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Monday, 6 May 2013

Being A Fucking Man

There are a bunch of Manosphere blogs that I read, to make myself think and to improve myself. Some of these are Game blogs (as an introvert they help a little bit) - most are overall views of life and society and the like.

One particular one has made me think very closely. Most especially this post here.

The most priceless part is this:
Some ladies may be put-off by the crudity of the our approach. "Why can't you guys work out your stuff without all the name calling and homophobic stuff?" is a common complaint. But the fact is, men need profanity in their lives in order to become men. It is part of our social networking system, a means of establishing dominance and hierarchy We don't compare shoes, we talk about our junk and how that fucking moron needs to drop the Nice Guy shit and bend his woman over his knee. Profanity is male subtextual language. Try not to faint.

Yes. You girls can communicate on five separate levels. We men do the same, tonally, with our swearing.

We don't care if you're fucking uncomfortable with it. The best I got along with my first woman was when I swore around her: god-damn cock-sucking mother-fucking sonofabitch.

I was fucking REAL to her, even if it made her cringe sometimes. Or a lot of the time.
We know how this stuff works, you don't. Cutting out the cussing and crude metaphors doesn't help. It hurts. Our verbal abuse is how we learn to toughen up, detach, and objectify things, and that is going to be part of the process. If you have to pretend not to have heard something that sounded horrifyingly misogynistic or sexist or homophobic, well, that's how dudes talk and the focus of the Red Pill is getting dudes back on track. Deal with it. When men talk to other men, this is our language, like it or not. We can't change it just to please your sensibilities.

Because that's what got us here in the first place.

This! When I became nicer, the girls became less-interested in me. They nagged and nagged at me to be more fucking sensitive. When I did, the cunts lost interest.

Angry much? Fucking aye.

You girls are just going to have to learn to deal with it. Swearing is part of what makes us men. If you want a man, rather than a dishrag, you'll have to take the stuff that makes your teeth grate.

That or, like, y'know, fucking get used to the thought of being rooted by a vibrator and snuggling up with your cats.

So stop trying to fucking poison us and your own relationships - it isn't making you happy!

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