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Friday, 31 July 2015

So Much To Do

Sitting in the smoko room at work.

The girls blabbering in the background.

Crazy-eyed fat twat: "I enjoyed living in Melbourne. There's so much to do there!"

Yes, the blather of the ADD-addled child. Jumping from one thing to the next. In conversation, in work, in life.

That's probably a part of why she moved from Australia back to New Zealand. To follow her boyfriend. Funny, she ain't married yet - and she's been working there for two-three years.

By her fatness you can guess her favorite pastime while in Melbourne.

Entertain meeeee!


  1. - linked by Anchorman at Dalrock's. Reminds me of your old PostSecret montages exposing lurid 'black poison'. in female 'souls'. Nice to have, if you want to try saving a friend from plunging into marriage. Funny thing that you never know. For example my closest friend, a typical 'nice guy', has found a wife with a dependent personality, not to the level of disorder, but still very clingy, even after years of marriage. Good for him, even if she is against him visiting me. I guess she views me as a bad influence, LOL.

    1. TBH, he is not typical under every measure: he's tall, with full head of hair and handsome face. OTOH, he developed a sizable beer paunch that I remind him to lose for his own good. So, I think, I am not entirely 'bad'.

  2. But you - and I - ARE bad influences. We show them the freedom that they've lost.

    Interesting-looking article. Almost makes me want to start up the PostSecret commentary again, since I have little else to write about at the moment.

  3. I don't get some comments at Rollo's. Why discuss the practicality of ancient Greek attire? On the other hand, my vote is for a peplos over a chiton, for quite obvious reasons. :)

    1. Not for wearing a peplos over a chiton, but as a choice between the two.
