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Sunday, 11 January 2015

Feminism is Parasitism

Captain Capitalism knocks it out of the park with a rant about feminism:
I also am bored with the whining from women. All they can do is whine. Fuck 'em to hell and back and let them die.

Like he asks: "What is it like wanting a real man to fuck you until you pass out from infinite intense orgasms - but you push him away because being a victim is better, and then console yourself with pajamaboy?"
"He's a pan-sexual 3rd gen-X MGTOW Level 6 thug..gug...gug..."
"Do you get wet? Or go for the K-Y Jelly?"
"The first thing you go to is the men. Which only obviates that you obsess about men and that's what it really is! Oh God you guys are so freaking transparent."

No, I'm not sorry. I'm enjoying the schadenfreude.

Feminists are lepers.


  1. Completely off-topic and quite new:
    Are you aware of various implications of this technology? Not merely some variations on the cyborg idea (like Robocop). More along the lines of machine learning by imitating human behavior.

    1. Very interesting!

      Combine this with realistic VR and the DeepMind learning AI, some interesting things will come into play.

    2. IIRC, it would also require several Kinect cameras to faithfully redraw the user avatar in order to make the experience more convincing. Assuming that both of us have the same idea about what might be interesting.

    3. Do you still remember our discussion from a year ago? About the link between UV radiation and the reasons for human hair patterns? This might be related:
      I would expect that the timing of conception would be more important than the timing of birth, but whatever.

  2. Its a pity he writes like a tradcon & bans mgtows mra's, basically anyone criticising women like a crackhead on his blog ...

    Probably because his mainly clients are divorced tradcon men, like a capitalist screwing over the red pill men who helped his blog get anywhere in the first place ... by banning them & censoring them

    Typical no scruples tradcon capitalist, just like the puritan dalrock & the rest of the male hating christosphere...

  3. Its a pity he writes like a tradcon & bans mgtows mra's, basically anyone criticising women like a crackhead on his blog ...

    Probably because his mainly clients are divorced tradcon men, like a capitalist screwing over the red pill men who helped his blog get anywhere in the first place ... by banning them & censoring them

    Typical no scruples tradcon capitalist, just like the puritan dalrock & the rest of the male hating christosphere...
