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Thursday, 11 May 2017

Winners and Losers

Over on, Brett Stevens has shown where the AntiFa and various protesters against Trump came from. The short version: unemployed college fucktards, the ones well-indoctrinated but without enough talent to actually get worthwhile work.

Shades of my post on the real enemy: those running the indoctrination centers otherwise known as "higher education" and "academia".

Ann Coulter is pissed off that Trump seems to have sold them out. A lot of the Alt-Right seem to be. Puh-leaze, it was inevitable if you look at it through Crap-Colored Glasses. (Though I'll admit that I didn't see it in advance. Eagle-eye hindsight here.)

Back when Trump won, all the lefties were screaming and crying that he was gonna press the fucking button. "We're all gonna die!" I pointed out to the fucktards that even if he did, it wouldn't start WWIII - too many checks and balances, the ones in control of sending the missiles would stop it if there wasn't a damn good reason.

That's the whole fucking point of all those checks and balances: to stop a fucking madman from doing that shit.

Similarly, Trump has been blocked from building a wall, etc. Now the Alt-Right is wailing and gnashing their teeth. "He sold us out! He lied to us! He's cucked!" Et-fucking-cetera. No, dipshits. The checks and balances of the senate are blocking him from being too extreme "in their eyes". He's currently finding the limits of what he can actually do (short of declaring Military Law or having the worst blockers assassinated - though pictures taken through a scope might make 'em think a bit, without actually killing 'em).

He's stuck with what he's stuck with. He's run into the so-called deep state. It's not like the entrenched powers-that-be are going to let him turn them out of their nicely feathered nests. It's not like he has several million experienced people to replace these fuckers with. (You're experienced and willing? Are you doing something to help the situation?)

Winners and losers. Looking at America and Trump, England and Brexit, France and Marcone.

How did Trump get in? He promised people less competition (immigrants) and more work (Make America Great Again). Effectively a pork'n'beans election platform for those going through tough times. The lefties vote their free bennies, the more moderate and right types vote for renewed pride in self and country and the chance of honest and worthwhile work again.

This is possibly the mentality behind forcing some of the multinational corporations to repatriate some of their trillions of dollars. And probably the mentality of revamping the H1B system to stop people from having to train their overseas replacements, too.

How did Brexit win in England? It promised people less competition (immigrants) and more work. Is there a huge surprise that it won - especially from the downtrodden Brit's? Hell, even so, it's being watered down by the fucktards of the English "deep state".

How did Marcone win in France? His opponent could not (or did not, I'm not certain) promise work. She just promised to keep the rapists and criminals out of the country. Given the mentality of "it's not going to happen to me" I'm not surprised that she lost and the lefties won. There wasn't enough "what's in it for me?" for the voters to go for her.

So there we have it.

No wall between America and Mexico. Pity. Thinking about it, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) could build that fucker quick-smart. An awesome bunch of engineers - and it would be:

1/ involve the Army (helping it to be built up)

2/ bypass a lot of the feathernesting and backhanders to the politicians and bureaucrats

The second point alone would be a massive cost-saving exercise.

As various people have stated, Trump only needs to begin the process to make a helluva change for the better. He doesn't have to railroad it straight through from beginning to end.


  1. Americans, deep down, view their president as some sort of God-King who can hold back the tide and bring the rains. The truth is that the real power resides in Congress, as it properly should.

    By turning the presidential elections into a multimedia circus, the PTB distract the populace from the elections that are actually the important ones.

    1. You know, I have seen references from some bloggers who referred to Trump in terms similar to "Emperor God-King".

      They seem to miss the fact that he's still only a single person, doing the best that he can with the shit-sandwich that's been handed to him.
