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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

The Pity Game

Also known as playing the victim.

This has sort of been bouncing around in the back of my head for about six months - after watching this video from Popp and Blake, in response to teh wimminz whining about "where have all the good men gone?" (Wah.)
Mansplaining accusations aside...

...this is actually not a serious question from teh wimminz.

This is actually female posturing. It's actually a coupling of:

* slinging out a fishhook for a male pussy to look after them

* shaming of all men around them at the moment (for not stepping up to the plate)

* gathering of pity and validation from all the fellow-wimminz in earshot

That trifecta puts this rhetorical question into the "heavy-duty shit-test" bracket. Not nuclear, just seriously heavy-duty.

As Popp states in the video: a retread woman ain't worth shit.

So effectively, the only real answer to this heavy-duty (monumental?) civilization-wide shit-test is as follows:
You are 35+ years old. You have taken it in every hole from a variety of men for 20 fucking years. If you're halfway good-looking you can continue to do so for a little while longer. You've probably had more STDs than I've had hot dinners. This puts you on par with a well-used piece of chewing gum, scraped from the bottom of the retarded kid's school desk.
Nobody in his right fucking mind is going to be doing more than dropping a fuck into you. Only a pathetic simp is going to be putting a $2,000 ring on your finger. Only a pathetic simp is going to be giving you a $20,000+ wedding-and-honeymoon package. You expect that, you fuckin' crazy - and nobody with a brain wants to fuck crazy.
The best part is that you fucked up yourself. You decided that The Cock™ was more important than your future. In fact, your parents decided that you were right! They supported you all the way! You go girl! So now, your future is toast. Feel the burn.
And then get up and walk away. After all, it's just a wad of well-chewed chewing gum. Nothing particularly interesting there at all. Especially amongst all the male and female hangers-on, who support that piece of shit.

Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


The importance of standards, an interactive example with a wimminz from a couple of days ago:

Her: You need to lower your standards.

Me: You need to marry an alcoholic chain-smoker. One packing 150 kilos of pure fat.

Her: ...

Me: Hypocrite.

That last said while openly laughing in her face. She started giggling in return.

I don't smoke, neither does she. I drink a little, ditto. I'm currently single, ditto. I'm generally slim and in shape, ditto.

Yeah, I should lower my standards and chase an alcoholic chain-smoker fatty (common as dirt here and worth about as much). Like that's going to happen.

Yeah, she really should lower her standards and marry an alcoholic chain-smoker fatty. Like that's going to happen.

Small, gentle digs, to let 'em know that you're onto their horseshit.

There's no need to go nuclear every time. Save that for the psycho pieces of shit who go nuclear on you.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Epic Brutality

Over on /r/MGTOW is a post from the UK, where some counselling service reports that there is a 40% increase in men going off sex in the past decade.

A commentor DangZagnut gives them a roasting of epic brutality (italics are quotes from the Daily Fail article):
Men are often the ones who stop wanting sex in long-term relationships, says sex and relationship expert Tracey Cox. Indeed, UK counselling service Relate reported a 40 per cent increase from the previous decade in the number of men claiming to have gone off sex. Here, Tracey writes exclusively for FEMAIL, sharing her tips on how to get your man back into bed.
Because you become boring bitches who whine all the time. Why? You don't want sex. You crave intimacy to increase resource extraction, but women do not get horny like men, they lack the hormonal cocktail other than about 2 days a month. Women just don't want it. You want cash. And attention. But fucking? You don't care unless money and attention are involved.
Men, having all that toxic masculinity, surprisingly, get emotionally tired of dealing with you, and after the 50th rejection by their starfish masturbation wife, just give up and can just jerk it in 5 minutes in the bathroom.
Contrary to popular opinion that has the wife turning to face the wall 'with a headache', its often the man who decides to stop having sex in long-term relationships.
Because women don't want sex. They don't give a shit. And after a couple rejections, the guy turns to porn on his phone. Because you're ugly, emotionally, and physically.
The lie that men aren't emotional just shows what a hate group feminism is. Men have lots of emotions. We know what rejection feels like. And mix that in with us having to put all the energy in for women's attention seeking, and then have to somehow get aroused, which is impossible with a bitch we have responsibility for, and do all the sexual work, including maintaining an erection over your fat fucking boring ass. Is it surprising it isn't worth it?
You get aroused by a daughter? No? Why. Because you have to parent and deal with her every fucking minute. Your wife is no different. She's just another ugly child.
Ladies, we just want to cum. You piss us off that day, we don't care about you. Your constant bitching and being a cunt is why no one wants to fuck you.
We just don't hear about it because no one talks about it.
Oh we're talking about it. Women aren't worth a fuck, that's why long term relationships are a waste of time.
He doesn't because he's embarrassed (society says all men should be up for it all of the time).
Not society. Women specifically. They're the ones bitching about it. The guy stops caring. He tries some Viagra, to help the relationship, but he doesn't really care. The majority of men take Viagra to keep the cunt from flapping her bitch mouth. Men take boner pills for their partner.
Women don't understand that, but men can completely ejaculate with ED. The sexual urge for you is what's missing. Porn works just fine.
You don't because you think it makes you look bad (you're lousy in bed, married to a closet gay guy, just not sexy any more etc).
I know you're just a woman, but you're the problem here. Men, by and large, give a lot less of a shit than you think. And look bad to who? You think we go talk about this nonsense at the bar? No, this is women socializing this nonsense.
UK counselling service Relate reported a 40 per cent increase from the previous decade in the number of men claiming to have gone off sex.
You mean sex with boring ass nagging wives.
These aren't men with erection problems, these are men who aren't interested in getting one.
Because you keep whining about toxic masculinity and sexual assault. So what's your problem bitch? You don't want to be groped, don't want to be sexualized. So be happy no one wants to. You're not objectified. Men are supporting you by not raping you with their gaze, so stop fucking bitching about getting what you want.
Also, bitch, you have no right to sex. My body my choice. You're a masturbation device that occasionally makes babies. Outside of that you're not very interesting. How alluring do you think your fat ass is? You are neither sexy nor exciting. You're an unattractive old hole. And replaceable. So you better start doing more than star fishing in bed and complaining.
There is good news though: his low libido often has nothing to do with him not loving you or finding you attractive.
Then why do guys still like porn? And masturbate? Because you're unattractive and a nagging bitch. Complaining all the time while providing no value.
Thirdly, there's lots you can do to fix it.
Nope, you can't, because you'll never admit you're the problem.
HOW TO GET HIM BACK INTO BED Stop trying to seduce him if it's not working
Stop being a fucking constant bitch, and it's amazing how men will want to cuddle, snuggle, and snog. I know you're not used to putting any work into a relationship, but you need to start. Stop being a fucking bitch, and you'll need to maintain that for months before he trusts you enough to want to fuck you. because he knows you're only doing it for personal gain, not because you care about his sexuality.
Will it work for you? It depends on why he's off sex in the first place.
Because of you. But you won't change. So leave now. Admit you're the 100% problem here. Or get a car and a vibe.
Don't overreact to any erection problems His penis isn't 18 any more and he's fighting it all the way.
Sure, ED happens, mostly because of you, but there are heart issues and blood pressure that causes the inability of the vaso changes necessary to create a hydraulic issue in the penis. There is medication for that heart issue. But just make fun of guys on Viagra some more. "Outlaw viagra and watch abortion clinics be legal". Remember all that? Of course you did, you wandered around in the dark on a slut walk about it. You hate men. You don't think men saw that? You're a bitch lady. No one gets a hard dick for bitches.
You know he's taking ED meds for you right? To shut you up? He clearly doesn't care. This is 100% a you problem.
Also, stop driving him to be an alcoholic to deal with your unpleasant bitch face. That affects boners too.
Once again, and pay attention ladies, stop being a bitch, for years at a time so he might consider wasting time loving you.
When a man stops fucking you, you're the reason. That's it. Simple. He doesn't want to fuck you. because you're an ugly bitch, inside and out. But do not every do anything to change that. wink
Ask for one thing at a time Because women are so good at processing information and articulating thoughts, we'll often fire off 10 requests and possible solutions in the one chat. Meanwhile, he's back at point one while you're rattling off number eight.
No you're not, you're describing bitching and moaning about shit you refuse to solve and want him to. He's tired. I know your bullshit paper shuffling job doesn't require a lot. But he did actual work all day, and you drank coffee and moved slightly. He's tired. You're useless and the second he comes home you start being a mega-cunt. That's what you do. That's all you know. Complaining. So you're bitching and requesting things. Do you dumb bitches even realize that when you start tasking a man like a Sim he doesn't find you attractive? We're not your galley slave.
Oh yay! I worked all day, you prepared something microwaved out of a can, and now, yay, I get a bunch of instructions to please you in bed?
What exactly have you done to make my life serene and happy. Mandatory nagging? Go fuck yourself.
Instead say, 'I love it when you kiss my neck' or 'If you don't feel like sex, would it be okay if you gave me oral sex sometimes?'.
Yeah I'll do what I want in bed, it's about time I enjoyed something for once. How about you blow me for once? Just nurse on my limp, ED cock. But no. That would be work on your part, and sex for you is a transactional system for money. It's not like you possess empathy to possibly sacrifice a fucking thing to please a man. What would the collective think?!?!?1 You won't get feminist points otherwise.
Find out what turns him on You already know the answer to that one, right? You sure about that?
You not only don't know what turns a man on, you just don't give a shit. Anything that requires the expenditure of 1 calorie is verboten. You'd have to do sex. And you don't want to do that. You have to like, look pretty, be pleasant, give your man a foot rub when he gets home, pour him a drink, give him a meal, be attractive...
Fuck that noise. You have nagging for more consumerism you don't need. How many bread makers do you really need?
And I'm not talking during the courting phase, I mean after you've been together for ten years. Bitches don't care about your sexual happiness. What they're hoping for is you to have needs and cheat so you can go divorce rape you for your primary desire, money.
Look at his lifestyle He's fine emotionally but nothing's working physically?
Yes, like you care about his emotions of physicality? You care about bank statements. And if he'll die early so you can fuck the tennis pro. You don't care. Let me state it again. You don't care. We know you don't care.
Go fuck yourself.
Get him to cut back on alcohol, quit smoking, exercise, reduce stress wherever possible, get enough sleep. Get him to see a doctor if you think he may be suffering from low testosterone or may need medication. Tracey Cox explains the impact of love and sex hormones
So make him miserable. Drugs and alcohol is his reaction to how horrible you are, because that's all he has left.
So increase nagging 100x. That'll get you laid more.
Whatever you do, never change how you are in a relationship. It's a him problem.
Help him deal with stress rather than add to it
HAHAHAHAHhahahaha. Skip.
Brilliant man. "Go fuck yourself." As articulated by me in my post, The Final Answer: What Is MGTOW? This man gets it.

Overall rating: Bullet Hits The Bone. (I suspect that many of us, too, feel like we've walked into the Twilight Zone. At least, in the initial stages of awakening.)
Some special things to note from this:

Almost overwhelmingly, women are in the biz of counselling (with a few notable exceptions).

Almost overwhelmingly, it's all his fault (no exceptions).

Almost overwhelmingly, women are the cause of divorces (because they truly do not give a shit about sex, except...)

Almost overwhelmingly, women care about sex only as a lever (because once he's no longer interested in fucking her shitty ass, she - and her vagina - has lost the only value it ever had).

DangZagnut - to you I hoist a glass of Grand Marnier. Skoal, brother!


Sitting at the top of a hill.

With a thermos of minestrone soup.

Taking star-shots.

Some things are just purely peaceful. Far away from all distractions, doing things that I enjoy. Nobody bugging me, nobody whining and asking why I do something, nobody telling me that I can't do something.

Find your bit of peace and follow it, whatever it is.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Memes, Oh My!

From a female contact on FaceCrap, the usual list of feelgood crapholio. For more delicious fun, it was disguised as a "buddhist" saying (believe that if you want - it's only teh wimminz who love-love-love lists like this, especially with that sub-rosa copping a passive-aggressive attitude):
I'll admit that it didn't annoy me - I found it mildly amusing, in an "of course, you go girl" manner.

In contrast, here is the MGTOW's simple creed:
Why make it complicated? Meditate upon that as you enjoy your lives away from the plantation, brothers!

Friday, 20 October 2017

Soulless Idiocy

This's gonna make women bleed. Let's have at it.

Over on /r/MGTOW is a post about women having given up two of their three powers over men:
I cannot remember where I came across this concept, but I do recall it and it made a lot of sense...still does. [From memory it was in Anatomy of Female Power by Chinwizu Ibekwe. - BPS]
Women have 3 basic powers over men. Traditionally, those powers were in the form of marriage aka being a wife/mother.
1) The power of the kitchen. Going back as far as tribal time, men have generally provided the food and then allowed women to prepare it. Well, today we know that many women do not cook, and many do not know how to cook. Men are smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds them (women not so much), so by not knowing how to prepare his own food a man is at the mercy of the woman. Today, however, many men know how to cook for themselves and others. Restaurants abound, so a man's need for a woman to feed him is really no longer necessary. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach", they say...
2) The power of the womb. Up to this point only the female can incubate a baby, bring it to term and give it birth. This as we know should change before too much longer, but woman currently still hold this power. You want a baby? Somehow, someway...a woman is going to be involved.
3) The power of the cradle. Traditionally, the tasks involved in taking care of a baby have been placed upon women. Men might hold and interact, but the bulk of the duties were women's work. Today, because of "working moms", divorce, have had to learn how to take care of children, including babies. Now many men can do just fine taking care of a baby without the input of a woman. Times past, feeding the baby belonged to the woman. Now, with formula, men can raise babies into children into adults...without women.
Feed me, have my baby, take care of my baby.
Think about it, Gentlemen, women have already forfeited 2 of the 3 most powerful powers that they had to help keep men "in line". The 3rd will 1 day be snatched from them.
So yes, they have given up the power of the kitchen (by extension, the home) and the power of the cradle (by extension, being someone that their children consider worth loving and looking up to aka respect). The power of the womb may or may not be lost, we will see. (I still wonder if the long-term use of artificial wombs will end up with our destruction.)

Sure, it's a pain in the ass to cook and take care of children and keep the house in shape as well as working.

On the other hand, it's far more of a pain in the ass to have the majority of modern women around. "Lazy parasites" is not hyperbole. With modern conveniences, being a stay-at-home mother is a snap these days. Hell, it's so easy that a working man can do it without a woman around in addition to his own work.

Commentor Mgtow__Monero_XMR puts it very bluntly:
Yep. They forgot that all this time all they ever really wanted was to be at home nurturing children.
But instead of being 'slaves' to their families they have decided it's better to be a slave to the souless corporations that give no fucks about them instead.
But the thing is they fall for it. So the lesson must be learned and I feel no remorse.
Rather than having what is becoming literally the easiest job on the planet (short of lucking out to be a trust-fund baby with the $$$ to outsource any and all parenting duties to a maid etc) they let themselves be convinced by feminists that it was better to join the men in doing the scut-work of keeping civilization going.

To be stressed out and fucked around in the course of being a soulless cog in a soulless corporation, that really only wants to wring out every drop of sweat they can from you, before you're sent out to the knackers pasture at the age of 65. (This assuming that she doesn't do such a shit-awful job that the corporation is forced to hire a man to do her work as well, leaving her in a make-work "job".)

Eventually, as automation really kicks in and takes the majority of jobs away in the next couple of decades, something is going to break. There will be no need for the soulless corporations to have as many employees - and women will be just as much on the chopping-block.

What then, Mz Formerly-Employed Now-Unemployable Strong Empowered Cupcake?

What, you demand Teh Eeevil Menz to step up to the plate for you?

After you've consistently shit on them for the past 20-30 years?

Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Leftist Power

So the closet Commies are in power in New Zealand. Going on past performance this is going to be a nasty three years. Thank you, Winston.

As I said to commentor Ragnar back on my post about the Hillary-Jacinda Effect, I was a bit worried about Winston. He's been known to be an opportunist. Turns out that I was right. I suppose that in retrospect it is not too surprising that the NZ First back-end decided to go with Labour: Winston represents the older, poorer people - and poor people make poor decisions and love having free shit flung their way.

That's the basic modus operandii behind the whole idea of importing 3rd world people and giving them free shit - enticing them to vote for you.

Ancient Chinese curse:
May you live in interesting times
May you come to the attention of powerful people
It will be an interesting time. More free shit for the poor people. I wonder where all that money will come from?

Will we be like the USA, which under Obama slapped another $7.9 trillion on the national debt:

That's quite the poison-pill that you guys got there - especially from Obama, who didn't end up pulling American troops out of the Middle East. Ooops.

I'd like to do a similar graph for New Zealand, can't find the numbers at present. Since this is a long weekend, I have other things to plan for the moment.

It's gonna be an interesting 3 years.

Friday, 13 October 2017

A Society of Cucks

Hold on tight - it's getting very ugly in here. Leftists, feminists, and wimminz - prepare to scream. Cucks - well, I'd say prepare to cut your own balls off, but you already did that. Can't cut off what's already long-gone.

Worst part though: you cuck motherfuckers cut off the balls off every other Man you could, in Western civilization. Legal-wise.

Let's hit it.

Sunrise Hoodie has a good video regarding the realities of marriage, sex, divorce, etc - "Why Wives Are Increasingly Adulterous", which came from a CNN headline:
There's a good amount of interesting thought regarding the modern (inflated) expectations of men/women regarding marriage.

He talks of various things to blame: Hollywood, Shakespeare, Prince Charming, your friendly White Knight motherfucker down the bar, etc. (Note that all of these are cucks in one form or another.) All of these end up causing impossible expectations of:

* shame-free no-fault divorce
* marriage to be filled with hot passion-filled sex for years and years

As he states, this is obviously blown way out of proportion - impossible expectations. As he states (and I can attest to personally in my own marriage) the wild-monkey-sex stage lasts 3 years, tops. After that it's just the same-old-same-old humpy-pumpy. Generally dull. Pretty-much to be expected over time, and people wouldn't have done it (restricting themselves to the same-old-same-old) if there wasn't some very good benefits for doing so.

At least, back when. This no longer applies.

He goes to break down what he thinks marriage is:

* children
* raising those kids in a safe and secure and environment
* for the dismissal of old ways in building new character and long-term benefit
* sex is just a by-product

My opinion: he's right about the first two and the last one. I do not grasp his meaning with regard to "dismissing old ways in building new character". This makes no sense to me - perhaps someone can figure it and explain it in simple one-syllable concepts that I can grasp.

He also mentions listless men who check out of marriage - I don't think that he's entirely correct here. I will address that further down.

At any rate, I dealt with a bunch of this quite some time ago in my post: Back To Basics: What Is Marriage For?

I've also stated at various times that we men did this shit to ourselves. We didn't have to let cupcake go wild. We could have fed the cunt a knuckle sandwich when she opened her mouth. Instead, we threw the cunt a bone - because we were too soft'n'easy on her.

Old joke: "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, she's been told twice already."
We could have still been that. We should still be that.

Because that is what keeps our civilization working, rather than the pussified decline we are going through these days.

Yeah. Instead we went pussified. Which is why we now have things like "Why Wives Are Increasingly Adulterous". Dumb shit being shoved down our throats, by the crap leftist media - who, despite being known fake news, still do a great deal of shaping of the shit-storm hellhole mess which is laughably known as our Western society.

Because wimminz and cucks are too stupid to see reality. Especially when they think that it will ultimately benefit them. Willful blindness, along with lying to yourself, is a real thing.

Hell, I wrote about hypergamy being just a label. Back on that post, RmaxgenactivePUA stated:
Rollo seems to think hypergamy is hard wired & the solution is game ... Don't blame women, its biology, not women being feral backward retards.
As I basically stated back then: when we give it a name and state that it's evolved behavior, we're just throwing out an opportunity for some pussy motherfucker to give cupcake another pussy-pass. A pussy-pass which is currently being force-evolved into another free-for-all-fuckfest of socially-acceptable female adultery.

Frankly: not actually acceptable. PUAs accept it - and condone it - because that gives them the green light to take full advantage of it. Thus, the penchant for fucking married women. (Which I have done myself, in my pre-aware bad-boy stage of life. Fully knowing that she was married. A lot of men may not know, or ever learn.)

From back when:
Going back to inertia. All these sluts and whores flashing their legs, ass, and pussy at a man - if that's all he can see around, he thinks it's normal. The inertia has kicked in. Nobody is restraining such behavior in any manner. Therefore it must be normal. He may as well join in, what the fuck, this is what normal people do.
He becomes crap in his turn. Tattoos. Piercings. What the fuck, there's plenty of examples of it. Those maggots are getting pussy, too. Drama. Horseshit. Sally blurts out that she's pregnant. You're pregnant?! Hey, Sally's knocked up! Holy fuck, I'm leaving town! Whadda ya mean you're leaving town - the whole fucking town is leaving town!
Out comes the sproglet. It looks around. Oh, so this is normal. Suck that thumb kid. Yeah, this is normal.
The cycle of trash goes around.
Cheating. Adultery. Extremely crap behavior. All the new normal. The cycle of trash, going around, trashier and trashier.

Let's look at it on a deeper level, now.

Men as a whole, we did this to ourselves? Yes, in a way.

On a deeper, more detailed level, though - cucks and wimminz as a whole, did it to all and sundry without their actual consent. Because thanks to duh-mock-rah-see (aka mob-rule), the greater number of stupid fuckers who see only short-term gain for themselves went and imposed their will upon everyone else. Because they're too stooooopid to see that fucking with the family unit tears down the civilization/society that we live in and that makes life so much easier for us all.

Yes Men, we can thank teh wimminz and teh cuckz for this situation we are in.

A hundred-plus years ago we could have drop-kicked that cheating slut of an ex-wife out of our lives and made sure that our children at least had the best-chance possible to grow up and become new, worthwhile and decent citizens. All in the name of growing our civilization to the greatest good for ourselves and those around us.

These days, lay a finger on her - you're in jail with your ass getting eyed up by Bubba. Two black eyes for the cheating bitch? Forget it. Kick the cheating bitch's ribs, or head, in? Forget it. Bubba will have your ass for the next 20 years of your life.

Sunrise Hoodie speaks of listless men. In my opinion this is not listless men. This is powerless men.

Put a finger on her - Bubba. She can at any time complain that she's not haaaappy. Upon pain of legal pain, upon pain of taking it up the ass from Bubba, thanks to teh wimminz and teh cuckz, we must take it without the slightest murmur of dissent.

She haz teh powah. False rape accusations. False allegations of domestic/physical abuse. False allegations of emotional(?!) abuse (aka "he refused to buy me that purse and them shoez"). Lie to get a legal injunction against a man. She can emotionally, verbally, and physically abuse any man - period! - and if he lays back into her, "society" (aka the crap-hole created and shaped by wimminz opinions) will lay into him with a red-hot barbwire whip of social ostracism. To start with.

We can push our luck. If we own nothing, feel free to slap her up - she can divorce to her heart's content, ain't gonna get shit. A legal injunction might actually be a relief for you.

However. For those of us who have something. We can go MGTOW. Our only defense, not to play the rigged game. Our only defense, to get the fuck off the plantation. Our only defense, never going back near these crazy cunts.

So teh wimminz are becoming more adulterous. Or more accurately: more openly adulterous.

Most accurately of all: slutting it up because they fuckin' can, and you can't stop 'em - you bastard male piece of shit who wants to hold wimminz back from doing whatever they want, exploring whatever they want, and fucking up their lives however they want.

Because teh cuckz have given her teh pussy pass and the green light to go full-fucking-retard in whatever way she wants. Society (most especially in the form of teh cuckz) will happily pick up the resulting tab from these crazy cunts.

Cucks. You stupid-assed White Knight motherfuckers:
You deserve to be taken for every fuckin' penny.

You will be taken for every fuckin' penny.

And you will like it. Because you're cucks. You're built that way, broken, somewhere deep inside.

Let's describe what might be termed as "the ultimate cuck's endgame".

Currently, the media are pushing the narrative of women becoming more openly promiscuous. Even adulterous. It's becoming more "socially acceptable" for women - even and especially married ones - to fuck around.

Anything to bring spice back to the sex-life, y'know.

I think that within ten years, this is going to become the "new normal". Women will openly fuck around on their men. Hubbies. Boyfriends. Whatever.

She wants to do her Gangbang Barbie, and she will:
Openly. Perhaps even letting her "man"-of-the-moment know the full details.

It might go to the extent of videos, even. "Hey hubzy-cuck, here's the video of me getting gangbanged by fifteen big black cocks this evening. I got blasted in every orifice and all over the face. You will watch it. Now. By the way, I've put it up for all and sundry to watch on Facebook."

The new normal takes hold.

As an anonymous commentor once put it:
...our culture and civilization has been betrayed by women.
And men have a deep revulsion for traitors.
Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Overall Decline

Aaron Clarey slams one out of the park, as he describes the overall decline of Western society:
Like him, I cannot name the latest music. The infiltration of lazy, talentless people is stunning.

A sad look at reality.

Also sad that he felt he had to say "not you" with regard to his viewers. Multiple times. Are people really that soft-minded? To the point where he had to specifically say "not you" so much to his audience?

Note: My personal opinion is that most modern art is crap - perhaps because of the modern mentality of kissing ass. Something about an oral-fecal obsession is "in" these days. As Aaron states, we seem to desire a pursuit of ugliness these days.

The most frightening thought that occurred to me, while watching this?

The Millennials willingly went into a lifetime of crushing debt, to become willingly indoctrinated into their insane mindset.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

A Litany Of Slaughter

So this graphic is doing the rounds at present:
Being a generally skeptical bastard, I decided to do some hunting. I found the same list on Snopes, this has been rejigged.

So then I got into the CDC's website and started looking, first at leading causes of death for 2014 (page 5):

All Deaths - 2,626,418

...of which the top 10 are...

Heart disease - 614,348
Malignant deoplasms - 591,700
Chronic lower respiratory diseases - 147,101
Accidents (unintentional injuries) - 135,928
Cerebrovascular disease - 133,103
Alzheimer's disease - 93,541
Diabetes mellitus - 76,488
Influenza and pneumonia - 55,227
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis - 48,146
Intentional self-harm (suicide) - 42,826

Hmmm. No guns. Let's go looking for guns - Table 18 in the same document (page 87):

All Injuries - 199752

...of which they are broadly split to...

Unintentional - 135,928
Suicide 42,826
Homicide - 15,872
Undetermined - 4,597
Legal intervention/war - 529

Note "legal intervention" - that's where #BlackShitMatters came into being. Fuck off you motherfuckers! Back to guns:

Firearms - 33,594

...split into...

Unintentional - 461
Suicide - 21,386
Homicide - 11,008
Undetermined - 275
Legal intervention/war - 464

Still nothing on abortion. I'm going to have to go hunting for it special.

Here I find it, on the CDC's pages about reproductive health - Abortion Surveillance 2013:

Legally Induced Abortions - 664,435 (from 49 reporting areas)

Note the word legally - there will be a few back-street ones as well, by those who cannot get it legally - not reported of course.

So returning to the original graphic, the numbers should be:

Abortions - 664,435 (2013)
Homicides - 11,008 (2014)

Which makes it 60x more abortions in the USA than there are murders by gun.

Let's control the guns!

This is what you fuckwits get when you listen to the leftist media's bullshit.

Here's a statistic - you are twice as likely to die from gun-suicide than gun-homicide. Prevent suicide! Control the guns!

Unfortunately, only 1/2 of suicides are by gun - there are plenty of other ways to kill yourself as well. [Edited mistake. - BPS]

Brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.

Saturday, 7 October 2017


I bring excellent news for all teh wimminz and cuck-cucks out there, this time from the computer security division of life.
It seems that I am very far behind the curve on this one: the trend to control your sex-toys via low-power (and insecure) Bluetooth technology. What's pictured is the discreet anal version for teh wimminz to use, controllable through their smartphone.

Or maybe through their partner's smartphone, as a variation on sex-fun-play.

According to Bleeping Computer, the security researchers did a wardriving test in San Francisco (they don't say if it was night or day) and found several people who were wearing theirs. Here was where they did the test (looks to be residential):
Given the inherent insecurity of these things, I can imagine the practical joke of the future. At work, triangulate in and find one of your more sexualized female workmates with one of these...wait until she goes into a meeting...dial it up to the hilarity ensue...

Go to a bar, similar...

A sex-toy party, where the female guests are expecting to be randomly stimulated by all and sundry at whim...

Hook some of these up to the internet for random people to "bid" on - highest bidder gets to stimulate the woman involved and watch her reaction via webcam...a variation on voyeurism...

Of course, never forget rule #36 - if it exists, there is porn of it. Perhaps some even home-grown, along the lines of revenge-porn...

You could probably make this into "the ultimate cuck" for the types who like a combination of public-sex and being cuckolded:

Him: "Hi honey, how did it go today at work?"

Her: "It was awesome, I got randomly stimulated fifteen times today!"

Him: "Ohhhhh that makes me so horny..."

Meh. What next? Open fucking in the streets? And there's still one helluva lot lower that we can go, you betcha.

A humorous look at the weird sexual perversions of humanity - brought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™, only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.