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Sunday, 14 December 2014

Too Many Fucking Pussies

Over on RoK, someone claims that the Social Justice Warriors are now attempting to "take over the Metal Music" scene. It's probably worth reading for background context.

My thoughts (posted there as a comment):
Right at the beginning: you're looking at it wrong. The Red Pill is not about "growing our numbers and gaining sympathizers". That is the thinking of females and manginas. Herdthink! We know exactly how that went, with "A Voice For Manginas". Just another bunch of pussies: "I never knew my father!" And cue the crying in their pussy exquisitely-brewed craft-beer bullshit. 
The Red Pill is exposing the truth for whichever poor sonofabitch is currently lost, in a haze, and trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with his life. Once he's got that he can start the process of getting his shit together and deciding what to do next. 
Sympathizers, fuck. Sympathy is for teh wimminz and manginas going "oh you poor little victim". Nobody "sympathizes" with men, they just kick us up the arse and tell us to fucking deal with it. Sympathy is only for professional victims. 
Now go out there and kick the pieces-of-shit SJW's out of your Man Place, whatever it is. That's what happened with GamerGate.
This kind of bullshit makes me even less interested in the so-called ManoSphere and it's billion acronyms and shortcuts and vagina-pandering. In addition to turning into a crying board a lot of it is just fucking weird. For starters: way too many fucking pussies.


  1. I wouldn't worry about metal being taken over by SJWs. It is a bad medium for spreading their 'message'. Metal stands or fails by the quality of music, not lyrics. My own preference is vocalless, instrumental pieces first, then those with incomprehensible growling and/or wordless vocalise second. Somehow, understanding the lyrics detracts from appreciating the music for me.

    Computer and video games, on the other hand...

    1. Yeah. I'm semi-picking that whoever wrote the article was trying to use SJW tactics against the SJW idiots.
