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Friday, 13 January 2017

...root of all evil

The beginning bitterness of those who take the so-called Red Pill can take some predictable turns. As we get more used to it, we become more relaxed. Hopefully our minds throw of the reactionary shackles that we place upon ourselves, the unthinking hatreds we take in our bounceback.

For example, over on /r/MGTOW is a man who states that women are the root of all evil:
As the title states. The vast majority of society is blue pill. The life of a blue pill man revolves around women.
From the clothes they wear, to the cars they drive, to the houses they pick, to the wars they start, to the insecure bravado-like behavior they engage in. It all revolves around ONE thing -- attaining women.
Without women, you don't need much money at all. This is why governments and corporations (essentially one-in-the-same) make sure that a man is firmly brainwashed from birth, and that his life revolves around women.
A man whose life revolves around women will be easily controlled, and they will spend a FUCK TON of money. Which is just how they want you.
Without the need to impress women and compete, there would be no insecurities, no wars, a rather peaceful society.
So, you see, it is not money that is the root of all evil. It is women. EVERY decision of the blue pill world can be traced back to attaining the almighty vagina.
He makes exceptionally good points here. Sex sells, 100% agree! Everything - everything! - for the average man revolves around getting access to vagina.

But saying that women are the root of all evil? That's just over the top. Also not 100% truth.

When we stop and take the time to think about it, it's not women per se that are the root of all evil. I would put it differently:
It is the uncontrollable desire for women which is the root of all evil.
This is a more subtle distinction and description of the situation.

As Uncle Bob put it, in classical/biblical terms: greed, lust, and sloth. (He stated exactly this on my post about hypergamy.)

I think it has become time to explore this in more detail.

Greed. This feeds into both lust and sloth. Those who have much (money, in modern terms) have easier access to women. They also have a much easier path through life, so long as they don't waste everything. (All things in moderation.)

Lust. We all lust for our woman - else why the hell are we with her? (This is not a bad thing, either. It is the biological expression of the need to mate, spread our seed, sire the next generation.) Uncontrollable desire is when we go crazy for a particular woman - or conversely, go crazy for multiple women.

(Looked at from this angle, the whole concept of PUA is the development of lust with the object of satiating this lust with multiple women - quality varies. There's another, different view of the mentality of those pushing the PUA agenda. Pushers, suppliers of a drug, attempting to make more addicts to line their pockets.)

Sloth. People are inherently lazy. This manifests in different ways by sex.

In overtly matriarchal/primitive societies, where women choose (barring pillage and rape) the men are generally lazy. This is the source of Camille Paglia's comment "if civilization were up to women we'd be living in grass huts".

In our current covert matriarchy, men's lust is shackled via greed to building up a "safe space" aka civilization for women and children - where the men work hard for access to vagina. The women have become slothful in that they can trade access to their vagina for pretty-much whatever they want. In many cases they can't even be bothered making much effort re the process - any access will do them (another form of sloth).

For examples of greed feeding lust/sloth, see the movies Pretty Woman and Indecent Proposal. Especially think about Indecent Proposal - when you think about it, quite a "red pill" movie. For a million dollars cash under the table, what would a woman not do?

I know a fresh-faced 18yo, fuckin' gorgeous, who flat out states: "I'm not a prostitute but 50 bucks is 50 bucks." She laughs about it. She's well on her way to being a Dubai Porta-Potty. The degree is the only difference. (Ah, nostalgia...I can't help but feel a little sad for this 18yo...I know, stupidly sentimental unicorn-chasing of me. Especially when she did it to herself.)

Bought to you by Crap-Colored Glasses™ - only $1k the pair and cheap at 10x the price.
Tonight, I will hoist yet another quiet glass of Grand Marnier to an old friend. I wrote about Ray and his parasite a while back, how I expected him to have a breakdown and/or kill himself.

Well, he had a breakdown early last year - it bought him a little time, I believe. Unfortunately, it wasn't time enough or enough of a wakeup to make him sort out his bitch-problem.

More recently, a few weeks before Christmas last year, he killed himself. (A stupid farmer's "accident" with a tractor. He knew way, way better than to do that. Deep down, he did not want to live.)

Goodbye, Ray. A sad waste and a sad ending. You will be missed for the good times we had.

Monday, 2 January 2017


Whether a mouse or a man, every animal fears a trap. It's survival. The living cannot thrive in shackles. Whenever, wherever, freedom fades - tension and fear rise.

But then, we all know the social tyranny - the social trap - that we Men labor under.

A trap needn't be steel jaws crushing a rabbit's leg. It can be a web of deceit and lies - a plot of tricks and betrayals that strip us of our defenses and even our illusions of defenses one by one.

Until you find that not only is #pizzagate real, the ones you were relying upon to uncover the truth were actually up to their necks in it all along, and that not only have you not trusted the media for years but you no longer know *who* to trust in a world where everything can be retconned to the point where you begin to doubt your own memories and mind and sanity...gaslighting psyops at their finest...
---edit, missed putting this bit in - BPS---
Take this scenario. A very well-known public figure, accused of selling state secrets, hiding their corruption by funnelling all correspondence through a secret email server, with hints of involvement in a major pedophile ring, who is exonerated (twice) by the secret service of the country where they live. Keep in mind that the said public figure has at least some influence over the secret service.

Sound familiar?

Shackles of believing the lies of others, shackles of not knowing who to believe and so believing nobody, shackles imposed by others or yourself. There's no difference. Eventually you cut your own foot off in the vain attempt to become free. And when there's no freedom to be found?

John B. Calhoun in 1968, the infamous Mouse Utopia experiment:
In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the Utopian universe. The universe was a 9-foot (2.7 m) square metal pen with 4.5-foot-high (1.4 m) sides. Each side had four groups of four vertical, wire mesh “tunnels.” The “tunnels” gave access to nesting boxes, food hoppers, and water dispensers. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators. The only adversity was the limit on space.
I do wonder about the possibilities of inbreeding affecting the result.
After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed “the beautiful ones.” Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
Will this be our fate? Who knows? I begin to think it unlikely, though - despite the so-called "herbivore men" in Japan acting like the male mice in the above experiment.

Humanity does tend to fight itself. As a species we've always been open to stealing stuff from each other, taking what others have put together, killing others if they protest. Or killing those who attempt to steal from us.

Despite civilization being put together to keep those tendencies overtly in check, there have always been criminals with us. Thugs, rapists, thieves, highwaymen, mafia, tongs. You name it, they're out there - and they're not going away. Even many of our so-called "enlightened leaders" are sub-rosa nothing less than rapacious.

Hell, we're preparing for another bout of this now. The brightest and most competent are refusing to breed because of the existential misery they're in. While hordes of single mommies are busy popping out thugspawn in their vain effort to self-medicate the modern social hell we are in away. Coupled with a lack of adequate civilizing influence, these thugspawn drop to the lowest common denominator of social constructs: the gang.

Is there a new world-war on the horizon? Perhaps, starting with the destruction of either Europe or the Middle East. In a way it's long overdue: time to relieve some major tensions by killing everything that is the Other. Especially the "racist" Other that is delighting in the destruction of our women and children.

Or perhaps not. If sanity can prevail (which we look to be striving for) then perhaps we can simply push the Other back into their own spaces and only kill them if they attempt to kill or overrun us. The West now appears to be pushing back against the insanely self-destructive leftist and feminist zeitgeist which has been running riot ruining us.

In the old days, civilization in the form of the British Empire pushed back against the criminals. They could have slaughtered them (and often did hang the worst) - yet many were deported to Australia. Other malcontents voluntarily went to America and Australia and New Zealand, seeking better lives. Similar separation between desirables and undesirables can be done in the modern times.

In America, just throw all the leftists and crazies into California. Or into the major cities. An informal self-segregation of the sane from the insane has already happened in many cases.

Perhaps it needs to be more formalized.