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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Generation Pussy

We are raising a generation of limp-wristed professional-victim pussies.

Here's the NZ rag, in their efforts to drum up some controversy and make themselves seem to be relevant and similar horseshit:
Hold tight to your nuts, I'm about to resort to snark and common-fucking-sense with each of these four pictures.
Your irony is overwhelming, Mz Professional Media Circus Twat.
So you read absolutely everything that's not pleasant? And then read more of it? Completely voluntarily? Fucktard.
Oh, the drama! I mean, the draining! It's just too much! Ya limp-wristed pussy, part your ass-cheeks and take some more.
Femicunts, leftists, and wimminz - all professional victims - think that any comment is a threat and can lead to violence. Call the fucking Police, that's their job. If you *won't* call them (because they're ineffective? or because that'd shoot down your professional victim status?) then it's on your stupid cunt head.

All this fucking bullshit. A bunch of professional male-and-female twats, being fronted up by professional twat-mongers and SJW-pushers (aka the leftie media). We decline because we listen to these fucking morons with their fucking agenda and their fucking peanut brains.

Here's a clue (now go play in rush-hour traffic you fucktards):

Block the shitheads who fill your life with bullshit drama.

Get off the fucking FaceCrap and Twatter and InstaCunt.

Turn off the phone.

Turn off the computer.

Turn off the motherfucking idiot box TV.

Take a walk down the fucking beach and chill.

#stopthehate - ?!?!?!


  1. This is half media beat-up, and half 100% reasonable. They ask a celeb, "when people write shit about you, is that unpleasant?" and the celeb says "sure it is", and the media codes and writes up a story about how the celeb is crying into their pillow every night because of the cyberbullying.

    As to the minister, she isn't thinking that "any comment is a threat and can lead to violence". She is talking specifically about death-threats in particular. It is and should be illegal to make death threats, and it is and should be particularly illegal to make them to members of parliament, for exactly the same reason that it's illegal to bribe them. You really want to live in a country run by whichever band of lunatics can make the most convincing death threats to a minister of government?

    People aren't really that pussified, and do somewhat understand that internet threats are mostly made by 10-year-old boys. Perhaps stop reading stuff that gives you indigestion.

    1. Exactly. In the end, the above media-circus is for sub-115-IQ morons and women - who outnumber the rest of us by far. It is designed to stir the mediocre masses into lethargic action, forcing everyone further into their mould of mediocrity and identical sameness.

      What gives me indigestion is that the morons think they know what's best for civilization, society and us individually. They still think everything runs on elves and unicorns that shit rainbows, rather than blood sweat and diesel. And they only allow their view to be seen, anywhere. Which is why I slap my view up on here, it's the only voice that I have - beyond passive resistance via faux ignorance and stupidity.

      I'd say: "stay out of our wombs = stay out of our lives" - only the irony would be wasted as it flies over their collective heads.

  2. According to the same issue of this rag, Donald Trump also threatens the mental health of a generation of young New Zealanders.

    That alone is reason enough to vote for him. Imagine 8 years of watching social justice warriors' heads explode, like in Scanners. Delicious!

    According to the same issue of this rag, we need more taxes and more public housing because there is an epidemic of homelessness in Auckland. Just throw a bunch of other peoples' money at the problem, because that worked so well in the past. No understanding of the laws of supply (the costly and often futile building consent process) and demand (dirty Chinese money, banks blowing a bubble, and an obvious increase in the number of immigrants- including Muslims).

    Winston Peters has it right.

    1. The Don threatening the mental health of a generation of young NZers - laughable all right. Only if you consider "proper mental health" being that of a leftist SJW, rather than someone who looks at reality and fixes the damn problem.

      The left love to spend other people's money. It's the whole biz about socialism again. They'll fix every possible problem *even if they have to spend every cent of your money doing it*. (I forget what comedian came out with that line. Sad when only a comedian can speak the truth in the media.)

    2. Wait until the British welfare state collapses and all those wonderful new Muslim citizens need someone else to bludge off. Where will they go? How about the last two Anglo countries that have actually made a half-assed attempt to resist the hordes thus far? The puppetmasters are pushing a Commonwealth visa-free zone as a way of getting around NZ and Oz immigration restrictions. They say everybody wants it because it would be so convenient. Of course, nobody will be allowed to say anything when the quality of Brits drops significantly. I suspect easy British immigration is already providing NZ with most of its Muslims.

      As further proof that the (((usual suspects))) are behind this, look what they said recently, without any apparent hint of irony:

      And no, he's not saying that the refugees themselves are inbred. Hell no! Heads and bodies would explode if he said that!

    3. On the news last night, they talked about how the government did up some old buildings in Mangere, so that they could bring in a bunch of refugees and put them on the dole, and we should feel honored to pay for this. We will pay for it over and over again. Higher crime, higher prices, more homelessness, exponentially increasing future generations on the dole, and all the insidious costs of social breakdown.

    4. I still remember F&P sending their manufacturing overseas in 2008, then going to the government cap-in-hand in 2009 for a bailout. They fucked up even with cheap slave labor. Let them die, they're no longer an NZ company that hires NZers.

      I seem to remember reading somewhere that a serious number of these refugees are inbred. Especially Afganistan, and about some spec-ops guys who filmed a trio taking turns with a goat or sheep. Says something about the third world, and why they will stay the third world.

      So many of our (the West's) problems stem from importing that shit to dilute our gene-pool and social-pool (the old work-ethic is gone). Donald Trump is right: build a wall and shoot whatever attempts to force their way through it.
