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Monday, 21 August 2017

Foreign Warnings

So a few weeks back I was having dinner with family, including a step-brother from out-of-town. Several subjects come up - workers, wages, running a business, not doing cash-jobs after hours, that sort of thing.

One of the things that came up was women. Specifically, foreign women.

Very specifically, Philippines women.

One, in fact, married to an NZ man, who brought her over here.

For a while, he was sending money overseas to her family. You know what I mean - supporting her whole family, through his wife, from his life in New Zealand.

Eventually he refused to send money overseas any more. It was a cash-sink that was ruining his life here. Aka the stupid slave woke up to the fact that he was not just enslaved to his "wife", the entire family was sucking down the rewards of his efforts as well. He was enslaved to the lot of them.

What happened?

Blammo. Divorce.

Cleaned out. Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.

As my step-brother stated: there was nothing involving love in it. It was strictly a financial, cash, situation in her eyes - and in the eyes of her entire overseas family.

Now, if my step-brother would wake up and apply that knowledge to *all* women and not just foreign women...but then if he did, he might look harder at his own wife...

Willful blindness is not pretty to see.

So simply a warning, an anecdote from someone else who witnessed the pain of someone having his world stripped away from him, having his slavery rubbed in his face.

Foreign women, yes, just like that. Our women, yes, just like that.

All women, yes, just like that.

Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.

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