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Saturday, 7 February 2015

Is That Pussy Worth It?

There are far too many guys in this world who make a dumbass habit of dropping what is best for their personal lives to go and chase some entitled cunt. They either end up dumped within a year - or married within a year, divorced within 5 years, paying child support and possibly paying alimony (for jurisdictions which have that - I'm looking at you, America).

Every man should be looking at the cold, hard numbers of this. I aim to help you.

Let's say you have a current job which brings you in $50,000 a year. You get an offer to move which will up that to $100,000 a year. Buuuuut you've got pussy here who doesn't want to move. Lets break this down over ten years.

Income difference: 100,000 - 50,000 = 50,000 a year lost
Cost over 10 years: 500,000 total lost

So over ten years, staying where you are, this pussy has cost you half a million dollars. Whether she stays with you or not. Alternatively, if you had gone for that $100,000 a year, you'd have made a cool million dollars in that time - and getting better. At half a million dollars a year lost/cost: was that pussy worth it?

Over twenty years, that's two million dollars in your pocket. Thirty years, three million dollars in your pocket. If you stay it becomes one million dollars and one-and-a-half million dollars in your pocket.

Hey, wait: you went for the money, but haven't had any pussy! Relax, pussy is cheap. Let's assume a decent-looking whore (in the 18-22 yo range) a week at $200 for an hour to get your balls well-drained. Choose different ones for variety, keep to the young ones as they (and you) get older.

$200 a week * 50 weeks = $10,000 a year for paid pussy

So to compare:

$50,000 a year for not going for the money (and the pussy may go at any time)
$90,000 a year for going for the money (plus a variety of young pussy every week)

This is where women weep. Because they can't grasp the fact that they aren't worth anything near that kind of money. So I made them feelbad and am poopy-mean to boot.

It gets better though. Remember that pussy you stayed for? You decided to move in together. "Two can live cheaper than one!" is what she says. Heheheh - fuck no! Let me put that in it's proper context: "Two can live cheaper than one - when the man is paying for everything." Live by yourself or get a decent (male) flatmate.

See, by the time she buys her special shit (beauty and special-hygene products) and the two of you go out more because she can't cook (expensive by far) or have special foods (also expensive) and she's short her half of the rent this week, and the power bill, and the phone bill, lets go on a special romantic vacation - holy fuck, where d'you think the money came from and went?

From personal experience: I have more spare cash after my divorce than when my ex-wife was here and bringing in another $40+k a year. These cunts can spend and it will creep up on you insidiously.

Plus you'll be happier. No drama, no problems, no tantrums, no friends-issues, no bad days at work, no crying or screaming fits over pathetic crap, no losing friends, no money issues, no "I'm not feeling like it tonight", none of that fucking shit. Plus any kidlets to cause their drama and tantrums and shit. Plus she's getting older.

Lets get back to the dollars - and add children into the mix. Lets say things are going swimmingly and you have a child together. It costs to bring up that child. Clothing, food, doctors, education, all that shit runs to approximately $100k over 20 years.

Income with pussy: $50,000 * 20 = $1,000,000
Child costs (per): $-100,000, say you have three = $-300,000
Total income over 20 years: $700,000

Compare that with 20 years of avoiding that pussy and paying for sexy young 18-22yo whores:

$90,000 a year * 20 years = $1,800,000 that's all yours
$1,800,000 - $700,000 = $1,100,000

That's a hell of a difference isn't it. A sweet $1.1 million dollars that pussy has cost you. Let's break that down further and say that on the average, you got to fuck that pussy once a week for 20 years. Marriage blue-balls is no joke, some guys only get to fuck their wife once a month. By the time she bloats up and hits 40 you probably doesn't want to fuck her at all, thus the low average.

50 * 20 = 1,000 fucks
$1,100,000 / 1000 = $1,100 per fuck with an aging pussy
$200 per fuck for a variety of younger, hotter, tighter pussy in the 18-22 year age-bracket

If you think that constantly-aging pussy is worth that many dollars vs a lot cheaper variety of younger pussy? You're fucking insane. That pussy is not worth it.

(Note that I haven't taken dollars away in the event of divorce: a 50% chance. In this situation you don't make $700,000 over 20 years, you make about $350,000 over 20 years. That becomes: $1,800,000 - $350,000 = $1,450,000 cost, divide by 1,000 = $1,450 per fuck in an aging pussy. Plus if you're in America, you're still paying for that pussy until you die. The amount paid to that pussy even goes up if you start making more money. Is that pussy really worth it?)


  1. Brilliant post, try calculating the number of guys a chicks been with before you marry her, by the time she hits 25 ... at the rate of just 4 guys a year from 16 to 25 I got 36 turns on the carousel ...

    Add that upto 8 & you get a whopping 72 guys had that pussy for free

    Ratchet that upto 20 guys a year & you get 180 guys by the time she hits 25 ...

    With that many cocks, theres no difference between a wife or a whore, plus a prostitute is cleaner & has to ensure shes free of stds or looses clients

    A wife is nothing more then a unprofessional whore who jacks up the price, to maybe use her vagina to reproduce, plus a high probability of aids or stds ...

  2. Prostitution isn't legal in most of the U.S. to keep the price up.

    1. Thankfully Nevada is. And we all *know* that a lot of college girls smoke the pole to pay for her "tuition".

  3. Outline for excellent lifestyle choice. For a guy in his 30s and 40s the world is his banquet if he knows what's what. But what about the successful guy in his late 50s, recently to the red pill? Sure, I could have my pick of 40 and 50 year old has-beens looking for a meal ticket. And I don't want to be one of those pathetic old guys hanging out in clubs.

    1. There are sure plenty of has-beens looking desperately for that meal ticket. The more pathetic ones don't even bother to lose the weight: good luck to those landwhales. Eventually there comes a point where it's ridiculous and undignified to be hanging around in a club with the younger set - unless, perhaps, it's a gambling Mecca like Vegas.

      Since your question seems to focus around dating: assuming a successful and retiring-soon guy in his 50's and 60's I would think about going expat. Not to marry, simply to enjoy life without spending large. There are some tidy Asian girls out there in their early-to-mid thirties who are open to older men, just don't knock them up accidentally. Probably best not to spend too much time with one "special" one, unless you're looking for marriage then you open yourself to drama about "wasting her life".

      Don't be fooled by them either. They're as infected by the entitlement mentality as any Western girl, simply a lot more charming and pleasant to be around. Check out this post: Woman's Bad Behavior - Thailand Edition.

      Another example, I was contacted recently on a non-dating site (hah! every site's a dating site to a woman on the prowl!) by a Filipino woman. Amongst various chit-chat over time she revealed that she was separated and "the local men do not want me because of that". So she's online at her age 32, looking for a foreign man who will accept her, marry her, and have children with her. At my age 48 she considered me to be highly acceptable and seemed to be stunned that I was even bothering to say hello to her - she flat-out stated that she wasn't a beautiful young Filipino girl, which is what she assumed I was looking for. And I'm pleasantly ugly on a good day.

      In the end, if you've got the money, it's probably best to stick with prostitutes. They're more honest about the interaction and you shouldn't get accidentally snared by that charming and graceful and happy exterior that a lot of Asian girls are renowned for exuding. As a Western man it's an amazing feeling to immerse yourself into a culture of women like that, who are far more happy and pleasant on the surface than our commonly-available overtly bitchy skanks and hoes.

      It would be easy to fall for the surface and marry one of those pleasant little flowers. I suppose that it wouldn't be inherently bad to do - so long as you stayed there and didn't bring them to a Western country where their options jump and yours plummet. Like anywhere: so long as the power is very firmly and overtly in your grasp and she has no chance to cash in, then you should do well. It seems to have worked out for Uncle Elmer, over on The Spearhead.

    2. I agree that a prostitute who can provide the GFE is the way to go for older men, especially after they have had children or decided they are not having children. Basically as in marriage you are paying for sex and affection. But with a professional it is a lot less costly. In addition, whether the wife provides that sex and affection is totally at her whim. You still need to pay the price whether she delivers or not. If a professional doesn't deliver, you find another who will. If I was doing it all over again - knowing what I know now - I'd remain a bachelor and go that route.

      That leads us to the next question. Although you might not have an answer for it. How does a man find such a professional who can provide the GFE? A brief search online turns up a lot of aging cows and jaded looking skanks.

    3. The Girlfriend Experience. That's an interesting question. I will put together a post of my experiences with this type and some general thoughts about them.
