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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

She Chose To Be A Whore

I remember reading a while back, over on Return of Kings, there was an article about a Filipina girl that the author'd gotten with for a while. The "while" being while he was in the Philippines. He'd felt a little bad about leaving her.

Of course right now I can't find the goddamn article, so the details of this might be completely wrong.

Something about this grated on me and I've sort of vaguely thought about it off and on for a while. Eventually I decided to think it through a bit. As I recall:
  • she dropped her long-term boyfriend to be with him
  • she was unhappy when he left
  • he felt badly about this
Now, put up in a list like that - it's obvious where his thinking is off-base. It starts with her dropping her long-term boyfriend for him.

Mate, she chose to be a whore. So why are you feeling badly about leaving her?

Similarly we can look at the explosion of single-mommies inspired by the Feminist twats. All these brave, battling single mothers, the poor dears need a hand to get by, etc.

They chose to be whores. So why are you feeling bad about their "situation"? Further, why are you trying to make me feel bad about their "situation"?

In the man's case above he's just not thinking straight. A woman who drops her local boyfriend to be fucked by a (richer) white man is auditioning for a better provider. AKA she's selling her body for dollars. AKA she's a whore. (Just a more socially-acceptable one, in the guise of a "girlfriend".)

In the women's case above the Feminists are hiding their real thinking: safety-net if things go to poo. Pull out the victim/sob-story and dribble it into the ears of those soppily romantic men so they'll help set up a better, stronger safety-net for the single mommies - which Feminists can also take advantage of.

In both situations: I don't feel bad about it at all. Neither should you. She chose to be a whore.


Okay, I have finally found the article. Here it is: Why You Shouldn't Care When She Cries During A Break-Up

Of course, I did screw up with the memory. She didn't drop the boyfriend for him - she'd dropped the boyfriend a year prior. When she got together with the author, she thought she'd won the fucking lottery. Especially since she came from an obscure part of the Philippines.

So a good chunk of my premise is invalidated from the beginning. Unfortunate.

Still. When you think about it. She did decide to be a whore: sell her body for her lottery ticket. Tough for her that her lottery ticket turned out to be a booby-prize - and decided not to string her along any more.


  1. Sound like a Matt Forney article. I recalled him writing and comparing Phillipino women to Anglo women.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I will try to find it later and double-check.

    2. Finally found it, what a mission! The author was A V Yator.
