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Sunday, 14 June 2015


I'm beginning to think that Aaron Clarey of Captain Capitalism is right: MGTOW (as a term) is becoming unsalvageable.

He contends that it's been taken over and redefined by extremists and cultists. I've been seeing similar, slowly. Rather sad really. I guess there's always a resistance to seeing what you don't really want to see.

Wake up and see the reality. Even when it hurts somewhat. Like feminism, it's been co-opted by the radicals and fuckin' armchair academics. A level 53 fuckin' theoretical bullshit construct.

When it's really a freedom that you experience.


Not as crazy as me, reading - and posting! - from a motel room up Kaitaia way. That's pretty fuckin' sad too. Brain active, too much...I spent 24 hours up at Cape Reinga. Being quiet.

All the tourists. Funny as hell - they go to places, look at them for twenty minutes, then piss off to the next scenic attraction. "Oh yes, it's very nice. Now let's head off to see the Gumdigger's Sunken Forest." (A real place.)

I sat and watched the day. Mostly grey cloud, a bit of sun, a bit of rain. The local birds (grouse?) came pecking around in clumps. Interesting things happen when you stop and observe and reflect. Animals sometimes seem to view you as another chunk of scenery.

Something that the modern ADHD-addled drongos cannot comprehend.

The odd people you run across. I met an older Man who had painted the Cape Reinga lighthouse. Actually painted it. He was visiting with his (Asian) wife and her sister. He told me of the small town that used to be there, just a few houses and a school. They disappeared when the lighthouse was automated and the area turned into a natural reserve.

He told me of the helicopter pilot who used to go to the other lights on the various rocks and nearby islands. Take a technician out with gear. To impress the tourists, he took off straight up - then suddenly went sideways down over the edge of the hill and over the beach, like he was crashing. Mad bastard. Poor bloody technician was sick - I would be too.

I told him of walking along the beach. Down the hills there, follow the trail. You can only access it at low tide. Don't go too far, it's a long wait when the tide is high. He'd never done that in his life. He was eighty.

His wife called him away to look at something on the other side of the hill/car park. Later, he beeped and waved as they left.

Yes, I'm rambling. It's a part and parcel of experiencing your life. I do a poor job of illustrating, yet I try.

Life is to be experienced. Climb to the top of Te Aroha peak, or Mt Pirongia, or the like. Sit and experience. Drongo tourists show up, chatter, take a couple of selfies, bugger off again.

ADHD. A sad case.

Draw it in.

Breathe it out.

Leave refreshed.


  1. I work in a place where there's a lot of wildlife. If you walk around, you see the plants - meh. But if you stop and sit still for only as minute or two, the birds and water dragons come out. All it takes is a few dozen seconds not rushing about, preoccupied with whatever your business is.

  2. "MGTOW in all of its original intent was as noble and just as feminism." And this is where Clarey loses all credibility. Feminism never had a noble intent. Clarey is just another asshole in the Roosh V camp thinking his influence is really more than what it is in reality. Don't even get me started on Clarey's laughable Keynesian economic beliefs.

    1. Clarey a Keynesian?? Um, no.

    2. More like Keynes was a Clareyian!

    3. I have to agree with the original anon poster. Clarey is going off in all sorts of directions; it's whatever is cool to cling to, or bash at the moment.

      I'm really wondering what is going on in several of the heads of several people in the manosphere; Roosh, Elam, Forney, etc. are all suspect and their motives aren't simply looking good. It's little question why many of them received backlashes; the more their personalities and real intentions came to the surface, the more selfish and manipulative these hopheads become. They cannot seem to either want to escape the proverbial plantation themselves and are jealous of those who have, or they have little trouble trouble throwing men underneath the bus while trying to lure men back to it.

      Let's face it; there are staggering hypocrites in the manosphere, and the more MGTOW oriented are not the large percentage of them. I may write another post on this on my own space about it the clear the air, and even smash a few cherished ideas that the manosphere seems to want to adhere to lately that are of little value to men.

      Enjoy your blog, by the way. SR

    4. Eduardo the Magnificent23 June 2015 at 16:36

      I think this is all about money. Roosh, Clarey, Vox Day, et. al. have figured out that the manosphere is now big enough to capitalize upon. Notice how recently Roosh has been on TV and is now doing a lecture tour? Face it, MGTOW has a perception of being a bunch of virgin neckbeard losers. Not very good from a marketing standpoint. Hence, the need to wash their hands of the term itself. Hence Roosh creating a term of his own that he can now capitalize upon (look for a book soon fleshing out the details. $20 a pop, too). Follow the money, boys. Follow the money.

    5. Yep, we eventually figured out that a lot of it is about money. A reason to be careful about anyone who sells infoproducts/books. Much of their agenda is catering to their particular audience, and attempting to capture even more audience to sell to.

      You can pretty-much spot it the moment the female-style shaming language comes out. "Virgin neckbeard loser" - very mature of them. Socially cut-down someone (or a group of someone's) and everyone will avoid them like the plague through reflex.

      I've been seeing ads for Roosh's world tour all over RoK. Interesting. Anything to make more $$$ it seems.

  3. I don't especially care about labels. As long as anyone identifying as a MGHOW hasn't murdered anyone else, I would continue to call myself as such. As for formal requirements for being one, I don't see the need to create them. If Cappy Cap wants to call himself a MGHOW, let him be, even if he gets in quarrels with Sandman or BarBar.

  4. Hard to take MGTOW seriously when the leaders have names like Cappy Cap and BarBar.

    1. Leaders? Haha, as if there are any. If you insist, those particular 'members' are properly called Captain Capitalism and Barbarossaaaa.

    2. MGTOW is more a personal philosophy than anything else. So it doesn't need leaders.

  5. - it's good to arrive at the point when these issues can only elicit a hearty laugh instead of anger.

    1. - heh. And some people have the gall to criticize the motivation behind MGTOW....

    2. On the matter of Islamic sex-slaves:
      Apparently, it's not a problem at all if you boink your slave, with or without her consent. I would call that an unprincipled exception, if I were inclined to care. Strangely enough, feminists don't care either.

  6. I can't say I have my finger on the pulse of the MGTOW thing. But my guess is that if you have to tell people you are MGTOW, you aren't.

    1. Correct. In real life, you don't bother - you just do, to hell with others. On here it's slightly different.
