly steamed vegetables (carrot may take another 1 minute, try it and see).
Cooked in a pot: 1/3rd fill with water, salt, bring to a boil. Dice in 1 carrot, cook 3 minutes. Chop in 1 kumara or potato, cook 3 minutes. Add 1/2 corn on the cob or 1/2 cup of defrosted peas or broccoli or cauliflower, cook 3 minutes - or until you can get a fork into the kumara/potato easily (not rock-hard, not flaking apart like mush).
Couscous (carb): you don't even need to cook this. Put a 1/4 cup in a cereal bowl, 1 teaspoon of butter or olive oil, 1/2 cup of boiling water, let it sit for 2-3 minutes (maybe stir once or twice). It soaks the liquid up. If you taste a little and it's still hard, add a little more boiling water.
If you like fried mushrooms or mushrooms in gravy, slice the mushrooms into the pan after the chicken/beef is put on the plate to relax. Stir them around and flip them a few times. Add water to dissolve the crunchier bits of chicken/beef, perhaps some chicken/beef stock if you have it on hand, a teaspoon to a tablespoon of flour well-stirred into things to thicken them up right before serving (a spot of milk also optional for milk gravy). Salt also optional.
There you have several options for simple meals - 1/2 hour tops to cook, take 10-15 minutes to eat, clean up immediately once done. (For cleaning your teflon pan: a soft sponge, hot water, a squirt of soap - do *not* use any form of scouring pad, don't use a scrubbing brush, you'll fuck the surface in a few short months and have to buy another one. Or go batshit crazy as everything sticks like superglue.)
For myself, being in a cutting phase at the moment, I'm doing fried chicken breast and steamed broccoli with salt'n'pepper and some cheese melted over the top. Sliced tomato with salt'n'pepper as another side. Could do steamed or raw carrot too, if I wanted.
Have a play. Enjoy. Remember two things:
* undercooked (semi-raw) chicken = puking and shitting your guts out overnight or a visit to the hospital
* too-rare beef = not so great stomach plus potential visit to the hospital
Your mileage may vary on the last two bits. Depends how young and tough you are. Especially watch it with the chicken though - if you cut into it and it's still somehow raw inside, straight back into the pan to cook that fucker more (and throw away anything else on the plate that might have gotten uncooked chicken juice on it).
When handling raw chicken, put it in the pan and *immediately* wash your hands and utensils (unless you're cooking the chicken with them) with dish soap and warm water. Ditto for the packaging. One drop of that stuff can ruin your whole week if you're really unlucky on the salmonella count (bloody cage chickens).
Don't forget the occasional beverage, too. Time for a small glass of Grand Marnier. Enjoy!
Fucking oath.
However (there's always a however) I do have a few soft spots. One of them is actually for children - even though you'd expect my attitude to be along the lines of "are they best baked, fried, or roasted?" I really don't like it when they get the shaft, which they do on a regular basis in our current society.
Another soft spot is cooking. I kinda enjoy that. Something almost peaceful and zen about it. Also healthier than many other habits out there.
Of course, most women can't cook for shit. (What? You expected me to keep teh wimminz out of it? Bah humbug!)
That said, this post was actually inspired by a woman having lunch at work a couple days ago. A few sprigs of limp-looking lettuce, some pathetic-looking crumbed fish. What really bought it to my attention was her grumbling aka semi-bitching about how bland it was.
Because I kinda have a soft spot with food (90kg weight-training fat bastard that I am) I actually talked with her about food. (The other reason is that I've known her for over 15 years, I know that she's not a complete cunt. Say what you like, there are a few. That doesn't make her a NAWALT of any stripe - just not a complete cunt.)
Gave her a few ideas, in the process it kinda struck me: younger single guys also sometimes have trouble cooking. Not because they're useless or anything, it's because they've not been told the basics behind it. (Plus many cooking sites are just recipes and cutesy shit for a group of 4, etc. Overkill for single men. You also don't learn squat about cooking from a bunch of random recipes.)
So here's your basic, reasonably minimalist kitchen guide to gear and cooking and the *why* behind some of it.
Gear - you need the following:
1 small teflon frying pan with lid (enough for 2 scrambled eggs or an omelet or the like)
1 small pot with lid (enough to boil an egg, a kumara/potato, a carrot, some peas and the like)
1 plastic spatula (don't bugger up the surface of your teflon frying pan with a metal one)
1 plastic slotted spoon (easy draining/serving from the pot)
1 large bamboo cutting-board (about 1 x 1.5 ft or 300 x 500 mm)
1 chef knife (Global brand - be warned, it's sharp enough to take a finger off)
2 paring knives (anything that isn't utter crap - you will get these as sharp as the chef knife)
1 water sharpener for the Global chef knife, use with all the knives (with extra ceramic rollers)
That's all the cooking gear you need. You're not baking a cake, you're not making cookies or biscuits or scones or the like. This is for basic day-to-day cooking. (Note: no ceramic knives in evidence. Anywhere. That shit is just too delicate for jobs that your chef knife will handle with ease.)
I'm gonna assume that you don't have a problem with how to make sandwiches, cereal (oats soaked in milk overnight in the fridge is good), scrambled eggs, various forms of salad, smoothies, etc. What people do seem to have a hassle with is the making of a proper end-of-day meal - what we call "dinner" in New Zealand. (I forget what it's called in America. Supper?)
Here is your real basic meal.
Mains: chicken breast or steak.
Boneless, skinless chicken breast costs about $2 per each in New Zealand (that's 250g or 1/2 pound of chicken - you can get 1kg or 2 pound for $8 here - yes, it's generally cage chickens, too bad).
Steak, a decent cut of 1 inch / 2.5 cm thick rump, I buy for about $22 a kilogram from a good butcher (*never* buy cheap cuts from a supermarket, it's generally mystery meat that's been glued together with meat glue - I'm lucky in that all meat in NZ is grass-fed beef).
Cooking meat in the frying pan: put in 1 tablespoon of butter (olive oil and coconut oil are not recommended - olive oil degrades with heat, coconut oil has a very high heating-point). Turn heat to medium. Note: your meat should *never* be frozen inside - if it is, leave it in the fridge for 24 hours to thaw (or on your bench for an hour or so - just make certain that the dog/cat/flies/whatever cannot get at it).
Chicken: put in the pan, swirl around quickly once, flip - that gets melted butter on the top. Grind over it some salt and pepper or whatever spices you prefer. Cook for 10 minutes. Turn heat to medium-low (1/4), flip, put the top on the pan. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove pan from heat, remove chicken from pan, leave on plate to relax for 5+ minutes. Makes perfect juicy chicken.
Beef: put in the pain, swirl around quickly once, flip. Again with the salt and pepper, or you can use some form of sauce if that's your preference. Cook for 6 minutes. Flip, cook for 6 more minutes. Remove pan from heat, remove beef from pan, leave on plate to relax for 5+ minutes. Makes medium-rare steak (might need a little longer, depending on the thickness of your steak).
Note: the concept of letting meat "relax". A lotta people don't know what this means. The thing is that with the above cooking, the inside of the meat isn't fully cooked yet, plus the juices around the outside are still very liquid. If you slice into the chicken/beef the moment it comes off the pan (or BBQ) the juice will come pouring out of it, leaving you with juice/blood everywhere on the plate and your chicken or beef rubbery and somewhat tasteless.
When you let it relax, the heat in the outside does a little bit more cooking inside plus the juices seal into the cells of the meat as things cool, plus you don't burn your damnfool mouth 'cause it's too damn hot to eat right away. Give it a minimum of 5 minutes, 10 is better.
Sides: steamed via the microwave. Use a large-ish bowl. Half-fill with broccoli, sliced carrot, defrosted peas, possibly even corn (not on the cob). Put in 1/4 to 1/3 cup of water. Cover with a plate. Nuke on high for 2.5 minutes. Be careful, it's hot! Remove cover, drain away the remaining water. Perfectly steamed vegetables (carrot may take another 1 minute, try it and see).
Cooked in a pot: 1/3rd fill with water, salt, bring to a boil. Dice in 1 carrot, cook 3 minutes. Chop in 1 kumara or potato, cook 3 minutes. Add 1/2 corn on the cob or 1/2 cup of defrosted peas or broccoli or cauliflower, cook 3 minutes - or until you can get a fork into the kumara/potato easily (not rock-hard, not flaking apart like mush).
Couscous (carb): you don't even need to cook this. Put a 1/4 cup in a cereal bowl, 1 teaspoon of butter or olive oil, 1/2 cup of boiling water, let it sit for 2-3 minutes (maybe stir once or twice). It soaks the liquid up. If you taste a little and it's still hard, add a little more boiling water.
If you like fried mushrooms or mushrooms in gravy, slice the mushrooms into the pan after the chicken/beef is put on the plate to relax. Stir them around and flip them a few times. Add water to dissolve the crunchier bits of chicken/beef, perhaps some chicken/beef stock if you have it on hand, a teaspoon to a tablespoon of flour well-stirred into things to thicken them up right before serving (a spot of milk also optional for milk gravy). Salt also optional.
There you have several options for simple meals - 1/2 hour tops to cook, take 10-15 minutes to eat, clean up immediately once done. (For cleaning your teflon pan: a soft sponge, hot water, a squirt of soap - do *not* use any form of scouring pad, don't use a scrubbing brush, you'll fuck the surface in a few short months and have to buy another one. Or go batshit crazy as everything sticks like superglue.)
For myself, being in a cutting phase at the moment, I'm doing fried chicken breast and steamed broccoli with salt'n'pepper and some cheese melted over the top. Sliced tomato with salt'n'pepper as another side. Could do steamed or raw carrot too, if I wanted.
Have a play. Enjoy. Remember two things:
* undercooked (semi-raw) chicken = puking and shitting your guts out overnight or a visit to the hospital
* too-rare beef = not so great stomach plus potential visit to the hospital
Your mileage may vary on the last two bits. Depends how young and tough you are. Especially watch it with the chicken though - if you cut into it and it's still somehow raw inside, straight back into the pan to cook that fucker more (and throw away anything else on the plate that might have gotten uncooked chicken juice on it).
When handling raw chicken, put it in the pan and *immediately* wash your hands and utensils (unless you're cooking the chicken with them) with dish soap and warm water. Ditto for the packaging. One drop of that stuff can ruin your whole week if you're really unlucky on the salmonella count (bloody cage chickens).
Don't forget the occasional beverage, too. Time for a small glass of Grand Marnier. Enjoy!
Sunday, 10 December 2017
When She Posts A Picture
Someone over on /r/MGTOW (I lost the link) states that there's a vast difference between men taking a picture to show off an object, and a wimminz doing the same:
This is actually wrong.
It's just like those Instagram whores. The picture is all about *her*. Narcissism at it's finest.
For a man, the object is the object of the photograph.
For teh wimminz, teh wimminz is the object of the photograph, and the object is just an excuse to post teh pikchur of teh wimminz. So the "object" should not be labelled as the subject of the photograph - teh wimminz should be labeled as "object", as the subject of the photograph.
Which she is. Just another object. Especially to herself. (Helloooo! Over heeeere! I haz titties! I haz a vagina! etc)
We need to keep this straight in our heads. Teh wimminz (the subject of selfish narcissism) is the real object being displayed here, anything else is just a subframe or subset of that.
Some prior examples from this blog:
Duckface narcissism with a near-corpse in the background.
Landwhale narcissism.
Golddigger narcissism.
Crazy cat-bitch narcissism (poor fuckin' cats, they got the 1,000-yard stare right there).
Kissy duckface narcissism (the one on the left looks haggish, the one on the right looks like a lamprey).
Blubber-bounce narcissism (how that 16 tons can move like that I dunno - crane with the cables photoshopped out?).
Teh sexeh yoga-body lookit-mah-cunt fuck-me narcissism (from PostSecret).
It all adds up to this:
And that's all she wrote.
Not here to bitch about it, we just need to understand it properly (and never forget it). It's all about her and how she feelz.
Usually, it's all banal and childish stuff too. As in, it all adds up to a childish wail for attention:
Which makes it all a massive red-flag that we can be glad of seeing. The ones not showing all this dogshit...those are the ones to watch out for. Those are the fuckers trying to pass themselves off as a NAWALT.
Geeze, a long time since I've used so many pictures. Who'd'a thunk that I had so many perfect examples on here.
This is actually wrong.
It's just like those Instagram whores. The picture is all about *her*. Narcissism at it's finest.
For a man, the object is the object of the photograph.
For teh wimminz, teh wimminz is the object of the photograph, and the object is just an excuse to post teh pikchur of teh wimminz. So the "object" should not be labelled as the subject of the photograph - teh wimminz should be labeled as "object", as the subject of the photograph.
Which she is. Just another object. Especially to herself. (Helloooo! Over heeeere! I haz titties! I haz a vagina! etc)
We need to keep this straight in our heads. Teh wimminz (the subject of selfish narcissism) is the real object being displayed here, anything else is just a subframe or subset of that.
Some prior examples from this blog:
Duckface narcissism with a near-corpse in the background.
Landwhale narcissism.
Golddigger narcissism.
Crazy cat-bitch narcissism (poor fuckin' cats, they got the 1,000-yard stare right there).
Kissy duckface narcissism (the one on the left looks haggish, the one on the right looks like a lamprey).
Blubber-bounce narcissism (how that 16 tons can move like that I dunno - crane with the cables photoshopped out?).
Teh sexeh yoga-body lookit-mah-cunt fuck-me narcissism (from PostSecret).
It all adds up to this:
And that's all she wrote.
Not here to bitch about it, we just need to understand it properly (and never forget it). It's all about her and how she feelz.
Usually, it's all banal and childish stuff too. As in, it all adds up to a childish wail for attention:
Which makes it all a massive red-flag that we can be glad of seeing. The ones not showing all this dogshit...those are the ones to watch out for. Those are the fuckers trying to pass themselves off as a NAWALT.
Geeze, a long time since I've used so many pictures. Who'd'a thunk that I had so many perfect examples on here.
Saturday, 9 December 2017
Still Retarded In New Zealand
Still retardedly sucking the cock of feminism. Here is the latest pool of puke upchucked by "journalists" and "economists". Given the rabbit-ear quotes because neither are of real use these days (journalists at least used to be semi-useful, "economists" were never useful).
Let's get it out of the way - Women could add $881m to the economy: report
I especially like the "could" - great weasel-words. Everybody knows that they won't.
This is due to a combination of:
...muh period...
...muh kiddiez...
...muh maternity leave...
...muh public breastfeed...
...muh flexi-time...
...muh hey he looked at me funny...
...muh feelz...
...muh privilege...
Adding up to "fucking useless" on the whole.
Plus, of course, the jobs made are not actually made. They're just substituting a less-valuable and more-pain-in-the-ass worker for a man. A worker who costs more in overhead because of extra-speshul needs that she must-must-must have. (Plus the extra management to cater to these entitled cunts, so that the business is "protected" from them.)
This is a special form of outsourcing. Just like what happens when we bring in overseas slave-labor to do the seasonal work which our youth used to do as entry-level jobs when first starting out in life. However, one that's actually of less-value in the end.
Go ahead retards. Keep advocating making everything less-efficient. Eventually that fucker'll burn to the ground - either the mentality or the civilization as a whole, hopefully the former.
Let's get it out of the way - Women could add $881m to the economy: report
I especially like the "could" - great weasel-words. Everybody knows that they won't.
This is due to a combination of:
...muh period...
...muh kiddiez...
...muh maternity leave...
...muh public breastfeed...
...muh flexi-time...
...muh feelz...
...muh privilege...
Plus, of course, the jobs made are not actually made. They're just substituting a less-valuable and more-pain-in-the-ass worker for a man. A worker who costs more in overhead because of extra-speshul needs that she must-must-must have. (Plus the extra management to cater to these entitled cunts, so that the business is "protected" from them.)
This is a special form of outsourcing. Just like what happens when we bring in overseas slave-labor to do the seasonal work which our youth used to do as entry-level jobs when first starting out in life. However, one that's actually of less-value in the end.
Go ahead retards. Keep advocating making everything less-efficient. Eventually that fucker'll burn to the ground - either the mentality or the civilization as a whole, hopefully the former.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Mourning The Old Ways
Didact has a great post about being born in the wrong century:
Men wouldn't just work for a big company because it provided stable employment and a guaranteed pension upon retirement. Many of them worked for such companies because they genuinely loved the company and its culture.In my case, I still work at my "current place of work" after effectively 20 years for a slightly different reason - because I helped build up the culture in that place over that 20 year time-period. Though management is definitely doing their damnedest to tear it down at the moment.
When it goes, I will probably go also. At the least, it will leave me with less motivation to do real work for them. (Though my efficiency has already dropped tremendously.)
The comments from Tom Kratman are great too:
Oh, and it appears that the actual rule, for sex, for most of mankind for most of history - at least in cultures that placed a high value on certain things - was, "We know you're human and you're going nuts with the urge to rut. Once you are properly engaged / betrothed we will avert our eyes to what you do. However, if she comes up pregnant you had best be prepared to move the wedding date up to the week after the rabbit died. Oh, and if you try to back out we'll kill you or, bare minimum, shotgun you to the altar."I was bought up the old way re marriage and sex. Having all those attitudes stripped away from me by age 18 should never have happened - unfortunately, that's the way things went. (Even my own mother stepped out in her youth - which is why I have an older half-sister, 'cause mommy dearest got pregnant by the milkman. How cliche.)
Sadly, it is our modern advantages - of prevalent food, shelter, and protection - which have caused a degeneration of the old ways. (The Roman dole of grain - free food - and we wonder why Rome declined and fell. Bread and circuses, beer and games, food and entertainment.)
Because the consequences are not so dire these days. She's not going to get kicked out by her family and have to fend for herself. Even if she did, the government is more than happy to pay her. Just as a simple bribe for her vote.
For the children, yeah...
For the children, yeah...
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Not Just Hairdressers
On my last post, two commentors make a couple of observations. My reply started turning into a here it is.
From Shaun F:
You are correct regarding seeing the error of their ways. Unfortunately my friend has not, so he's now wifing up an extremely useless form of parasite. Worse than his original, by far. Pushing 50, he should fucking-well know better. Can't tell him that though, he's not ready to "unplug" as it were.
Damn. Now I get to see another good man go through a second trainwreck in his life. It's gonna suck.
From I Am Noticing:
Rather than keeping cupcake in the emotional and physical state to which she feelz entitled.
On the Crazy "as fucking fruit-loops" Scale, hairdressers rate #1 in my book. In fact, they're off the charts - this isn't dialed up to eleven (thank you Spinal Tap), this is to the power of eleven.
On the Crazy Scale, #2 is nurses and female psychologists/counselors.
On the Crazy Scale, #3 is horse chicks.
So how do hairdressers - in fact, not just hairdressers, every female in the beauty industry - manage to achieve #1 by an order of magnitude? As in, in fucking orbit, outta fucking sight, no comparison whatsoever, crazy?
Think about society. Society is gynocentric to a T, despite the claims of the fembots about it being controlled by patriarchal women-hating misogynist men.
These girls are the biggest pushers (as in drug-dealers) in the world, bar none.
The drug is a combination of beauty and narcissistic supply. It's a good one! Socially approved, used daily, cheap to make, expensive to buy - every woman *needs* this drug to function in society on a daily basis. Running out - or having it failing - causes "tragic" mental/emotional consequences.
The poor, poor darling!
Never mind that continued use of this drug on a daily basis generally destroys her skin, her hair, and along with those her long-term looks. Never mind that, at all. Short term is all that matters to the user of the drug.
(An aside, think about MakeApp. It destroys that makeup-fakeup drug. This is why it draws such vitriolic hatred from damn near every female.)
How does this make a hairdresser or beautician type a #1 on the Crazy Scale?
The beauty industry is a lie. The fashion industry is a lie. Ditto for movies, advertising, modelling, etc. All lies designed to sell the consumer (women and men both) a product. A product known as sex, with beauty being the overt surface. In the process, fattening the wallet of the producer of the product.
A hairdresser/beautician knows (very intimately!) the value of the drug/product that they are pushing. Beauty and sex. They live by it in the form of $$$$ gained, and use it in the form of products as personal advertising. In fact, they have to live it intimately: I have never seen a fat, slovenly, ugly hairdresser or beautician. They'd starve. They have to know starkly the value of the beauty that they push and so they personally use their drug religiously.
This is why they are always done up to the nines.
The drug includes such things as: manicures, pedicures, facials, body peels, soaking in mud, soaking in honey, aromatherapy, relaxation, massage, various forms of pampering, etc. Oil of olay, goop that includes stem cells from the foreskins of male babies, something that includes "pearls of beauty" (whatever the fuck that is supposed to be - is that like homeopathy, one part per billion? one molecule per highly-priced jar?).
Scents: CK One, Fire and Ice, Chanel, Cartier, Dior, Diamond, etc - made from ambergris, shit out from (and possibly barfed up by) sick whales. (Value: about US$10k per pound, though you're more likely to find small lumps of an ounce or two on the beach.)
Makeup is a goodie: base (moisturizer - specially for the crows-feet), foundation (two shades blended together), concealer (both for spots and the bags under the eyes), highlight/contour/blush, lids (brows and liner and finishing with eyeshadow), lashes (curling and mascara - often with liner to the inner rim of the eyes - which makes my eyes water imagining it), powder (possibly including another powder blush and contour layer), lips (lipstick then lip liner then lipstick again - maybe gloss as well for the final touch).
Quite a lot of that shit has SPF30+ sunscreen in it. Can't have those nasty UV rayz screwing up your skin, babe.
The hair adds emphasis to the face. Loose framing, a touch of coy hiding, pulled up for the young'n'naive girl look, long for the full sexual/sensual effect, the wet look, the slightly frizzy "it just dried naturally" look, the hairsprayed-solid "full metal helmet" look, etc.
The various "natural" dyes and colors. Going blonde. The fucked-up-shit unnatural colors that certain types of wimminz luv luv luv to put on (displaying their insanity). Other stuff used: texturizer, styling mousse, curl enhancers/definers, styling wax, styling gel, pomade, heat protection sprays, hairspray, serum, and shine spray. Add to that fifteen different forms of heat-based hairdryer, curler, straightener, etc etc ad-fucking-nauseum.
You can tell that I was fuckin' married, can't you. Even so, I added several homo-suspicion points with that lot.
Here's some extra fun: when you go to a more upmarket hotel, check out the bathroom. A couple of sachets of makeup remover and a black facecloth embroidered with the word "makeup" - because taking all that shit off permanently stains the linens, so you might as well use a brown or black facecloth so that it doesn't show.
A girl gets real practiced at doing this daily, it can take her about 15-20 minutes. Longer of course if she's making a shitload of effort to do something special (or deliberately fucking you around and making you wait). Sometimes though, she just wants a professional makeover. Cue the beautician and hairdresser (though often, the hairdresser is more of a weekly to monthly thing anyway for the girls who want a gossip-session combined with being too damn lazy to make that effort themselves).
Now, for beauticians and hairdressers to push a drug that hard - one which screws up their own skin and hair as well as everyone else's - requires an exceptional level of hamsterbation and female doublethink. A level which really fucks with your mind.
As I Am Noticing asked: "Is it because they are a kind of crazy artist?" Yes. The craziest of artists, having to make "so-so" and "meh" look stunning, pushing the biggest drug in the world.
Being such heavy users of it themselves, their narcissistic index is way off the charts too. Again, sky-high and in orbit.
I have literally had a hairdresser say to me: "I only hang out with the cool crowd". Self-centered, self-entitled, narcissism to the max. Of course, I'm not in that crowd, being a pleasantly-ugly man at best. (Which is weird, because I've known in passing quite a few from that crowd - probably they thought of me as an orbiter type, useful for $$$$, and surprised when they got nothing from me beyond a "hello".)
Recently, I've had a beautician chick trying to spark me (last couple of months) Christ knows why, I'm built like a brick shithouse, not a pretty-boy. She's Taiwanese, textbook skinny instagram whore with the "amazing" lifestyle, looks 20, is actually 35, and has acknowledged in the past that she makes poor decisions in life. (Heavy smoker and drinker in her youth, broke up with "abusive" hubby - aren't they all! - been on the party-circuit again and drinking heavily, now stopping and doing her best to remain sober.)
I shut her down by describing my last couple of weeks of hiking/tramping holiday: "not showering for 4 days, jumping into the ocean for a swim/bath - if you came along with me you'd be smelly, have no makeup, hair a mess, a terrible situation for a girl". She's now back to her usual social media posts of "why are people so prejudiced against beautiful people?" type of thing.
Hilarious. It's the narcissism garbage. Which is why the desperate mooing and bleating about being beautiful - lookin' for that White Knight. AKA she's a spoiled worthless narcissistic whore with a bigger N-count than I've had hot dinners in the past year. This is not helped by men in her FaceCrap posting (literal) comments like "so beautiful" and similar pandering horseshit. (Guys, stop pulling your limp dick out to show it to her - grow a fuckin' spine along with some sense.)
The most amusing thing in my book, though - I've seen hairdressers and beauticians really hit the wall hard. For them, it's like that wall is stainless steel and they faceplant cold into it. You can tell when they start having to use so much makeup that it's visible in dimly-lit nightclubs and bars. You can tell when you can smell the product in their hair from feet away.
Which is hilarious in a twisted way - the shit on their face fucks their skin up so bad, the shit in their hair wrecks it so bad, they need more'n'more of it. (Deliberate, on the part of makeup and hair companies? I'm personally bloody certain of it.)
Just like a drug.
Gentlemen, drink 'em if you got 'em. I'm going to have a small glass of Grand Marnier to wash down the delicious taste of schadenfreude.
From Shaun F:
I've been warned about hairdressers. Most guys will inevitably end up with the same type woman - unless they see the error of their ways.Heed those warnings about hairdressers.
You are correct regarding seeing the error of their ways. Unfortunately my friend has not, so he's now wifing up an extremely useless form of parasite. Worse than his original, by far. Pushing 50, he should fucking-well know better. Can't tell him that though, he's not ready to "unplug" as it were.
Damn. Now I get to see another good man go through a second trainwreck in his life. It's gonna suck.
From I Am Noticing:
Hairdressers are a nightmare. I don't know why. Is it because they are a kind of crazy artist? They've all been liars too... but that's true for every woman.
What is it with hairdressers?Ah yes, all women are liars. In fact most of society is built upon lies and fakery, with the blood-sweat-and-diesel carefully locked away in the cellar. Don't think too closely about *that*. For if you too might become one of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, aka Red Pill/MGTOW, and set yourself up to Enjoy the Decline.
Rather than keeping cupcake in the emotional and physical state to which she feelz entitled.
On the Crazy "as fucking fruit-loops" Scale, hairdressers rate #1 in my book. In fact, they're off the charts - this isn't dialed up to eleven (thank you Spinal Tap), this is to the power of eleven.
On the Crazy Scale, #2 is nurses and female psychologists/counselors.
On the Crazy Scale, #3 is horse chicks.
So how do hairdressers - in fact, not just hairdressers, every female in the beauty industry - manage to achieve #1 by an order of magnitude? As in, in fucking orbit, outta fucking sight, no comparison whatsoever, crazy?
Think about society. Society is gynocentric to a T, despite the claims of the fembots about it being controlled by patriarchal women-hating misogynist men.
These girls are the biggest pushers (as in drug-dealers) in the world, bar none.
The drug is a combination of beauty and narcissistic supply. It's a good one! Socially approved, used daily, cheap to make, expensive to buy - every woman *needs* this drug to function in society on a daily basis. Running out - or having it failing - causes "tragic" mental/emotional consequences.
The poor, poor darling!
Never mind that continued use of this drug on a daily basis generally destroys her skin, her hair, and along with those her long-term looks. Never mind that, at all. Short term is all that matters to the user of the drug.
(An aside, think about MakeApp. It destroys that makeup-fakeup drug. This is why it draws such vitriolic hatred from damn near every female.)
How does this make a hairdresser or beautician type a #1 on the Crazy Scale?
The beauty industry is a lie. The fashion industry is a lie. Ditto for movies, advertising, modelling, etc. All lies designed to sell the consumer (women and men both) a product. A product known as sex, with beauty being the overt surface. In the process, fattening the wallet of the producer of the product.
A hairdresser/beautician knows (very intimately!) the value of the drug/product that they are pushing. Beauty and sex. They live by it in the form of $$$$ gained, and use it in the form of products as personal advertising. In fact, they have to live it intimately: I have never seen a fat, slovenly, ugly hairdresser or beautician. They'd starve. They have to know starkly the value of the beauty that they push and so they personally use their drug religiously.
This is why they are always done up to the nines.
The drug includes such things as: manicures, pedicures, facials, body peels, soaking in mud, soaking in honey, aromatherapy, relaxation, massage, various forms of pampering, etc. Oil of olay, goop that includes stem cells from the foreskins of male babies, something that includes "pearls of beauty" (whatever the fuck that is supposed to be - is that like homeopathy, one part per billion? one molecule per highly-priced jar?).
Scents: CK One, Fire and Ice, Chanel, Cartier, Dior, Diamond, etc - made from ambergris, shit out from (and possibly barfed up by) sick whales. (Value: about US$10k per pound, though you're more likely to find small lumps of an ounce or two on the beach.)
Makeup is a goodie: base (moisturizer - specially for the crows-feet), foundation (two shades blended together), concealer (both for spots and the bags under the eyes), highlight/contour/blush, lids (brows and liner and finishing with eyeshadow), lashes (curling and mascara - often with liner to the inner rim of the eyes - which makes my eyes water imagining it), powder (possibly including another powder blush and contour layer), lips (lipstick then lip liner then lipstick again - maybe gloss as well for the final touch).
Quite a lot of that shit has SPF30+ sunscreen in it. Can't have those nasty UV rayz screwing up your skin, babe.
The hair adds emphasis to the face. Loose framing, a touch of coy hiding, pulled up for the young'n'naive girl look, long for the full sexual/sensual effect, the wet look, the slightly frizzy "it just dried naturally" look, the hairsprayed-solid "full metal helmet" look, etc.
The various "natural" dyes and colors. Going blonde. The fucked-up-shit unnatural colors that certain types of wimminz luv luv luv to put on (displaying their insanity). Other stuff used: texturizer, styling mousse, curl enhancers/definers, styling wax, styling gel, pomade, heat protection sprays, hairspray, serum, and shine spray. Add to that fifteen different forms of heat-based hairdryer, curler, straightener, etc etc ad-fucking-nauseum.
You can tell that I was fuckin' married, can't you. Even so, I added several homo-suspicion points with that lot.
Here's some extra fun: when you go to a more upmarket hotel, check out the bathroom. A couple of sachets of makeup remover and a black facecloth embroidered with the word "makeup" - because taking all that shit off permanently stains the linens, so you might as well use a brown or black facecloth so that it doesn't show.
A girl gets real practiced at doing this daily, it can take her about 15-20 minutes. Longer of course if she's making a shitload of effort to do something special (or deliberately fucking you around and making you wait). Sometimes though, she just wants a professional makeover. Cue the beautician and hairdresser (though often, the hairdresser is more of a weekly to monthly thing anyway for the girls who want a gossip-session combined with being too damn lazy to make that effort themselves).
Now, for beauticians and hairdressers to push a drug that hard - one which screws up their own skin and hair as well as everyone else's - requires an exceptional level of hamsterbation and female doublethink. A level which really fucks with your mind.
As I Am Noticing asked: "Is it because they are a kind of crazy artist?" Yes. The craziest of artists, having to make "so-so" and "meh" look stunning, pushing the biggest drug in the world.
Being such heavy users of it themselves, their narcissistic index is way off the charts too. Again, sky-high and in orbit.
I have literally had a hairdresser say to me: "I only hang out with the cool crowd". Self-centered, self-entitled, narcissism to the max. Of course, I'm not in that crowd, being a pleasantly-ugly man at best. (Which is weird, because I've known in passing quite a few from that crowd - probably they thought of me as an orbiter type, useful for $$$$, and surprised when they got nothing from me beyond a "hello".)
Recently, I've had a beautician chick trying to spark me (last couple of months) Christ knows why, I'm built like a brick shithouse, not a pretty-boy. She's Taiwanese, textbook skinny instagram whore with the "amazing" lifestyle, looks 20, is actually 35, and has acknowledged in the past that she makes poor decisions in life. (Heavy smoker and drinker in her youth, broke up with "abusive" hubby - aren't they all! - been on the party-circuit again and drinking heavily, now stopping and doing her best to remain sober.)
I shut her down by describing my last couple of weeks of hiking/tramping holiday: "not showering for 4 days, jumping into the ocean for a swim/bath - if you came along with me you'd be smelly, have no makeup, hair a mess, a terrible situation for a girl". She's now back to her usual social media posts of "why are people so prejudiced against beautiful people?" type of thing.
Hilarious. It's the narcissism garbage. Which is why the desperate mooing and bleating about being beautiful - lookin' for that White Knight. AKA she's a spoiled worthless narcissistic whore with a bigger N-count than I've had hot dinners in the past year. This is not helped by men in her FaceCrap posting (literal) comments like "so beautiful" and similar pandering horseshit. (Guys, stop pulling your limp dick out to show it to her - grow a fuckin' spine along with some sense.)
The most amusing thing in my book, though - I've seen hairdressers and beauticians really hit the wall hard. For them, it's like that wall is stainless steel and they faceplant cold into it. You can tell when they start having to use so much makeup that it's visible in dimly-lit nightclubs and bars. You can tell when you can smell the product in their hair from feet away.
Which is hilarious in a twisted way - the shit on their face fucks their skin up so bad, the shit in their hair wrecks it so bad, they need more'n'more of it. (Deliberate, on the part of makeup and hair companies? I'm personally bloody certain of it.)
Just like a drug.
Gentlemen, drink 'em if you got 'em. I'm going to have a small glass of Grand Marnier to wash down the delicious taste of schadenfreude.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Congratulations remarried a fuckin' hairdresser.
Both amusing and fuckin' appalling.
Alright, this is a bloke that I've known for six-odd years. He split up with his wife of 20 years something like 5 years ago - because she was an alcoholic with zero impulse-control.
Apologies. I meant to say "she just happened to fall on all those cocks, she swears it, it must be true".
At least mine wasn't one of those cocks. Though she made a great try for it. Funny how I always ended up with the hot-as blue-eyed blondes chasing me. (Though given that I've got green eyes, maybe not quite so unexpected, hahaha. I even used to be somewhat blonde as a young'n, and still have somewhat mousy-blonde hair that's turning grey. Bah. Older, darker, wiser.)
Back to him. Congratulations. You got rid of alcoholic-stupid and went straight to fucking crazy. (With a couple other flavors of crazy in between, before wising up and dumping them.) Now you're compounding your personal stupidity by putting a ring on that crazy.
And she's a professional fuckin' liar to boot, one who makes other women look "beautiful".
Lap it up, man. Pushing 50 and still ruled by your cock. And I thought that I was bad, still being a horny bastard at 51.
Just get MakeApp and run her through it. Believe me, I've just done it, she doesn't look that great.
Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price. Now time for some Grand Marnier on ice to wash down this dose of nasty black poison.
And she's a professional fuckin' liar to boot, one who makes other women look "beautiful".
Lap it up, man. Pushing 50 and still ruled by your cock. And I thought that I was bad, still being a horny bastard at 51.
Just get MakeApp and run her through it. Believe me, I've just done it, she doesn't look that great.
Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price. Now time for some Grand Marnier on ice to wash down this dose of nasty black poison.
Friday, 1 December 2017
Stop Thinking Chess
David Aurini has an interesting post from a couple of months ago (I'm just now catching up a little), where he states that the Alt-Right is winning every battle yet losing the war. In it, he states:
Battling the radical left has proven to be a losing strategy, and there are several reasons for this.
He goes on the enumerate the reasons. To boil it down:
• Members of the Right take time to develop and educate/train to usefulness
• Members of the Left breed like maggots and are easily brainwashed into compliance
• Combating the endless hordes of the pathetic-Left simply wastes the valuable-Right's precious time and energy
He quotes a commentor Doktor Jeep (on Vox Day's blog - this is only a partial requote):
There are many works though that need not be grounded in fighting the SJWs that will still improve the world. Frankly it would be best to just damn them and go full steam ahead in doing what’s simply right for civilization and the west generally. Maybe this is why they are so thusly programmed to “block our path” no matter how wrong and ridiculous they are. They know they are not going to win, but if they can keep the pass blocked until that critical mass of immigration and societal decay is reached (when the people are beyond hope for not even being able to conceive another way out) then they win. A sacrifice play.
We should steamroller them. Go around them. Stop waiting for the world to improve (and going about it like making noise will help). Go improve it. Yes our “speakers” are informative and useful, but the information they give us can only go so far. We have to use it in meatspace.
This is very correct - in military terms, get inside their OOTS loop (as per Boyd's definitions) and take them apart that way. Effectively this means taking apart the current world-structure which supports these Leftist retards.
That's a big ask.
Part of the problem is that they/we are all thinking about it the wrong way.
Going for the throat, combating the individual Leftist/SJW, taking over or dismantling the current system, is following the mentality of Chess. Attrition. Von Clausewitz "On War", slaughtering and destroying the opposition with minimal losses to yourself.
In video game terms: cutting through all the dweeb enemies to reach the boss, then cutting down that boss. Taking a breather then starting again on the long grind that is the next level. Even if you attempt an end-run around the dweebs to cut the head off the boss. The issue is that the numbers of individual dweebs and bosses are limitless. Plus, the bastards can breed faster than you can cut them down.
In video game terms: cutting through all the dweeb enemies to reach the boss, then cutting down that boss. Taking a breather then starting again on the long grind that is the next level. Even if you attempt an end-run around the dweebs to cut the head off the boss. The issue is that the numbers of individual dweebs and bosses are limitless. Plus, the bastards can breed faster than you can cut them down.
Stop thinking Chess. Stop thinking attrition and destruction. Stop thinking video games.
Start thinking Go. Start thinking making the enemy ineffective.
Let's be honest - while they are individually bloody annoying, in the long term they are retarded and not worth engaging. Controlling our emotional reaction to what are effectively retarded trolls is a far better start to using our minds and lives effectively.
When we fall into the trap of engaging their insane provocation, we end up just like the other monkeys, screaming back at the ones we don't agree with. As the saying goes: "Never get into an Internet argument with a retard. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
This is a very depressing thought that links quite neatly with how the Alt-Right has lost the war. They're being dragged down into the morass of retarded trolls, responding in kind, being swamped, finally overwhelmed by the masses of attack-bunnies and orcs. Beaten by experience.
So. To continue the Chess/video game analogy, we are attempting to overthrow an entrenched system which has a limitless supply of cannon fodder. We are attempting to take over what already exists. The problem is that we can't do that - there's too much opposition.
So if we can't take over or destroy the existing system, what can we do? As Doktor Jeep states, the Left blocks reflexively - even a "full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes" effort will be ineffective against that mentality. Which means that we must stop thinking about going head-to-head and start thinking laterally.
Let them have their system. Completely unopposed. (Or at most with only token opposition - so they don't twig to the fact that they're being outmanoeuvred.)
Start thinking of building our own in parallel.
Massively parallel.
This is already happening out there. I read somewhere (cannot think where at the moment - Aaron Clarey's blog?) that some small towns in America have started going back to barter between townsfolk. No monetary transactions, no income, no taxation.
They live. Nobody can stop that sort of trading. It's the grey (and even black) market.
Parasitise off the existing systems. Get your parallel systems up and running. Then you can "retire" from the fray, continuing to live in "seeming poverty" (so far as the mainstream system understands it).
Then watch the parasites continue to decline and destroy themselves. Your parallel systems of food, comfort, moral and intellectual values, information, friendships, will all be there. You won't appear on the system's radar. You're too small and insignificant and (apparently) poor. Nobody is going to attempt to take your "nothing" from you. It's not worth it to them.
There is a method of enjoying the decline, in peace and quiet.
Note that it works for the Amish. No, I'm not saying that we go that far back technologically - however, they are an exceptional example of a mostly-self-sustaining different culture in America. With blockchain technology, massive parallel systems of barter become possible (call it barterchain? or something more innocuous, that doesn't give it away...).
I sometimes wonder if Bitcoin was expressly designed as a parallel system to help people to parasitise off the main system. Tinfoil-hat conspiracy? No. I just can't help wondering, sometimes.
I once mentioned in passing, over on Amerika, that I wouldn't be surprised if someone upped-stakes and disappeared with a petrol-station of gasoline. You can run a lot of stuff for a long time with that much. A couple of the commenters pooh-poohed me down, sneering, telling me that I was being silly. I left them to their mindset, firmly entrenched and fully-engaged in the "value" of the current system.
However. Try googling "missing truck" or even "missing truck driver".
Then ask yourself how much value a double-tanker of diesel, or a double-trailer of tinned food, might have in a parallel system.
Monday, 27 November 2017
Damned Are The Retards
For they will never improve, or attempt to improve, or ever achieve anything resembling improvement. They are incapable of being anything other than being retarded.
This is deeper and sadder than is immediately obvious. Especially, it has social implications that escapes 90% of humanity.
Retarded people are "merely content".
Content with eating, fucking, getting drunk/wasted, pumping out several kiddies (some single mommies using said kiddies as an income stream). Repeat cycle generationally.
Outbreeding the "more driven". Those who desire a deeper meaning to life, for something more than the next meal/sexual conquest/high.
Welcome to the documentary/instruction manual known colloquially as "Idiocracy".
Even some of the driven are missing something on a deeper level. Something that we can't name.
Brett Stevens over on Amerika calls it a "civilisational purpose" or goal. He writes of a drive towards excellence.
Uncle Bob, bless his soul (which from an agnostic like me is likely a blasphemy by itself), used to call it "arĂȘte" - also a desire for excellence.
Excellence and standards, MIA in our society and mindset.
Excellence and standards, MIA in our society and mindset.
As I learn more about people, I become more and more a misanthrope - someone who despises people on the whole.
Sure, there are a few good people who I enjoy the company of. The rest? It wouldn't bother me if 80% of them were killed off. (Chances are high that I'd be in that 80%, too.)
Got into a conversation with an older man, we were talking about how stupid the younger generation is these days. Even with basic English language, something that everyone is brought up learning. (Shit, I struggle with that at times too.) Spelling and pronunciation of some words: "aluminum" vs "aluminium" for example. Color vs colour, armor vs armour, you get the picture. Americanised vs British English, effectively - nothing wrong with the two.
We got to talking about some plurals - some of which don't end in "s". You can only determine plural in context.
Him: "I'm waiting to see people spelling and saying sheeps."
Me: "I hope that I never see that. It would make me think that it's time for a culling."
Him: "Prepare to be disappointed..."
Me: "Oh God, don't get me started..."
The talking wandered to other things, yet that stuck in my mind. We are long, long overdue another culling. A removal of the weak, genetically-deficient, and parasitical from our species.
Maybe the decline of our Western civilisation is an inner preparation for the culling. I don't know...I simply wonder how much longer we can continue to feed upon ourselves before Atlas shrugs and the whole house of cards falls down.
Perhaps that can be avoided. With Trump in America, it looks as if they are at least attempting to throw off the parasites. Difficult to tell with the biased leftist media making mountains out of molehills whenever Trump takes a misstep...while at the same time burying everything that he does right, minimising his reported successes.
Currently, we give everybody their daily dose of soma and leave them to continue their meaningless lives. Birds, booze, drugs, sports, whatever... ("Bird" is NZ slang for women. In Aussie, "sheila" means the same thing.)
Weird, while I like and support the general idea of Aaron Clarey's "Enjoy the Decline" - I find that I'm not able to be a parasite off the current system. I can't even comprehend how people can live like that. (Welfare queens...six kids..."it's for the childreeeeeen"...bleh.)
I don't know if it's personal pride, or if it's ultimately something to do with striving to be better than the general herd of retards out there.
Maybe that's why I couldn't really go hardcore down the PUA track. It smacks so much of dragging yourself down into the slop, just so you can be #21 (or #51, or #301) to drop a fuck into her various holes. A basic lack of dignity? Retardism at its finest? Who the definitions of BoneCrkr, Omega men, the behaviour of the criminal scum class...
As I think about society in general, I begin to think more and more of the old aristocracy. Brett Stevens writing on Amerika is right: that was the way things ended up being structured, because that was the way things are in the real world.
• the lowest class, filled with retards - these people are nothing more than grunt labour and criminal scum
• the middle class, more driven - these people are artisans, shopkeepers, the types who build and keep a civilisation going
• the upper class, the aristocrats - these people provide the real long-term thinking, the vision, who (should) know what works best, who limit the stupidities and encourage the excellent
Then some discontented and jealous nincompoop (aka fucktard) decides that a revolution is in order so that they can get ahead. They organise a "change of leadership", aka "jobs for the boys", aka sawing the bottom off the ladder and nailing it to the top.
End result is what we have now: the grunt labour retards are "in charge", while the more parasitical members of the middle class are having a field day as they grow rich off the retards. In the meantime there's nothing stopping the whole herd of stupidity from crapping over everything in sight and saying that it's "good" to destroy everything in sight instead of making sure that there's something kept for the future and future generations...
Oh yeah, definitely for the childreeeeen...
Me, I'd be happy to be middle-class and helping to prop it all up. Which I am anyway, and pleased of that much, given that I started life from low-class criminal dregs in the retard gene could have been a helluva lot worse...
This particularly bleak look through Crap Colored Glasses brought to you via a week of philosophical musings and conversations and personal soul-searching while tramping through the Far North, enjoying sunrises and sunsets and stars and getting sunburned and rained on, as #pizzagate starts to boil over with allegations that we are "ruled" by pedophiles and sexual deviants.
Boy, some'a them parasites really went whole-hog didn't they...
Monday, 20 November 2017
Not Hiring
I'm on holiday up in the Far North of New Zealand. That's correct: "Far North", capitalised. It is so far north that there is very dodgy signal - definitely not helped by the planned power outage that they are experiencing at the moment. Damifino when this will get posted.
At any rate, got to talking with one of the locals and a tourist - the local owns the tourist-attraction we were at (Gumdiggers Park). We were yakking while his 9kva generator was going in the background. Topics ranged from politics (Jacinda), politics (USA and Trump), Australia, immigrants, minimum wage rise, kids these days, etc etc. The sorta stuff that us old fogies will yack about when we get to talking.
(Here's a hint: a $15 minimum wage will only push the cost of things up. It's currently that here in NZ and they're making noises about putting it up to $20 or something. Fuck, wish I could get a 25% pay-increase!)
Local man started talking about the local young people. He has no staff, so the minimum wage thing won't affect him: there's just him and his wife run things. We asked why no staff. His reply: "They're bloody useless."
Seems that there's an "epidemic" of sponging off the system up here. Blokes with bad backs, girls with six kids being welfare queens, that sort of shit. (Said welfare queens get paid more in the hand than I do, fuuuuuuuck!)
He had one girl, who started out "not too bad". (Not great, just not too bad.) After a month though, one day she turned up and seemed just a little "off"...
He made a few inquiries and it turned out that she's on P (that's meth to you Americans). He had a few words with her, told her that she couldn't turn up like that... (I'd have drop-kicked the bitch on the way out the door - that he didn't shows just how hard it is to find even halfway-decent workers up here.)
A couple more weeks, suddenly she can't come in - she fell over a child's toy and injured herself. (No children.) Doctor, ACC (Accident Compensation Corp), he's still having to cover some of that though. In the end she buggers off, he's out three grand and ACC is out ten or twelve. Most of that she used to get herself a newer car.
About three months down the line, he gets a call from her new employer. They're wondering about his experience with her and his response is along the lines of "You didn't employ her did you...?"
And that's why he's no longer hiring...
Almost 9pm, sun's gone down, alarm is set for 3am. Time for sleep, see what the stars are like when I wake. Night!
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Revealing the Chameleon
Normally I would not get on the bandwagon with this one - because on the whole, it doesn't really matter. (Misogyny lol...nah fuck it, not that interested on the whole. Though it is amusing how the crazy bitches are spinning and spitting. Definitely coughing up a dose of full retard.)
Then I ran across this video - The Haggening:
In the video is a picture of a tweet that went out (I think from the developer):
From that one tweet, I realized that this is how you shatter that fuckin' pedestal once and for all. How you rip that mindset of pussy-worship out of your head, if you're still struggling with it. Also, how you start to destroy the blue-pill mindset far and wide.
Reveal that fuckin' chameleon, in all it's gory, once and for all.
For this reason, I suggest very strongly that every man should get this app and use it on a couple of the so-called hot stars - and on any girl that he has the hots for. In fact, for any friend of yours who won't shut the fuck up about X girl, tell him: "Just get MakeApp and strip that inch of shit off her face."
It's likely to be a very sobering experience.
For giggles (and my sins - I am definitely going to hell for this one) I used it on several photos to see what the result would be. (You get 5 photos free, more you have to pay a couple bucks for. Yes, I spent a couple bucks.)
Emma Watson (dat luvverly face of the HeForShe movement):
Jessica Valenti (our favorite "I bathe in mens tears" bukkake-freak feminasty):
Scarlett Johansen ('cause who don't like them titties?):
For myself, it looked like it added about 5 years - a little grungier, a little bit more sunburned, etc. Nothing like what it did to the photo's above. Adding makeup smoothed it all out and made me look about 10 years younger. (No duh, why else do wimminz wear fakeup? It looks actually like this app show's what she will look like 5-10 years in the future. You no longer have to check out the mother as per Terrence Popp's advice - a helluva time- and life-saver by itself.)
My female friend, she actually looked halfway okay. A little paler, the eyelashes gone, the eyebrows a little thinner and washed out. Perhaps the kind of "girl next door" look, from my youth - before girls starting slapping an inch of shit on their faces.
This app seriously needs to go big-time viral. Just for guys who want to destroy their illusions for all time.
Amusingly, there are settings for putting on more makeup ("moar fakeup! bwahahahahah!"). Ho-lee-shit, talk about bad. I am talking sweet transvestite Dr. Frank-N-Furter right outta the Rocky Horror Picture Show freakishly bad.
Come to think of it, that also is worth having the app for. Just to see how freakish this shit can go. Remember, 50 years ago fakeup was only for prostitutes. Now half'a these teenage girls make a prostitute look normal.
Brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price. But fuck it, just grab the app and spend a couple bucks on it. HELL of a lot cheaper.
Plus, the Russian developer deserves to get rich from this. To you man: I raise a glass of Grand Marnier. That. Is. Great.
Already happening, from /r/MGTOW:
Perhaps this will destroy the hundred billion selfies a day craze in it's tracks. Also the instagram models and Dubai Porta-Potties biz. No girl who has ever posted a selfie is going to be feeling "safe".
Normally I would not get on the bandwagon with this one - because on the whole, it doesn't really matter. (Misogyny lol...nah fuck it, not that interested on the whole. Though it is amusing how the crazy bitches are spinning and spitting. Definitely coughing up a dose of full retard.)
Then I ran across this video - The Haggening:
The female is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a thot, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But take off her makeup and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."Yes indeed.
From that one tweet, I realized that this is how you shatter that fuckin' pedestal once and for all. How you rip that mindset of pussy-worship out of your head, if you're still struggling with it. Also, how you start to destroy the blue-pill mindset far and wide.
Reveal that fuckin' chameleon, in all it's gory, once and for all.
For this reason, I suggest very strongly that every man should get this app and use it on a couple of the so-called hot stars - and on any girl that he has the hots for. In fact, for any friend of yours who won't shut the fuck up about X girl, tell him: "Just get MakeApp and strip that inch of shit off her face."
It's likely to be a very sobering experience.
For giggles (and my sins - I am definitely going to hell for this one) I used it on several photos to see what the result would be. (You get 5 photos free, more you have to pay a couple bucks for. Yes, I spent a couple bucks.)
Emma Watson (dat luvverly face of the HeForShe movement):
Jessica Valenti (our favorite "I bathe in mens tears" bukkake-freak feminasty):
Scarlett Johansen ('cause who don't like them titties?):
For myself, it looked like it added about 5 years - a little grungier, a little bit more sunburned, etc. Nothing like what it did to the photo's above. Adding makeup smoothed it all out and made me look about 10 years younger. (No duh, why else do wimminz wear fakeup? It looks actually like this app show's what she will look like 5-10 years in the future. You no longer have to check out the mother as per Terrence Popp's advice - a helluva time- and life-saver by itself.)
My female friend, she actually looked halfway okay. A little paler, the eyelashes gone, the eyebrows a little thinner and washed out. Perhaps the kind of "girl next door" look, from my youth - before girls starting slapping an inch of shit on their faces.
This app seriously needs to go big-time viral. Just for guys who want to destroy their illusions for all time.
Amusingly, there are settings for putting on more makeup ("moar fakeup! bwahahahahah!"). Ho-lee-shit, talk about bad. I am talking sweet transvestite Dr. Frank-N-Furter right outta the Rocky Horror Picture Show freakishly bad.
Come to think of it, that also is worth having the app for. Just to see how freakish this shit can go. Remember, 50 years ago fakeup was only for prostitutes. Now half'a these teenage girls make a prostitute look normal.
Brought to you by Crap Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price. But fuck it, just grab the app and spend a couple bucks on it. HELL of a lot cheaper.
Plus, the Russian developer deserves to get rich from this. To you man: I raise a glass of Grand Marnier. That. Is. Great.
Already happening, from /r/MGTOW:
It helped me get over this girl I was kinda stuck on. Holy crap this is like an app sent from the heavens. Went from an 8 to a 5. The reason why women are freaking out about it is because they KNOW it is accurate. Love you guys--edit 2--
Perhaps this will destroy the hundred billion selfies a day craze in it's tracks. Also the instagram models and Dubai Porta-Potties biz. No girl who has ever posted a selfie is going to be feeling "safe".
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Fucking Useless
Over on Brett Stevens has a post about why minority groups are poor:
Being from the old non-politically-correct days, I can define the cause of the whole problem in three simple words:
On the nationalist side of politics, we frequently encounter a converse: if our people are thriving, and everyone else is starving, must this not be the result of our actions?
In the common human lexicon, if one group is thriving and another is not, because on a social level we assume them to be the same, this leaves only the conclusion that the thriving group victimized the less-thriving group.
We arrive at this conclusion because the notion of equality commands it. If we say that humans are equal, then we must explain the obvious contradiction of that statement by results in reality, and the only answers available to us involve those unequal people being victims.On the whole, it is a damn good post - brings up some interesting thoughts. However it is missing something: it's not just African-Americans (or any particular ethnicity). There's poor white trash as well. Poor Amerindian trash. Poor Indian trash. Poor Arab trash. What's missing is what the cause of the problem as a whole is.
Being from the old non-politically-correct days, I can define the cause of the whole problem in three simple words:
They're fucking useless.
Every person on this planet with a fucking brain (that means anyone over 70-IQ) can immediately relate to those three words. They stab right into the gut and strip away all lies and delusions.
Better: those words also apply to every piece of shit who spouts the whole "equality" mantra. They're fucking useless too. If they were of any use they'd go out and succeed, in whatever it is that they do. Instead they make a living enabling the fucking useless.
They can't be successful? Because of whitey? Or men? No. That's why they dribble shit about "equality" - they expect to be the recipients of it. Recipients in the form of "give me a fuckin' handout man, I need it to cope" as a direct parasite, and recipients in the form of "those poor, poor dears - they need a hand - I'll help them to get it" and clipping the ticket on the way through as an indirect parasite.
Including the brainwashing academics who push that horseshit about "equality" to all and sundry.
Remember Monty Python's Life of Brian, where the group yells "splitter!" At that point communism died. Similar, at the point of "they're fucking useless", the entire mantra of equality and feminism and Marxism and socialism died. It's just a walking zombie, rotting away, attempting to survive off the living.
Up to you if you want to let it continue. My preference is Rule #2: Double Tap that motherfucker. Which is the whole point of Going Ghost and not feeding the system.
Now let's make it clear that IQ has very little to do with people who are fucking useless. Some examples:
I have a family member up north in New Zealand, he's very bright - about an IQ127 or so. He's got all the electronics tickets, was doing high-end industrial electronics for years in New Zealand and Australia (dams, electrical distribution, mining, you-name-it). He basically had a large chunk of life handed to him on a plate when his mother (my Grandmother) died. Yet, he's getting old and has basically nothing. He pissed it away. He keeps on pissing it away. He's fucking useless.
Muhammad Ali, Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., IQ85 according to the army. Sure, not that bright intellectually - yet he was very successful. No way in hell could we put him into the fucking useless camp, despite his brain-injuries from boxing. (Died June 3, 2016 - farewell.)
The brainwashed fools who come out of college, roughly IQ115 yet no skills of any worth, so they go and become Antifa activists. If they were of any use, they wouldn't be rent-a-thugs. They'd be more on the ball, making money, succeeding in life. Instead, they're fucking useless. (Remember a certain person screaming "you're a fucking white male" at a camera? Yeah.)
From these three examples we can see that "fucking useless" is actually a mentality of being lazy and doing stupid shit and expecting everything to be given to you on a fucking plate. For which mentality, every action actually does have an eventual consequence, thank you reality.
You want a shining example of how fucking useless the left as a whole is? Read this and weep. They glorify the process of shitting all over our civilization, our social microclimate.
You want a shining example of how fucking useless the left as a whole is? Read this and weep. They glorify the process of shitting all over our civilization, our social microclimate.
When it comes to "the poor", history is filled with people who started dirt-poor and who became extremely rich and successful. For all of that, there are still a bunch of people who stay dirt-poor. Plus plenty of people who start out reasonably well-off and piss it all away, ending up dirt-poor.
To all those who are fucking useless, thank you. You pieces of shit show starkly how me and others are so goddamn great. I hope you stay fucking useless and die an ignominious death, old poor and powerless. Even better, from starvation after being denied the opportunity for more parasitism, aka living off my fucking money.
Now fuck off.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Made It - An Email From The Front Lines
I should check my emails a little more often than I do. It's been two-three months.
I am surprised and very pleased to see an email from a man who has made it through what I consider the Shit-Storm From Hell.
I'm going to keep some of what he said anonymous. This is for his protection. From the sounds of it, his ex was a really nasty piece of work. Perhaps nasty enough to run across something online after a few years, and use that as ammunition for another go at him. Some will try that shit. Even decades down the line.
Nope. Not giving her any help with that fucking option if I can help it.
Here is his email. Enjoy.
Greetings!At this point, he put in a link to his blog. From what he's written, he's been in Kuwait and Iraq as a contractor. What a shit-show. If you've seen the movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, you get the general idea of what this man has been through (though not as a "secret" soldier - quite openly in the building and IT field).
My handle is YYYYY aka "YYYYY"... I used to blog pretty heavily as YYYYY from Iraq.
From what I've read on his blog and reading between the lines (opsec stays opsec) that movie has probably been severely toned-down (as in "no fucker would believe the full truth of this shit, let's sanitize it a bunch").
All of it is a pile of shit now, but I wanted to drop you a line and thank you profusely for helping me through my "frivorce".
The bitch tried to take everything... she DID take everything... emotionally speaking. Financially (she stole every dime I made from my 10+ years in various third world shitholes) and when I finally told her that it was -HER- turn to pick up the slack after expending a huge amount of physical capital (end count of injuries include 2 bullet wounds, a rebuilt knee from a suicide bomber... 3 shrapnel wounds and 5+ Traumatic Brain injuries...PTSD... never mind the lower half of a lung to cancer from the burn pits...)
I literally shed blood for this cunt by the bucketful, and when I finally got -done- as in "I fucking can't do it anymore and hey baby you're making enough that I can stay at home and semi retire" she accused me of felony domestic violence, assault, and child abuse...
Totally pulled the trigger, b/c my money was 'our money' and her money was HER money and fuck off wanker you're of no more use to me...
In the end though, it cost me $18000 in a good lawyer, but I came out with
No alimony (she wanted $1000 a month lifetime)
No more child support... I have 2x spawn, one who is 17 but the court slammed me with the legal max of $860 a month b/c vagina and I was a big eeeeevil man... that shit is OVER now
No paying her lawyers fees
No paying her ANYTHING EVER.
And I got the fucking house... to quote Daffy Duck: "MINEMINEMINEMINE!!!"
Your page tho helped significantly in keeping my "frame" and setting the expectations that it was a war I was in, and I had to forget being 'civilized'...Man, you are most welcome. And I do not consider it a piece of shit.
Many Thanks Sir... keep up the great work... Feel free to use any of the above and if you want to laugh, my blog has a couple of chuckles here n there from the war. One of these days I might get back into it.
Best Regards
And I have enjoyed your blog. Some of it makes me laugh, some of it makes me whistle, some of it makes me wince. Digging between the lines especially. One helluva read.
This man was blogging from Kuwait/Iraq in 2008/2009, before the government of the time (the Obama fuckers and co) started censoring everything under the sun that might leak out of the armed forces on the ground. Yes we (the media) have been making Bush look like shit - but can't have Obama looking bad, now can we. (Funny how blacks went downhill economically under his watch. Very funny. Not. How's that for bad?)
The point of censoring seems to have started in 2009 - years ago - this man was the big Four Oh at the time, had been around there for 6 years, and my God. Shot and blown to doll-rags, PTSD from a million tons of shit that we never hear about in the media. Eventually goes home, says "gal, I'm shot to shit, I'm semi-retiring and you can carry the load for a time". (Note: semi-retire. Not retire. He will do *something* - it might take a little time to get going, however it's built-in to men like him.)
Well, she blew it. As he states: frivorce. Only, he did exceptionally well. He got a damn good lawyer, paid the man well, and basically came out way ahead of what most men going through a frivorce do. (Praise that lawyer to the skies and put his name out there to anyone in trouble - he was very well-worth the money spent.) It sounds like it took a few years - some child-support and the like for a while - yet he has gotten through it. He's now out the other side.
From what he's stated up there, the best takeaway lesson from this: he "had to forget being 'civilized'". He realized that someone who would do what his ex did, to someone who supported and loved her and their children for years, was not his friend. Was deep-down in fact a stone-cold enemy.
I hope your kids aren't too screwed up by this, and that you get some time eventually to relax with 'em.
I'm glad that this blog helped you through that. Grab yourself a drink of your choice, try not to scare the crap out of my neighbor - she's elderly and getting very frail heh!