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Monday, 25 November 2013

Fucking Humorous Furor And Thrashing

I've been interestingly watching the furor going on over the internet about two articles at Return of Kings:

In my opinion both articles are spot-on and offer valuable advice for every man in the world. Especially be kind to the girls with eating disorders: a quality man dating them will be good for their souls IMO.

So for the last little while, Return of Kings has been somewhat deluged with extremely intelligent things from women - and men who think the sun shines out women's assholes. Things like:

• shaming messages

• defamatory accusations

• slander

• hatemail (and posts and twitter comments)

• death threats

Now, the last item alone would get you in the serious legal dogshit if you do it in real life. There technically is no difference if you do it on the internet - yet these trolls and morons and immature children think that because they are on the internet they can do whatever they want. It's all free! There's no comeback! And anyway, if you get upset about it, well boo-hoo to you - that just goes to prove that what you said is poopie lies! Plus you're easily upset! I'm not getting upset about what you wrote, even though I'm attacking you! Nyah nyah so there!

Oh wait. I meant, intelligent and rational adults, not trolls and morons and immature children. My mistake. I'll try not to do that again.

Nah, fuck it. Call a spade a spade.

So, here we have a tremendous amount of free advertising, courtesy of the female tendency towards herd-animal behaviour. They are attacking/shaming anything that might make them feel the slightest bit butthurt, and the male White Knight™ are coming out to support them - for which they hope they will gain some free pussy.

Gentlemen, I am envious of your ability to attract free attention (and advertising). I salute you - when you're fucking them off so bad that they're giving you massive shit, you're doing it right.

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