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Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Fucking Useless

Over on Brett Stevens has a post about why minority groups are poor:
On the nationalist side of politics, we frequently encounter a converse: if our people are thriving, and everyone else is starving, must this not be the result of our actions?
In the common human lexicon, if one group is thriving and another is not, because on a social level we assume them to be the same, this leaves only the conclusion that the thriving group victimized the less-thriving group.
We arrive at this conclusion because the notion of equality commands it. If we say that humans are equal, then we must explain the obvious contradiction of that statement by results in reality, and the only answers available to us involve those unequal people being victims.
On the whole, it is a damn good post - brings up some interesting thoughts. However it is missing something: it's not just African-Americans (or any particular ethnicity). There's poor white trash as well. Poor Amerindian trash. Poor Indian trash. Poor Arab trash. What's missing is what the cause of the problem as a whole is.

Being from the old non-politically-correct days, I can define the cause of the whole problem in three simple words:

They're fucking useless.

Every person on this planet with a fucking brain (that means anyone over 70-IQ) can immediately relate to those three words. They stab right into the gut and strip away all lies and delusions.

Better: those words also apply to every piece of shit who spouts the whole "equality" mantra. They're fucking useless too. If they were of any use they'd go out and succeed, in whatever it is that they do. Instead they make a living enabling the fucking useless.

They can't be successful? Because of whitey? Or men? No. That's why they dribble shit about "equality" - they expect to be the recipients of it. Recipients in the form of "give me a fuckin' handout man, I need it to cope" as a direct parasite, and recipients in the form of "those poor, poor dears - they need a hand - I'll help them to get it" and clipping the ticket on the way through as an indirect parasite.

Including the brainwashing academics who push that horseshit about "equality" to all and sundry.

Remember Monty Python's Life of Brian, where the group yells "splitter!" At that point communism died. Similar, at the point of "they're fucking useless", the entire mantra of equality and feminism and Marxism and socialism died. It's just a walking zombie, rotting away, attempting to survive off the living.

Up to you if you want to let it continue. My preference is Rule #2: Double Tap that motherfucker. Which is the whole point of Going Ghost and not feeding the system.

Now let's make it clear that IQ has very little to do with people who are fucking useless. Some examples:

I have a family member up north in New Zealand, he's very bright - about an IQ127 or so. He's got all the electronics tickets, was doing high-end industrial electronics for years in New Zealand and Australia (dams, electrical distribution, mining, you-name-it). He basically had a large chunk of life handed to him on a plate when his mother (my Grandmother) died. Yet, he's getting old and has basically nothing. He pissed it away. He keeps on pissing it away. He's fucking useless.

Muhammad Ali, Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., IQ85 according to the army. Sure, not that bright intellectually - yet he was very successful. No way in hell could we put him into the fucking useless camp, despite his brain-injuries from boxing. (Died June 3, 2016 - farewell.)

The brainwashed fools who come out of college, roughly IQ115 yet no skills of any worth, so they go and become Antifa activists. If they were of any use, they wouldn't be rent-a-thugs. They'd be more on the ball, making money, succeeding in life. Instead, they're fucking useless. (Remember a certain person screaming "you're a fucking white male" at a camera? Yeah.)

From these three examples we can see that "fucking useless" is actually a mentality of being lazy and doing stupid shit and expecting everything to be given to you on a fucking plate. For which mentality, every action actually does have an eventual consequence, thank you reality.

You want a shining example of how fucking useless the left as a whole is? Read this and weep. They glorify the process of shitting all over our civilization, our social microclimate.

When it comes to "the poor", history is filled with people who started dirt-poor and who became extremely rich and successful. For all of that, there are still a bunch of people who stay dirt-poor. Plus plenty of people who start out reasonably well-off and piss it all away, ending up dirt-poor.

To all those who are fucking useless, thank you. You pieces of shit show starkly how me and others are so goddamn great. I hope you stay fucking useless and die an ignominious death, old poor and powerless. Even better, from starvation after being denied the opportunity for more parasitism, aka living off my fucking money.

Now fuck off.


  1. Dr. Kevorkian was ahead of his time. Kill the useless eaters with the kindness of assisted suicide.

    1. Dose the resulting Soylent Green with plenty of Soma, too.
